Human Resources and Employment Relations (HRER): Loyola University Chicago (2024)

Human Resources and Employment Relations (HRER): Loyola University Chicago (1)


2024-2025 CATALOG

The Academic Catalog is the official listing of courses, programs of study, academic policies and degree requirements for Loyola University Chicago. It is published every year in advance of the next academic year.


Course Descriptions


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HRER 301Principles of HR Management(3 Credit Hours)

Pre-requisites: Sophom*ore standing

This course provides an overview of the various functional areas within the field of human resource management for those who will be working in general management positions as well as in the human resources function. Topics will follow a logical sequence beginning with pre-employment planning and continuing through organizational exit. Specifically, topics will include forecasting human resource needs, employee recruitment and selection, training, performance evaluation, wage and salary administration, collective bargaining, legal constraints on personnel practices and organizational exit.

Course equivalencies: HRER301/HRER 375

HRER 311Employment Relations(3 Credit Hours)

Pre-requisites: Junior Standing, C- or better in HRER301

This course provides an introduction to employee relations, and how companies, labor unions, human resources professionals and the law shape the contemporary relationship between employees and their employers in the United States.

Course equivalencies: MGMT311/HRER311

Students will demonstrate how management representatives, unions, and government dynamically interact to provide employees voice, balance group interests and power, and resolve workplace conflict


Students will demonstrate how management representatives, unions, and government dynamically interact to provide employees voice, balance group interests and power, and resolve workplace conflict

HRER 313Compensation Management(3 Credit Hours)

Pre-requisites: Junior standing; C- or better in ISSCM241 or ISSCM241H or STAT103; and C- or better in HRER301

This course examines reward policies, programs and practices over such matters as base-pay, employee benefits and incentive in private and public organizations.

Course equivalencies: MGMT313/HRER313

Students will learn how to design and implement reward programs that will give their employers a competitive advantage; to resolve compensation problems from both a human resource professional and managerial perspective; and to negotiate fair pay packages with their employers; Students will improve their team leadership, analytical and writing skills


Students will learn how to design and implement reward programs that will give their employers a competitive advantage; to resolve compensation problems from both a human resource professional and managerial perspective; and to negotiate fair pay packages with their employers; Students will improve their team leadership, analytical and writing skills

HRER 317Human Resource Staffing(3 Credit Hours)

Pre-requisites: Junior Standing, "C-" or better in HRER301

This course covers topics related to organizational staffing, including job analysis, forecasting, use of biographical information, interviewing, statistical analysis, performance evaluation and legal issues related to selection.

Course equivalencies: MGMT317/HRER317

Students will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for the development, implementation and evaluation of a staffing system


Students will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for the development, implementation and evaluation of a staffing system

HRER 322Human Resource Development(3 Credit Hours)

Pre-requisites: Junior Standing, "C-" or better in HRER301

This course examines how organizations develop employees with the technical, interpersonal and leadership skills to be effective in their jobs. The course will incorporate training, development, and performance management topics.

Students will learn how to conduct a training needs assessment, set learning objectives, establish evaluation criteria, select the best instructional methods, conduct a training program and evaluate the impact of the program on the learner and organization; Students will also improve their presentation, team leadership, analytical and writing skills


Students will learn how to conduct a training needs assessment, set learning objectives, establish evaluation criteria, select the best instructional methods, conduct a training program and evaluate the impact of the program on the learner and organization; Students will also improve their presentation, team leadership, analytical and writing skills

HRER 325Global Employment Relations(3 Credit Hours)

Pre-requisites: Junior Standing, C- or better in HRER301

This course has two basic objectives: to familiarize students with different employment relations systems in advanced industrial economies in North America, Europe, and Asia; and to introduce students to labor problems associated with a global economy (e.g., sweatshops, child labor, slavery and other coercive labor systems) and to proposed approaches to redressing these problems (e.g., transnational institutions like the ILO, trade agreements, voluntary codes of conduct, labor unions).

Interdisciplinary Option: International Business

HRER 329Global HR and Organizational Behavior(3 Credit Hours)

Pre-requisites: Junior standing, C- or better in HRER301 or MGMT201

This course provides an understanding of the critical roles of Human Resource professionals throughout the strategic globalization process. The course will also teach one to become aware of cross-cultural issues that affect organizational dynamics and behaviors central to management processes, such as staffing, motivation, negotiation, communication, and leadership.

Interdisciplinary Option: International Business

HRER 364Negotiations for HR Professionals(3 Credit Hours)

Pre-requisites: Junior standing; minimum grade of "C-" in MGMT201

It is generally accepted that a manager spends some 60% of his or her time involved in some form of conflict management and negotiations regarding these five (5) primary functions of any enterprise: (1) human capital (i.e., managing workers); (2) finance (3) service and production (4) vendors and suppliers and (5) general government relations, regulations and public relations (for example labor and employment laws).

HRER 395Independent Study in Human Resources and Employment Relations(1-3 Credit Hours)

Pre-requisites: Junior Standing, C- or better in HRER301, department consent required

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HRER 399Special Topics in Human Resources and Employment Relations(1-3 Credit Hours)

Pre-requisites: Junior Standing , C- or better in HRER301

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HRER 413Compensation(3 Credit Hours)

This course examines wage and salary policies and programs in private and public organizations. Legislative and social issues affecting pay decisions, and the alignment of pay policies with the business strategy and other human resource programs are covered.

Course equivalencies: HRIR413/HRER413

Students will learn how to design and implement compensation policies and programs that will give their employers a competitive advantage; resolve compensation problems from both a human resource professional and managerial perspective; and create pay policies that are perceived as just and equitable; Students will improve their team leadership, analytical and writing skills


Students will learn how to design and implement compensation policies and programs that will give their employers a competitive advantage; resolve compensation problems from both a human resource professional and managerial perspective; and create pay policies that are perceived as just and equitable; Students will improve their team leadership, analytical and writing skills

HRER 415Internship(1 Credit Hour)

An internship provides the student with direct exposure to human resources and/or industrial relations functions as they are practiced in the real world.

Course equivalencies: HRIR415/HRER415

Students will learn to practically apply the concepts and theories learned in the classroom to a real organizational work environment


Students will learn to practically apply the concepts and theories learned in the classroom to a real organizational work environment

HRER 417Managing and Motivating in the Workplace(3 Credit Hours)

The course primarily explores the structure and function of human behavior in organizations. Students will be introduced to the principles of theory of perception, motivation, decision-making, job and organizational design as they relate to organizational realities such as power, politics and change.

Course equivalencies: CORD/HRIR/TRDV/HRER417/MGMT470

Students will gain a better understanding of both individual and group behavior in organizational settings and will be able to view organizational change through globalization, diversity, technology and ethics


Students will gain a better understanding of both individual and group behavior in organizational settings and will be able to view organizational change through globalization, diversity, technology and ethics

HRER 417BManaging and Motivating in the Workplace(3 Credit Hours)

Pre-requisites: Restricted to MBA Baumhart Scholars students

This course explores the structure and function of human behavior in organizations with a special focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion and on change management.

Students will gain a better understanding of both individual and group behavior in organizational settings and will be able to view organizational change through globalization, diversity, technology and ethics


Students will gain a better understanding of both individual and group behavior in organizational settings and will be able to view organizational change through globalization, diversity, technology and ethics

HRER 417NManaging and Motivating in the Workplace(3 Credit Hours)

Pre-requisites: Graduate School of Business Student

Students research a global HR challenge and develop written and oral communications focused on resolving the challenge that are presented to an executive panel at the end of the class. Students lead multiple in-class presentations and case analysis writing. Readings provide insight on building an inclusive work environment and resolving conflict.

Global Perspective & Awareness of Diversity: developing a global perspective and appreciating diversity, including culture, race, religion, and gender; Communication Skills: communicating effectively in an oral and written manner


Global Perspective & Awareness of Diversity: developing a global perspective and appreciating diversity, including culture, race, religion, and gender; Communication Skills: communicating effectively in an oral and written manner

HRER 418Human Resources Law(3 Credit Hours)

This course will introduce students, by a combination of statutory case law analysis and readings, to the substantive case law in the area of employee-employer relations' law. The statutes and case law encompass the following: National Labor Relations Act, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Civil Rights Act of 1991, Illinois Human Rights Act, and Illinois Employment Law Statutes and Regulations.

Course equivalencies: HRIR418/HRER418

The primary purpose of this course is to introduce graduate students to a practical examination of the principles of "employee-employer" relations law, also called human resources law or personnel law; Students will be exposed to the principal theories, policies and literature concerning the relevant federal and state (Illinois) court case law and government regulations of the employee-employer relationship in primarily the private sector


The primary purpose of this course is to introduce graduate students to a practical examination of the principles of "employee-employer" relations law, also called human resources law or personnel law; Students will be exposed to the principal theories, policies and literature concerning the relevant federal and state (Illinois) court case law and government regulations of the employee-employer relationship in primarily the private sector

HRER 422Global HR Management(3 Credit Hours)

This course examines the critical roles of Human Resource professionals throughout the strategic globalization process, as well as the cross-cultural issues that affect organizational dynamics and behaviors central to Human Resource processes, such as staffing, training, motivation, negotiation, team building, and communication.

Course equivalencies: HRIR422/TRDV422/HRER422

To survey the three types of topics covered by the field of Global HRM: of human resources in global corporations; 2. management of expatriate employees; 3. comparison of HRM practices in a variety of different countries: To consider special topics at the forefront of global HR, such as effects of NAFTA and the European Union, global ethics, and critiques of globalization


To survey the three types of topics covered by the field of Global HRM: of human resources in global corporations; 2. management of expatriate employees; 3. comparison of HRM practices in a variety of different countries: To consider special topics at the forefront of global HR, such as effects of NAFTA and the European Union, global ethics, and critiques of globalization

HRER 429Human Resource Development(3 Credit Hours)

This course examines how organizations develop employees with the appropriate technical, interpersonal and leadership skills to be effective in their jobs.

Students will learn how to conduct a training needs assessment, set learning objectives, establish evaluation criteria, select the best instructional methods, and to evaluate the impact of the program on the employee and organization; In addition to conducting formal training programs, students will learn how to use career planning, job rotation and performance feedback to develop employees and themselves; Students will improve their presentation, team leadership, analytical and writing skills


Students will learn how to conduct a training needs assessment, set learning objectives, establish evaluation criteria, select the best instructional methods, and to evaluate the impact of the program on the employee and organization; In addition to conducting formal training programs, students will learn how to use career planning, job rotation and performance feedback to develop employees and themselves; Students will improve their presentation, team leadership, analytical and writing skills

HRER 430Leading Change in Organizations(3 Credit Hours)

The course focuses on enhancing managers' capabilities in integrating strategic issues with "people" issues, enabling them to effectively implement change initiatives within diverse global environments.

Course equivalencies: X - MGMT472 / HRER430

Students will learn fundamental principles, theories, and generalizations needed for competent approaches to implement organizational change that prioritizes managing the "people" aspects of change, as participants or managerial change agents


Students will learn fundamental principles, theories, and generalizations needed for competent approaches to implement organizational change that prioritizes managing the "people" aspects of change, as participants or managerial change agents

HRER 433Group Process and Facilitation(3 Credit Hours)

This course focuses on major concepts of group development and group dynamics. Other topics of discussion include communication patterns, authority relations, leadership, norms, stages of group behaviors, paradoxes of group life, and self-awareness within group settings.

Course equivalencies: HRIR433/HRER433

Students learn the various tools and techniques of process consultation and also gain knowledge and competence for working with groups; The course combines cognitive and conceptual materials with experienced-based learning


Students learn the various tools and techniques of process consultation and also gain knowledge and competence for working with groups; The course combines cognitive and conceptual materials with experienced-based learning

HRER 442Global Overseas Seminar(3 Credit Hours)

This course examines cross-cultural human resources topics both within the business organization and across the global marketplace.

Course equivalencies: X-CORD442/HRIR442/HRER442

HRER 452Human Resources Information Systems(3 Credit Hours)

Pre-requisites: Graduate School of Business student

This course offers an in-depth look into the processes involved in implementing an HRIS and how to use analytics to drive key business decisions.

Course equivalencies: HRIR452/HRER452

Understand how to prioritize needs, implement, and use HRIS to support business decisions; Learn basic programming for analytics


Understand how to prioritize needs, implement, and use HRIS to support business decisions; Learn basic programming for analytics

HRER 453Incentive Pay and Employee Benefit Programs(3 Credit Hours)

This course examines incentive pay and employee benefit programs in private and public organizations. Program design and the alignment of incentive pay and benefit programs with business strategy and human resource programs are covered.

Course equivalencies: HRIR453/HRER453

Students will learn to design and implement incentive pay and employee benefit programs that will give their employers a competitive advantage and be perceived as equitable among employees; Students will improve their team leadership, analytical and writing skills


Students will learn to design and implement incentive pay and employee benefit programs that will give their employers a competitive advantage and be perceived as equitable among employees; Students will improve their team leadership, analytical and writing skills

HRER 462Employment Relations(3 Credit Hours)

This course examines critical labor laws in the United States and the structure and function of our employment relations system.

Course equivalencies: HRIR462/HRER462

Students will demonstrate understanding of basic case law in the field of labor relations and how unions, management representatives, and government dynamically interact to provide employee representation, balance group interests, and ideally avoid disruptive workplace conflict


Students will demonstrate understanding of basic case law in the field of labor relations and how unions, management representatives, and government dynamically interact to provide employee representation, balance group interests, and ideally avoid disruptive workplace conflict

HRER 463Staffing(3 Credit Hours)

This course provides an overview of staffing processes in organizations, with an emphasis on recruitment and selection procedures. Other topics of discussion include legal and strategic issues in staffing, and relevant statistical concepts.

Course equivalencies: HRIR463/HRER463

Students will become comfortable with the entire staffing process and be able to design and implement cutting-edge staffing systems, with an emphasis on business strategy


Students will become comfortable with the entire staffing process and be able to design and implement cutting-edge staffing systems, with an emphasis on business strategy

HRER 490Analytical Problem Solving(3 Credit Hours)

This course is designed as an introductory graduate level course in analytical problem solving, another name for research methods, and design. A basic understanding of - and general familiarity with fundamentals of statistical concepts is assumed. However, where necessary, we will revisit these concepts briefly. Of course, this is not a course in statistics.

Course equivalencies: HRIR490/HRER490

HRER 498Independent Study(3-6 Credit Hours)

Student will conduct in-depth research or reading, initiated by the student and jointly developed with a faculty member, into a specialized area of human resources not otherwise covered by department course offerings.

Course equivalencies: HRIR498/HRER498

Students will be able to demonstrate in-depth understanding of a specialized area or topic in human resources management


Students will be able to demonstrate in-depth understanding of a specialized area or topic in human resources management

HRER 500Special Topics in Human Resources and Employment Relations(3 Credit Hours)

This course engages students in a chosen Special Topic in HRER.

Course equivalencies: HRIR500/HRER500

In-depth understanding of a special topic in the area of HRER


In-depth understanding of a special topic in the area of HRER

HRER 501Performance Management(3 Credit Hours)

Designed to provide both current and future managers an in-depth understanding of performance appraisals and related issues, this course also emphasizes on goal-setting, feedback and the rating process.

Course equivalencies: HRIR501/HRER501

Students will learn to apply the various techniques used to conduct effective performance appraisal processes and design comprehensive performance management systems for their organizations


Students will learn to apply the various techniques used to conduct effective performance appraisal processes and design comprehensive performance management systems for their organizations

HRER 501EPerformance Management(1.5 Credit Hours)

Examines the manner in which managers can assess the performance of their subordinates and provide feedback designed to maximize their performance and organizational effectiveness.

HRER 502Global Employment Relations(3 Credit Hours)

This course introduces students to different employment relations systems in advanced industrial economies in North America, Europe, and Asia and to formats for resolving new types of labor problems that have merged in a global economy.

Course equivalencies: HRIR502/HRER502

Students will be able to identify critical differentiating aspects of employment relations systems in the developed world and common pro and con arguments regarding proposed solutions to substandard working conditions in the developing world


Students will be able to identify critical differentiating aspects of employment relations systems in the developed world and common pro and con arguments regarding proposed solutions to substandard working conditions in the developing world

HRER 511EConflict Management and Negotiation(1.5 Credit Hours)

Enrollment is restricted to students in the Executive MBA Program. Students participate in hands-on exercises designed to increase their knowledge of conflict resolution and negotiation techniques.

Course equivalencies: MGMT605E/HRER511E

HRER 513EStrategic Human Resource Management(1.5 Credit Hours)

As a leader or manager, it is your job to find the right people, engage and motivate them, and structure and operate the organization in a way that enables and inspires people to perform at their best; preserving the organization's financial health and protecting it from legal risks. This course focuses on how best to accomplish this. Enrollment limited to EMBA Cohort.

Understand the role of HR in the successful execution of business strategy; Understand the importance of fit-driven strategic hiring; Understand the basic tactics of distributive and integrative bargaining


Understand the role of HR in the successful execution of business strategy; Understand the importance of fit-driven strategic hiring; Understand the basic tactics of distributive and integrative bargaining

HRER 600EPerformance Management(1.5 Credit Hours)

Examines the manner in which managers can assess the performance of their subordinates and provide feedback designed to maximize their performance and organizational effectiveness.

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Human Resources and Employment Relations (HRER): Loyola University Chicago (2024)


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Author: Duane Harber

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Author information

Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.