The Perks of Being Hair-Free: 5 Surprising Benefits of Hair Removal You (2024)

Table of Contents
The Perks of Being Hair-Free: 5 Surprising Benefits of Hair Removal You Never Knew TL:DR Summary Introduction: A surprising number of people don’t know the benefits of hair removal. Hair removal:not just trend,but transformative experience “Removing unwanted hair can be an act of self-care, providing both physical and mental benefits that may come as a surprise.” #1 Hair removal is hygienic: It removes dirt and bacteria that can get trapped in hair. Hair can trap dirt, sweat, and bacteria Certain areas require more attention Stay fresh and clean with regular hair removal #2 Hair removal prevents odor: Unwanted hair can trap sweat and bacteria, which leads to body odor. Hair removal for skin health #3 Hair removal is practical: It makes it easier to clean surfaces and eliminates the need to clean around hair. Cost-effective hair removal options The enjoyable experience of hair removal Average Hair Reduction of up to 70%: According to a study by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery and compiled by Wellaholic Research, SHR hair removal can achieve an average hair reduction of up to 70% after six sessions. #4 Unleashing Your Inner Bombshell: The Allure of Smooth, Hair-Free Skin A Confidence Booster Like No Other Let Your Skin Truly Shine Hair Removal: A Friend to All Hair Types Sensitive Skin? No Problem! Say Goodbye to Skin Infections Enhancing the Efficacy of Skincare Products A Surprising Stress Buster A Growing Trend for All Additional Feedback from Wellaholic Customers on Benefits of Hair Removal Grow smoother,not hairier:5 unexpected joys of hair removal Conclusion Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Serene Chiam, Aesthetic Director Book Now Pay Later SHR Permanent Hair Removal with Unlimited Shots Wellaholic offers all-inclusive hair removal plans. With a one-time payment, you gain unlimited access to full body hair removal using SHR diode laser shots. This strategy guarantees exceptional results and unparalleled cost-effectiveness. FAQs References

The Perks of Being Hair-Free: 5 Surprising Benefits of Hair Removal You Never Knew

December 1, 2023

Beauty Services, Hair Removal


Table of Contents

    • 0.1 TL:DR Summary
    • 0.2 Introduction: A surprising number of people don’t know the benefits of hair removal.
      • 0.2.1 Hair removal:not just trend,but transformative experience
      • 0.2.2 “Removing unwanted hair can be an act of self-care, providing both physical and mental benefits that may come as a surprise.”
    • 0.3 #1 Hair removal is hygienic: It removes dirt and bacteria that can get trapped in hair.
      • 0.3.1 Hair can trap dirt, sweat, and bacteria
      • 0.3.2 Certain areas require more attention
      • 0.3.3 Stay fresh and clean with regular hair removal
    • 0.4 #2 Hair removal prevents odor: Unwanted hair can trap sweat and bacteria, which leads to body odor.
      • 0.4.1 Hair removal for skin health
    • 0.5 #3 Hair removal is practical: It makes it easier to clean surfaces and eliminates the need to clean around hair.
      • 0.5.1 Cost-effective hair removal options
      • 0.5.2 The enjoyable experience of hair removal
      • 0.5.3 Average Hair Reduction of up to 70%: According to a study by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery and compiled by Wellaholic Research, SHR hair removal can achieve an average hair reduction of up to 70% after six sessions.
    • 0.6 #4 Unleashing Your Inner Bombshell: The Allure of Smooth, Hair-Free Skin
      • 0.6.1 A Confidence Booster Like No Other
      • 0.6.2 Let Your Skin Truly Shine
      • 0.6.3 Hair Removal: A Friend to All Hair Types
      • 0.6.4 Sensitive Skin? No Problem!
    • 0.7 #5 Hair Removal: A Staple in Modern Grooming with Hidden Perks
      • 0.7.1 Say Goodbye to Skin Infections
      • 0.7.2 Enhancing the Efficacy of Skincare Products
      • 0.7.3 A Surprising Stress Buster
      • 0.7.4 A Growing Trend for All
      • 0.7.5 Customers at Wellaholic often share how regular hair removal sessions have led to finer, sparser hair growth over time, making management much easier.
    • 0.8 Additional Feedback from Wellaholic Customers on Benefits of Hair Removal
      • 0.8.1 Grow smoother,not hairier:5 unexpected joys of hair removal
    • 0.9 Conclusion
    • 0.10 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
      • 0.10.1 Serene Chiam, Aesthetic Director
    • 0.11 Book Now Pay Later
    • 0.12 SHR Permanent Hair Removal with Unlimited Shots
      • 0.12.1 Wellaholic offers all-inclusive hair removal plans. With a one-time payment, you gain unlimited access to full body hair removal using SHR diode laser shots. This strategy guarantees exceptional results and unparalleled cost-effectiveness.
  • 1 The Perks of Being Hair-Free: Unveiling the 5 Surprising Benefits of Hair Removal Techniques in Singapore You Never Knew

TL:DR Summary

  • Hair removal can boost your confidenceby making you feel more comfortable and attractive in your own skin.
  • Hair removal can improve your hygieneby reducing the risk of bacterial infections, odors, and irritation caused by excess hair.
  • Hair removal can enhance your athletic performanceby reducing drag, friction, and sweat, as well as preventing chafing and ingrown hairs.
  • Hair removal can save you time and moneyby eliminating the need for shaving, waxing, or plucking, which can be costly and time-consuming.
  • Hair removal can make your skin smoother and softerby removing dead skin cells, improving blood circulation, and stimulating collagen production.
  • Hair removal can offer long-lasting resultsby targeting the hair follicles and preventing or slowing down hair regrowth.
The Perks of Being Hair-Free: 5 Surprising Benefits of Hair Removal You (1)

Introduction: A surprising number of people don’t know the benefits of hair removal.

Welcome to an enlightening exploration brought to you by Wellaholic, Singapore’s leading aesthetic chain with a legacy of over seven years in the industry. With a wealth of experience in hair removal, facials, slimming, body contouring, teeth whitening, and hair regrowth treatments, we are here to shed light on a topic that often goes unnoticed – the surprising benefits of hair removal.

Hair removal:not just trend,but transformative experience

Hair removal is more than just a beauty trend. It’s a transformative experience that offers a plethora of benefits, some of which you may not even be aware of. From smoother skin to improved hygiene, the advantages of going hair-free are plentiful. Yet, there are still many who remain in the dark about these benefits.

Backed by over 2000 authentic, positive customer reviews on platforms like Google and TripAdvisor, and having garnered over 30 prestigious industry awards, Wellaholic is your trusted guide on this journey of discovery. We invite you to delve deeper into why removing unwanted hair can be a game-changer for your beauty routine and beyond.

Prepare to be amazed, and perhaps, a little smoother as we unveil the 5 surprising benefits of hair removal.

“Removing unwanted hair can be an act of self-care, providing both physical and mental benefits that may come as a surprise.”

The Perks of Being Hair-Free: 5 Surprising Benefits of Hair Removal You (2)

#1 Hair removal is hygienic: It removes dirt and bacteria that can get trapped in hair.

Hair removal isn’t just about aesthetics – it’s also a crucial step in maintaining good hygiene. Here’s why:

Hair can trap dirt, sweat, and bacteria

When you don’t remove unwanted hair, it becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and germs. Hair can trap dirt, sweat, and bacteria, which can lead to unpleasant odors and even infections. By removing hair, you’re essentially giving germs and bacteria fewer places to hide, which can go a long way in keeping your skin healthy and clean.

According to dermatologist Dr. Joshua Zeichner, “Hair can trap dirt, sweat, and bacteria, which can lead to scalp buildup and scalp conditions such as dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis.” These conditions can cause itching, flaking, and redness of the scalp.

Certain areas require more attention

This is particularly true in areas where hair is naturally more abundant, such as the underarms and pubic region. These areas are especially prone to bacteria growth and can benefit greatly from regular hair removal.

Stay fresh and clean with regular hair removal

To ensure good hygiene, regular hair removal is a must. Whether you choose to shave, wax, or use a hair removal cream, make sure to keep up with it to prevent bacteria buildup and maintain clean, healthy skin.

At Wellaholic, we know that hair removal isn’t just about looking good – it’s also about feeling good! By removing unwanted hair, you can prevent bacteria growth and keep your skin fresh and clean. Plus, it just feels better to have smooth, hair-free skin, doesn’t it?

The Perks of Being Hair-Free: 5 Surprising Benefits of Hair Removal You (3)

#2 Hair removal prevents odor: Unwanted hair can trap sweat and bacteria, which leads to body odor.

In recent years, hair removal has become increasingly popular, and for good reason. One of the main benefits of hair removal is that it can help prevent body odor. Body odor is a common problem that can be difficult to correct, and anyone can develop it. As people age, body odor tends to become more noticeable. But by removing unwanted hair, you can reduce the accumulation of sweat and bacteria, which is one of the main causes of body odor.

Hair removal for skin health

In addition to preventing body odor, hair removal can also improve skin health. By removing hair, you’re essentially giving germs and bacteria fewer places to hide, which can go a long way in keeping your skin healthy and clean. Plus, hair removal can help reduce ingrown hairs, which can be painful and unsightly.

In a 2023 study published in the journal Dermatology and Therapy, researchers found that laser hair removal was effective in reducing the severity of acne vulgaris, a common skin condition that causes pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads. The study participants who received laser hair removal had a significant reduction in the number of acne lesions on their skin after treatment.

Another study, published in the journal Skin Pharmacology and Physiology in 2022, found that laser hair removal was also effective in reducing the severity of folliculitis, a condition that causes inflammation of the hair follicles. The study participants who received laser hair removal had a significant reduction in the number of folliculitis lesions on their skin after treatment.

The Perks of Being Hair-Free: 5 Surprising Benefits of Hair Removal You (4)

#3 Hair removal is practical: It makes it easier to clean surfaces and eliminates the need to clean around hair.

Hair removal is a practical choice for many people. By removing unwanted hair, it makes it easier to clean surfaces and eliminates the need to clean around hair, especially in busy environments where there is a lot of activity and dirt. Plus, hair removal can also improve hygiene and prevent body odor by reducing the accumulation of sweat and bacteria.

Cost-effective hair removal options

While hair removal can be costly, it’s important to find a method that is both affordable and effective. At Wellaholic, we offer a variety of hair removal services that are cost-effective and can be customized to your needs. Our experienced staff can help you choose the right hair removal method for your budget and lifestyle.

The enjoyable experience of hair removal

Many people find hair removal to be an enjoyable experience. Some even learn how to remove their own hair and do it on a regular basis. It’s a relaxing and therapeutic process that can help improve self-confidence and body image.

Average Hair Reduction of up to 70%: According to a study by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery and compiled by Wellaholic Research, SHR hair removal can achieve an average hair reduction of up to 70% after six sessions.

The Perks of Being Hair-Free: 5 Surprising Benefits of Hair Removal You (5)

#4 Unleashing Your Inner Bombshell: The Allure of Smooth, Hair-Free Skin

A Confidence Booster Like No Other

There’s no denying it: smooth, hair-free skin is an instant confidence booster. Whether you’re slipping into that slinky dress for a night out or hitting the beach in a daring bikini, hair removal can give you the extra pep in your step that makes you feel downright irresistible. So, why not up your sex appeal and embrace your inner bombshell with a little help from hair removal?

Let Your Skin Truly Shine

Bid adieu to unwanted hair and let your skin steal the spotlight. Hair-free skin not only looks more polished but also allows your skin to shine in its natural glow, showcasing its silky smooth texture. Say hello to turning heads and making a statement wherever you go!

Hair Removal: A Friend to All Hair Types

It doesn’t matter whether your hair is thick or thin, hair removal is a game-changer. Not only does it make you look more attractive, but it also empowers you to feel more confident when mingling with others. Don’t hold back – let your personality and stunning looks take center stage.

Sensitive Skin? No Problem!

For those with sensitive skin, hair removal can be a lifesaver. By removing pesky hair, you can reduce skin sensitivity and say goodbye to irritation. It’s a win-win for looking fabulous and keeping your skin happy.

The Perks of Being Hair-Free: 5 Surprising Benefits of Hair Removal You (6)

Say Goodbye to Skin Infections

Who knew hair removal could be a superhero in disguise? Among the numerous benefits of hair removal, one key advantage is its ability to reduce the risk of skin infections. Men and women alike can rejoice in this unexpected benefit while flaunting their hair-free skin.

Enhancing the Efficacy of Skincare Products

By removing hair, you’re also making way for your skincare products to work their magic more effectively. With less hair and dead skin cells in the way, your favorite creams and serums can penetrate deeper, resulting in improved skincare efficacy.

A Surprising Stress Buster

In today’s fast-paced world, stress is an unwelcome visitor in many people’s lives. Enter hair removal – an unsuspecting ally in the fight against stress. By providing a distraction from life’s challenges, hair removal can help reduce stress levels and bring some much-needed relaxation.

A Growing Trend for All

The British Journal of Dermatology highlights the growing trend of hair removal among both men and women. With its numerous benefits, it’s no wonder more and more people are choosing to embrace this grooming practice.

The Perks of Being Hair-Free: 5 Surprising Benefits of Hair Removal You (7)

Additional Feedback from Wellaholic Customers on Benefits of Hair Removal

In my time within the aesthetics industry, I’ve had the privilege of witnessing firsthand the transformative effects of hair removal treatments on my clients. Many express a newfound sense of confidence and freedom, describing how these treatments simplify their grooming routines and enhance their skin’s texture. It’s not just about the visible results; it’s the emotional uplift and the ease in their daily lives that truly stand out.

Grow smoother,not hairier:5 unexpected joys of hair removal

Another common feedback I receive revolves around the long-term benefits. Customers at Wellaholic often share how regular hair removal sessions have led to finer, sparser hair growth over time, making management much easier. There’s a sense of satisfaction they convey, noting the reduced need for frequent shaving or waxing, which in itself is a testament to the effectiveness of these treatments.

The Perks of Being Hair-Free: 5 Surprising Benefits of Hair Removal You (8)


In conclusion, being hair-free is more than just a style statement; it’s a treasure trove of surprising benefits that can improve your overall well-being. Here’s a quick recap of the 5 fantastic perks of hair removal:

  1. Boosted confidence: Embrace your inner bombshell and strut your stuff with newfound self-assurance.
  2. Glowing skin: Let your skin take center stage with its natural radiance, thanks to hair removal.
  3. Reduced skin infections: Stay healthy and bid farewell to skin infections by maintaining hair-free skin.
  4. Enhanced skincare efficacy: Give your skincare products a chance to work their magic more effectively by clearing the way with hair removal.
  5. Stress relief: Transform your hair removal routine into a relaxing and stress-busting activity that helps you unwind.

So, go ahead and explore the wonderful world of hair removal. Not only will you look fabulous, but you’ll also unlock these incredible perks that you never knew existed. Being hair-free has never been more rewarding!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is SHR hair removal?

SHR hair removal, also known as Super Hair Removal, is an innovative technology that provides a gentle and effective solution for permanent hair reduction. It works by emitting rapid pulses of light energy onto the skin, targeting the hair follicles and inhibiting future hair growth.

How does SHR hair removal work?

SHR hair removal works by utilizing specific wavelengths of light that are absorbed by the melanin in the hair follicles. This process heats up and damages the follicles, preventing them from producing new hair. Unlike traditional laser hair removal, SHR gradually heats the skin and hair follicles, making it safer and more comfortable for all skin types.

Is SHR hair removal suitable for all skin types?

Yes, one of the benefits of SHR hair removal is its suitability for all skin types, including darker skin tones. The technology used in SHR allows for greater absorption of energy by the melanin in the hair follicles, making it effective for hair removal on a wider range of skin colors.

How many SHR hair removal sessions do I need?

The number of SHR hair removal sessions required may vary depending on individual factors such as hair type, skin type, and the area being treated. On average, a series of 6-8 sessions is recommended for optimal results. It’s important to note that hair grows in cycles, so multiple sessions are necessary to target all the hair follicles effectively.

Are SHR hair removal results permanent?

While SHR hair removal provides long-lasting results, it is technically considered a permanent hair reduction method rather than permanent hair removal. After completing the recommended sessions, most individuals experience a significant reduction in hair growth. However, occasional touch-up sessions may be needed in the future to maintain the results.

Is SHR hair removal safe?

Yes, SHR hair removal is generally safe when performed by trained professionals. It is a non-invasive procedure that specifically targets the hair follicles while protecting the surrounding skin. However, it’s important to disclose any relevant medical history or skin conditions to ensure the treatment is suitable for you.

The Perks of Being Hair-Free: 5 Surprising Benefits of Hair Removal You (9)

Serene Chiam, Aesthetic Director

Serene Chiam is the Aesthetic Director at Wellaholic, a well-known aesthetic chain in Singapore. She has more than ten years of experience in the aesthetics industry. With a Bachelor of Health Science (Aesthetics) and CIDESCO certifications, she expertly combines scientific knowledge with practical skills. Serene is known for her personalized approach to beauty, ensuring each Wellaholic client’s journey is unique and transformative. Her significant contributions have been pivotal in establishing Wellaholic’s reputation for excellence in aesthetic wellness.

Contact Serene at


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SHR Hair Removal

Wellasmooth 3X

Price List

The Perks of Being Hair-Free: 5 Surprising Benefits of Hair Removal You (10)

SHR Permanent Hair Removal with Unlimited Shots

  • Diode Laser Technology. Developed byAlma Lasers, SHR combines 755nm, 808nm and 1064nm laser wavelengths to target all skin types.
  • Unbeatable in Value and Quality. Wellaholic’s SHR Unlimited Plans offer a hair removal solution that is unbeatable in both value and quality.
  • One Price for All Body Parts. Pay just one low price for a complete hair removal experience for all body parts, including unlimited SHR shots.
  • Permanent Fuss-Free Solution. Say goodbye to the hassle of expensive and ineffective hair removal methods and trust WellaSmooth 3X to deliver a permanent and fuss-free solution for all your hair removal needs.
  • Award-Winning. Wellaholic’s treatments have been recognized by top beauty publications such as Daily Vanity, Beauty Insider, and Tropika Club Magazine.
  • Over 2000 Verified Customer Reviews. Wellaholic has over 30 industry awards and over 2000 positive reviews from customers, and >50% are repeat customers.
The Perks of Being Hair-Free: 5 Surprising Benefits of Hair Removal You (11)

Wellaholic offers all-inclusive hair removal plans. With a one-time payment, you gain unlimited access to full body hair removal using SHR diode laser shots. This strategy guarantees exceptional results and unparalleled cost-effectiveness.

The Perks of Being Hair-Free: 5 Surprising Benefits of Hair Removal You (2024)


The Perks of Being Hair-Free: 5 Surprising Benefits of Hair Removal You? ›

0.3 #1 Hair removal is hygienic: It removes dirt and bacteria that can get trapped in hair. 0.4 #2 Hair removal prevents odor: Unwanted hair can trap sweat and bacteria, which leads to body odor. 0.5 #3 Hair removal is practical: It makes it easier to clean surfaces and eliminates the need to clean around hair.

What are the health benefits of hair removal? ›

It can help with other skin issues as well.

“Laser hair removal also reduces ingrown hairs and can prevent inflamed bumps and itching,” says Dr. Malik. And since it uses light to get rid of hair, you don't run the risk of dealing with the nicks, cuts and razor burn that go along with shaving.

Why is it important to remove hair? ›

Removing body hair helped stave off infestations of lice and other parasites, especially for those who lived in close quarters and who had limited access to bathing. Because hair traps perspiration, it can also become a breeding ground for bacteria and odors.

What are the benefits of hair erasers? ›

Because crystal hair erasers effectively buff the hair off your skin, they exfoliate it, too. According to the advertisem*nts, that means you can say goodbye to “strawberry legs,” ingrown hairs, skin irritation and razor burn — and hello to softer, smoother skin.

What are the benefits of no body hair? ›

Reduced Risk of Skin Irritation: Shaving body hair can reduce the risk of skin irritation, especially in areas where clothing rubs against the skin, such as the back of the thighs. Improved Wound Healing: In case of injuries, shaved skin may heal more quickly and with less risk of infection compared to hairy skin.

Is it healthy to remove hair? ›

Deciding to remove body hair is a personal choice. Getting rid of body hair doesn't make a person healthier, and you shouldn't feel pressured to do so if you don't want to. Some cultures view body hair as beautiful and natural, so do what feels right to you!

Is it good to remove hair from head? ›

If you keep your head shaven, your hair follicles may keep shrinking without your knowledge, perhaps making it even more difficult to treat the condition. If you are suffering from hair loss, don't automatically reach for the clippers as it isn't always the answer.

Does human hair have a purpose? ›

The hair on our heads doesn't just look nice. It keeps us warm by preserving heat. Hair in the nose, ears, and around the eyes protects these sensitive areas from dust and other small particles. Eyebrows and eyelashes protect eyes by decreasing the amount of light and particles that go into them.

Do hair removing crystals work? ›

"The bottom line is that the crystal hair remover is a total gimmick, like so many things we see on social media," she concludes. "I say, do yourself a favor and pass on this fad."

What is a crystal hair remover? ›

What is a crystal hair remover? As a handheld tool, crystal hair removal devices are designed with a smooth top and a crystalline glass bottom. “When lightly rubbed in a circular motion on the skin, it clumps hair together and removes it from the follicle opening, similar to shaving.

Does the hair removal stone work? ›

From the United States

- Tried it thinking it was a life-changing product but it doesn't really remove hair. Its sandy surface is good for calluses and dead skin though. But it won't work for hair.

Are there benefits to not shaving? ›

One of the most significant benefits of not shaving is the natural protection it provides. Body hair, especially in sensitive areas like the armpits and groin, acts as a barrier against friction and bacteria.

What happens if you never shave? ›

Shaving exfoliates by removing the dead cells every time the razor glides across the surface of the skin. Nazarian says that if you stop shaving, you will accumulate a layer of skin at the top of the epidermis, making it a little tougher for products like moisturizers to penetrate and be effective.

Is no body hair attractive? ›

Women regularly remove their body hair, and the media portrays them as more attractive for doing so. Current research confirms this, showing that heterosexual men are more attracted to women with a hairless body.

How does the hair eraser remove hair? ›

Hair Eraser causes the hairs to clump and break from the surface when rubbed gently on the skin. A physical Hair Eraser is safer and more accessible, never worry about cleaning, rinse the shaving area with water.

How often should you use a hair eraser? ›


Ultimately, how often you use the Crystal Hair Eraser depends on your skin's reaction. It is important to listen to your skin and adjust accordingly. If you notice any long-term problems such as redness or irritation, decrease the frequency of use.

What are the pros and cons of crystal hair eraser? ›

The crystal body hair remover is an innovative and convenient device that offers many advantages over traditional hair removal methods. It is painless, easy to use, and can provide long-lasting results. However, it may not be suitable for all skin types and can be costly for some.

Can you use crystal hair eraser on your pubic area? ›

About the Bleame Crystal Hair Eraser

Using what the brand calls "nano-crystalline" technology, this tool clumps the hair together for easy removal. This "eraser" can be used on the legs, arms, chest, and even bikini line (if your hair isn't too coarse).


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