Basic Graphics Programming With The XCB Library (2024)

Allocating a Graphics Context

As we said, a graphical context defines several attributes to be used with the various drawing functions. For this, we define a graphical context. We can use more than one graphical context with a single window, in order to draw in multiple styles (different colors, different line widths, etc). In XCB, a Graphics Context is, as a window, characterized by an Id:

typedef uint32_t xcb_gcontext_t;

We first ask the X server to attribute an Id to our graphic context with this function:

xcb_gcontext_t xcb_generate_id (xcb_connection_t *c);

Then, we set the attributes of the graphic context with this function:

xcb_void_cookie_t xcb_create_gc (xcb_connection_t *c, xcb_gcontext_t cid, xcb_drawable_t drawable, uint32_t value_mask, const uint32_t *value_list);

We give now an example on how to allocate a graphic context that specifies that each drawing function that uses it will draw in foreground with a black color.

#include <xcb/xcb.h>intmain (){ xcb_connection_t *c; xcb_screen_t *screen; xcb_drawable_t win; xcb_gcontext_t black; uint32_t mask; uint32_t value[1]; /* Open the connection to the X server and get the first screen */ c = xcb_connect (NULL, NULL); screen = xcb_setup_roots_iterator (xcb_get_setup (c)).data; /* Create a black graphic context for drawing in the foreground */ win = screen->root; black = xcb_generate_id (c); mask = XCB_GC_FOREGROUND; value[0] = screen->black_pixel; xcb_create_gc (c, black, win, mask, value); return 0;}

Note should be taken regarding the role of "value_mask" and "value_list" in the prototype of xcb_create_gc(). Since a graphic context has many attributes, and since we often just want to define a few of them, we need to be able to tell the xcb_create_gc() which attributes we want to set. This is what the "value_mask" parameter is for. We then use the "value_list" parameter to specify actual values for the attribute we defined in "value_mask". Thus, for each constant used in "value_list", we will use the matching constant in "value_mask". In this case, we define a graphic context with one attribute: when drawing (a point, a line, etc), the foreground color will be black. The rest of the attributes of this graphic context will be set to their default values.

See the next Subsection for more details.

Comparison Xlib/XCB

  • XCreateGC ()
  • xcb_generate_id ()
  • xcb_create_gc ()

Changing the attributes of a Graphics Context

Once we have allocated a Graphic Context, we may need to change its attributes (for example, changing the foreground color we use to draw a line, or changing the attributes of the font we use to display strings. See Subsections Drawing with a color and Assigning a Font to a Graphic Context). This is done by using this function:

xcb_void_cookie_t xcb_change_gc (xcb_connection_t *c, /* The XCB Connection */ xcb_gcontext_t gc, /* The Graphic Context */ uint32_t value_mask, /* Components of the Graphic Context that have to be set */ const uint32_t *value_list); /* Value as specified by value_mask */

The value_mask parameter could take any combination of these masks from the xcb_gc_t enumeration:


It is possible to set several attributes at the same time (for example setting the attributes of a font and the color which will be used to display a string), by OR'ing these values in value_mask. Then value_list has to be an array which lists the value for the respective attributes. These values must be in the same order as masks listed above. See Subsection Drawing with a color to have an example.

TODO: set the links of the 3 subsections, once they will be written :)

TODO: give an example which sets several attributes.

Drawing primitives: point, line, box, circle,...

After we have created a Graphic Context, we can draw on a window using this Graphic Context, with a set of XCB functions, collectively called "drawing primitives". Let see how they are used.

To draw a point, or several points, we use

xcb_void_cookie_t xcb_poly_point (xcb_connection_t *c, /* The connection to the X server */ uint8_t coordinate_mode, /* Coordinate mode, usually set to XCB_COORD_MODE_ORIGIN */ xcb_drawable_t drawable, /* The drawable on which we want to draw the point(s) */ xcb_gcontext_t gc, /* The Graphic Context we use to draw the point(s) */ uint32_t points_len, /* The number of points */ const xcb_point_t *points); /* An array of points */

The coordinate_mode parameter specifies the coordinate mode. Available values are


If XCB_COORD_MODE_PREVIOUS is used, then all points but the first one are relative to the immediately previous point.

The xcb_point_t type is just a structure with two fields (the coordinates of the point):

typedef struct { int16_t x; int16_t y;} xcb_point_t;

You could see an example in xpoints.c. TODO Set the link.

To draw a line, or a polygonal line, we use

xcb_void_cookie_t xcb_poly_line (xcb_connection_t *c, /* The connection to the X server */ uint8_t coordinate_mode, /* Coordinate mode, usually set to XCB_COORD_MODE_ORIGIN */ xcb_drawable_t drawable, /* The drawable on which we want to draw the line(s) */ xcb_gcontext_t gc, /* The Graphic Context we use to draw the line(s) */ uint32_t points_len, /* The number of points in the polygonal line */ const xcb_point_t *points); /* An array of points */

This function will draw the line between the first and the second points, then the line between the second and the third points, and so on.

To draw a segment, or several segments, we use

xcb_void_cookie_t xcb_poly_segment (xcb_connection_t *c, /* The connection to the X server */ xcb_drawable_t drawable, /* The drawable on which we want to draw the segment(s) */ xcb_gcontext_t gc, /* The Graphic Context we use to draw the segment(s) */ uint32_t segments_len, /* The number of segments */ const xcb_segment_t *segments); /* An array of segments */

The xcb_segment_t type is just a structure with four fields (the coordinates of the two points that define the segment):

typedef struct { int16_t x1; int16_t y1; int16_t x2; int16_t y2;} xcb_segment_t;

To draw a rectangle, or several rectangles, we use

xcb_void_cookie_t xcb_poly_rectangle (xcb_connection_t *c, /* The connection to the X server */ xcb_drawable_t drawable, /* The drawable on which we want to draw the rectangle(s) */ xcb_gcontext_t gc, /* The Graphic Context we use to draw the rectangle(s) */ uint32_t rectangles_len, /* The number of rectangles */ const xcb_rectangle_t *rectangles); /* An array of rectangles */

The xcb_rectangle_t type is just a structure with four fields (the coordinates of the top-left corner of the rectangle, and its width and height):

typedef struct { int16_t x; int16_t y; uint16_t width; uint16_t height;} xcb_rectangle_t;

To draw an elliptical arc, or several elliptical arcs, we use

xcb_void_cookie_t xcb_poly_arc (xcb_connection_t *c, /* The connection to the X server */ xcb_drawable_t drawable, /* The drawable on which we want to draw the arc(s) */ xcb_gcontext_t gc, /* The Graphic Context we use to draw the arc(s) */ uint32_t arcs_len, /* The number of arcs */ const xcb_arc_t *arcs); /* An array of arcs */

The xcb_arc_t type is a structure with six fields:

typedef struct { int16_t x; /* Top left x coordinate of the rectangle surrounding the ellipse */ int16_t y; /* Top left y coordinate of the rectangle surrounding the ellipse */ uint16_t width; /* Width of the rectangle surrounding the ellipse */ uint16_t height; /* Height of the rectangle surrounding the ellipse */ int16_t angle1; /* Angle at which the arc begins */ int16_t angle2; /* Angle at which the arc ends */} xcb_arc_t;

Note: the angles are expressed in units of 1/64 of a degree, so to have an angle of 90 degrees, starting at 0, angle1 = 0 and angle2 = 90 << 6. Positive angles indicate counterclockwise motion, while negative angles indicate clockwise motion.

The corresponding function which fill inside the geometrical object are listed below, without further explanation, as they are used as the above functions.

To Fill a polygon defined by the points given as arguments , we use

xcb_void_cookie_t xcb_fill_poly (xcb_connection_t *c, xcb_drawable_t drawable, xcb_gcontext_t gc, uint8_t shape, uint8_t coordinate_mode, uint32_t points_len, const xcb_point_t *points);

The shape parameter specifies a shape that helps the server to improve performance. Available values are


To fill one or several rectangles, we use

xcb_void_cookie_t xcb_poly_fill_rectangle (xcb_connection_t *c, xcb_drawable_t drawable, xcb_gcontext_t gc, uint32_t rectangles_len, const xcb_rectangle_t *rectangles);

To fill one or several arcs, we use

xcb_void_cookie_t xcb_poly_fill_arc (xcb_connection_t *c, xcb_drawable_t drawable, xcb_gcontext_t gc, uint32_t arcs_len, const xcb_arc_t *arcs);

To illustrate these functions, here is an example that draws four points, a polygonal line, two segments, two rectangles and two arcs. Remark that we use events for the first time, as an introduction to the next section.

TODO: Use screen->root_depth for depth parameter.

#include <stdlib.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <xcb/xcb.h>intmain (){ xcb_connection_t *c; xcb_screen_t *screen; xcb_drawable_t win; xcb_gcontext_t foreground; xcb_generic_event_t *e; uint32_t mask = 0; uint32_t values[2]; /* geometric objects */ xcb_point_t points[] = { {10, 10}, {10, 20}, {20, 10}, {20, 20}}; xcb_point_t polyline[] = { {50, 10}, { 5, 20}, /* rest of points are relative */ {25,-20}, {10, 10}}; xcb_segment_t segments[] = { {100, 10, 140, 30}, {110, 25, 130, 60}}; xcb_rectangle_t rectangles[] = { { 10, 50, 40, 20}, { 80, 50, 10, 40}}; xcb_arc_t arcs[] = { {10, 100, 60, 40, 0, 90 << 6}, {90, 100, 55, 40, 0, 270 << 6}}; /* Open the connection to the X server */ c = xcb_connect (NULL, NULL); /* Get the first screen */ screen = xcb_setup_roots_iterator (xcb_get_setup (c)).data; /* Create black (foreground) graphic context */ win = screen->root; foreground = xcb_generate_id (c); mask = XCB_GC_FOREGROUND | XCB_GC_GRAPHICS_EXPOSURES; values[0] = screen->black_pixel; values[1] = 0; xcb_create_gc (c, foreground, win, mask, values); /* Ask for our window's Id */ win = xcb_generate_id(c); /* Create the window */ mask = XCB_CW_BACK_PIXEL | XCB_CW_EVENT_MASK; values[0] = screen->white_pixel; values[1] = XCB_EVENT_MASK_EXPOSURE; xcb_create_window (c, /* Connection */ XCB_COPY_FROM_PARENT, /* depth */ win, /* window Id */ screen->root, /* parent window */ 0, 0, /* x, y */ 150, 150, /* width, height */ 10, /* border_width */ XCB_WINDOW_CLASS_INPUT_OUTPUT, /* class */ screen->root_visual, /* visual */ mask, values); /* masks */ /* Map the window on the screen */ xcb_map_window (c, win); /* We flush the request */ xcb_flush (c); while ((e = xcb_wait_for_event (c))) { switch (e->response_type & ~0x80) { case XCB_EXPOSE: { /* We draw the points */ xcb_poly_point (c, XCB_COORD_MODE_ORIGIN, win, foreground, 4, points); /* We draw the polygonal line */ xcb_poly_line (c, XCB_COORD_MODE_PREVIOUS, win, foreground, 4, polyline); /* We draw the segements */ xcb_poly_segment (c, win, foreground, 2, segments); /* We draw the rectangles */ xcb_poly_rectangle (c, win, foreground, 2, rectangles); /* We draw the arcs */ xcb_poly_arc (c, win, foreground, 2, arcs); /* We flush the request */ xcb_flush (c); break; } default: { /* Unknown event type, ignore it */ break; } } /* Free the Generic Event */ free (e); } return 0;}
Basic Graphics Programming With The XCB Library (2024)


What is the XCB library? ›

XCB (X protocol C-language Binding) is a library implementing the client-side of the X11 display server protocol. XCB is written in the C programming language and distributed under the MIT License. The project was started in 2001 by Bart Massey and aims to replace Xlib.

What is the basic Python graphics library? ›

The package is a simple object oriented graphics library designed to make it very easy for novice programmers to experiment with computer graphics in an object oriented fashion.

What does XCB do? ›

XCB has been created to eliminate the need for programs to actually implement the X protocol layer. This library gives a program a very low-level access to any X server. Since the protocol is standardized, a client using any implementation of XCB may talk with any X server (the same occurs for Xlib, of course).

What is XCB in C? ›

XCB is intended to be a simpler and more direct binding of protocol objects to C functions; careful design of the XCB API and internal data structures and thorough modularization provides a solution that is size and time efficient, maintain-able, easy to use both by single-threaded and multi-threaded applications and ...

What is the difference between X11 and Xlib? ›

Xlib (which has the shared object name libX11 ) is just one of the libraries in the X Window System. It's a basic wrapper around the client side of the X11 protocol. Almost all X client use this library (many of them indirectly through higher-level libraries). The "X Window System version 11" is the whole shebang.

What is XCB in Ubuntu? ›

DESCRIPTION. Xcb provides easy access to the cut buffers built into every X server. It allows the buffers to be manipulated either via the command line, or with the mouse in a point and click manner. The buffers can be used as holding pens to store and retrieve arbitrary data fragments.

What is the easiest GUI library for Python? ›

In fact, PySimpleGUI might be the easiest Python GUI framework on the market. So, if you have a number of new Python developers, this might be the perfect framework to get them started. One thing to keep in mind with PySimpleGUI is that it relies on other frameworks, specifically Qt, Tkinter, wxPython, and Remi.

What is the easiest Python graphing library? ›

Plotly. The most popular data visualization library in Python is Plotly, which delivers an interactive plot and is easily readable to beginners. It is widely used for handling financial, geographical, statistical, and scientific data. Its robust API functions effectively in both local and web browser modes.

Can you code graphics with Python? ›

GraphWin is a simplified graphics class in, which supports creating a graphics window and drawing a number of geometric objects such as Point, Circle, Oval, Line, Rectangle, and Text box. The objects can be given a color for the outline or be filled with a color.

What is the XCB plugin? ›

On Linux, the xcb QPA (Qt Platform Abstraction) platform plugin is used. It provides the basic functionality needed by Qt GUI and Qt Widgets to run against X11. Its library dependencies are described the following table.

Should I use Xlib or XCB? ›

XCB is not only lighter, it's also faster. XCB has a slightly lower-level API than Xlib, its function are generated directly from the X protocol descriptions, it maps directly. There are separate functions to put the requests into the outgoing buffer and one to read the result back from the buffer asynchronously.

What is libxcb in Linux? ›

The libxcb package provides an interface to the X Window System protocol, which replaces the current Xlib interface. Xlib can also use XCB as a transport layer, allowing software to make requests and receive responses with both. This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS 11.3 platform.

What is the carrot symbol in C? ›

The symbol ^ has many uses in programming languages, where it is typically called a caret. It can signify exponentiation, the bitwise XOR operator, string concatenation, and control characters in caret notation, among other uses.

What does '|' do in C? ›

'|' is bit-wise OR operator in C. It does bit-wise OR between two values and return the final value.

What is C logarithm? ›

Logarithmic function in 'c' language

these functions are under math. h. In general log(x) i.e ln(x) and log10(x) these are two types of logarithm.In C language function is available for both of these. so that we can use mathematical terms effectively. log(x) is natural logarithm.

What is the GCU library used for? ›

Grand Canyon University's (GCU) library serves as the foundation of academic support for all learning and research pursuits of GCU students, faculty and staff.

What is the library in the Last Crusade? ›

The exterior shots of the library are actually the Church of San Barnaba in Venice, located in the neighborhood of Campo San Barnaba, west of the Grand Canal. The novelization of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade identifies the building as that of Marciana Library on Piazza San Marco.

What is the mysterious library? ›

The Mysterious Library had a collection of special books. They provided REAL adventures for the readers who became a character of the story. They could train dragons, search for treasures, sail on the Nile, all this for a library fee of a few cents. One day an inventor came to make experiments with the books: Mr.

What is the Vatican Library? ›

The Vatican Apostolic Library (Latin: Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana, Italian: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana), more commonly known as the Vatican Library or informally as the Vat, is the library of the Holy See, located in Vatican City, and is the city-state's national library.


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