The Prank Wars by EdwardAddict (2024)

Category:Maximum Ride
Genre:Humor, Romance
Characters:Fang, Max
Published:2006-09-04 19:39:14
Updated:2007-12-27 19:49:14
Packaged:2021-04-04 14:04:55
Summary:COMPLETE! Fang wants revenge for having to play Truth or Dare. Of course, Max strikes back. It turns into an all out Prank War. Even Ari and Jeb are getting involved. Is this an epidemic? MANGNESS! Voted Best Humor fic in the MR fanfic awards

Table of Contents

1. Truth Or Dare
2. Sweet Revenge
3. Let The Games Begin
4. Recruiting Help
5. Walking, Talking, Flying Rainbow
6. Every Action Has A Consequence
7. Gsmh'd Nph
8. A Pumpkin!
9. Mind Control
10. Beasty
11. The Finishing Touch
12. A Flashback And A Name
13. Beware The Band Geeks
14. The Golf Cult
15. I'm Not Hyper
16. Gorilla Glue
17. Letters Of False Love
18. I'm A Dinosaur!
19. Rats!
20. Backfire
21. Photos
22. Conducting Business
23. Duh!
24. Squirrel
25. Truce?
26. Silly Putty Mishap
27. Webcam
28. Cookie Mania
29. A Promise Broken
30. In A Truce No More
31. In A Truce No More Alternate Ending
32. Sharpie Fight!
33. Toast
34. Hostages
35. A Fun Rant
36. Iggy, The Birdkid Hunter
37. Beyond Extremes
38. Patchapalooza
39. As The Color Fades
40. Thank You!
41. Sequel!
42. NewsNewsNews

1. Truth Or Dare

A/N:Ok. This is my first Max Ride fic thingy, so don't be too harsh. Itried my best. I really hope you like it. Slight Faxness. But not toomuch. Oh yeah. The voice is in italics and underlined. Max'sthoughts are italicized.

A/N2: I'm rewriting a lot of this to make it a better read. And whileI'm thinking about it, there's a lot more Fax than I let onearlier. xD

Warning:Most likely OOC. It's a humor fanfic, people. This isn't going tohappen in the books, so it's going to be OOC. Deal with it. Andreally, after 30 plus chapters of this, it's become more of acrackfic anyway.

Disclaimer:I don't own Maximum Ride or anything else you may recognize.

Chapter1-Truth or Dare


Great,just great. A storm. We're stuck huddling together in the world'ssmallest cave because it's too wet to fly.

Wehave about ten feet to move around, so tt's more than a littleuncomfortable. Nudge, Gazzy, Angel, and Total are all in a tightcircle. Lucky me, I'm sandwiched between Fang and Iggy.

Youknow you like being this close to Fang.

Ido not! He's like my brother; I don't like him like that.


Ifyou say one more thing about me liking Fang, I will punch you sohard-

Iam in your head. You'd be hitting yourself.

Ohshut up.For once, it listened to me. What a nice surprise.

"HeyMax, I was wondering since we're stuck here till the storm ends andall if we could play Truth or Dare. I heard about it when I was atschool. I mean it sounds really fun and it could help pass the timeand-,"

"SureNudge. We'll all play."

Fanggave me a glare that clearly said, 'Thanks a lot.'

"You'rewelcome," I said with false cheer. It's not like I wanted to dothis either. But at least it got Nudge to shut up.

"Max,since it was my idea, can I go first?"


"Okay.Max. Truth or dare?"

Ohcrap. Despite my lack of a social life, I learned enough to knowwhich to pick. "Truth."

"Whenyou went on that date with that guy Sam, did you guys kiss?"

Iblushed. I didn't want anyone else to know about that. In myquietest voice, I answered a small 'Yes'.

"Iknew it! I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!" Nudge shouted.

"Ok,moving on. Um, Iggy. Truth or dare?" This is to back at him foralways playing tricks on me.

"Truth."Well. I hadn't planned on that. What to ask, what to ask. Icould--no. Not that. Umm... Got it!

"Wheredo you hide all of your explosives?"

"Notthat Max. Please? Anything else but that!"

"Nope.Where do you keep 'em?"

Iggylet out a dramatic sigh. "My backpack."

"Isthat the only place?"

Again,he sighed. "No. My, er, my boxers...," he admitted.

Iburst out laughing. No wonder I'd never found them before! Well, Iknow now, but I wish I didn't ask. Bad mental image.

"Ok,Iggy it's your turn now," Angel reminded him.

"Gazzy.Truth or dare?"

Ofcourse, my little trooper picked dare. Poor thing. He's a littletoo brave for his own good. Iggy dared him to sing "Twinkle,Twinkle, Little Star" while dancing with Total. So funny!

Iwish Iggy could see it. That boy has a knack for thinking up dares.

Next,Gazzy decided to torture Fang.

"Fang,truth or dare?"

Fangcaught my eye, giving me a look that said, 'Do I really have to dothis?' I nodded. With a disapproving grunt, he said, "Dare."

Gazzygrinned like a madman and rubbed his hands together just like the badguys in cartoons do. "I dare you to wear Max's bra."

Fang'seyes widened considerably, breaking his "show no emotion" rule.My face had to have shown a similar look.

"Nobacking out, Fang. You have to; you picked dare. It's the rule,"Gazzy said.

Seeinghow the mutant kids on the run don't have the time or money to getmore than one set of clothes, I would have to take off the bra I waswearing. I groaned internally.

Cursingmy inability to resist the Bambi eyes, I piled all of our belongingsinto a wall in front of me. I quickly took off my bra and went backto the others. Tossing Fang my bra, we shared a look of impendingdoom.


Thiscould not be happening. This cannot be happening!

Maxwalked out from behind the wall of our stuff and handed me her bra.It looked extremely uncomfortable. Underwire and lacy. This justkeeps getting better and better, doesn't it?

Ipulled my shirt off and attempted to put the thingon. Whydid Max make me so this?I wanted to scream, but that would be breaking an unspoken Fang rule.

Ofcourse, me being male and not having to wear bras every day left meclueless as how to get it on.

"Max,he's having trouble. You should help him," Angel said. Great,just great. Blushing, Max scooted over and got it on me. I caught herogling my chest. That's one upside to this whole ordeal.

Damnmy teenage hormones.

Gazzystarted laughing uncontrollably.

"There.Happy? Can I take this off now?"

"Nope.That was only part one of my dare." When this is over, Max is sodead.

"Youcan't do that!" I protested.

"Wenever said we couldn't when we started."

Ihuffed. "Fine. What's the second part?"

"Youhave to kiss Max." Oh. My. God. Sure, there might be somethingthere between us, but I don't want to find out in front of thewhole flock! This can't possiblyget any worse.


"Youhave to kiss Max." Oh. My. Gods. Do they want me to keel over fromembarrassment?!

"Youhave to," Gazzy so kindly reminded us.

Fangscooted closer and hesitantly brushed his lips across mine. Hetastes so good, Ifound myself thinking.

SoFang wearing my bra and kissing me in a cramped cave in front of theothers wasn't exactly my idea of romantic, but that's what I got.

Wepulled away, each of us sporting a shade of red.

"There'snot a third part of the dare is there?" Fang questioned, halfjoking, half serious.

"Ofcourse. You have to dance for us, too." Gazzy is truly amastermind. A cruel, demonic mastermind. But I love him anyway.

Groaning,Fang got up and showed us his moves. Which, in my opinion, weren'tso good.

Butman, you have not lived until you see a hot--, I mean a guy, normal,regular guy in a lacy bra, dancing badly in a cramped cave. Oh, god,it's hilarious.

Fang'sface got redder by the second. Boy, he sure is breaking a lot of"Fang rules" tonight. He finished up and sat down quickly,covering his face with his hands. It was Fang's turn next, and hewas out for revenge.

Helooked up and stared at me, an evil flicker in his eye. Ohcrap. That's not good.

Ilooked for something, anything that could get me out of this. Iglanced at the mouth of the small cave. Atleast it stopped raining. That's it! It's not raining anymore!Yes!

"Heylook, guys! It stopped raining! We can leave now!" I shouted.

Igathered everything up, and Fang put his shirt back on, apparentlyforgetting he was still wearing mybra.

I'llget it back later. If we don't leave now, I'll have to face thewrath of a Fang with an injured pride. Not good.

"Let'smove!" I called, leaping out of the cave and into the afternoonsky.

Fangflew up next to me. "This isn't over, Max. You'll pay. Nottoday, maybe not tomorrow, but you will eventually."

KnowingFang, he'll never forget about this, not in a million years. Butit's not even my fault!I felt like shouting.

Butit isyour fault, Maximum. You made him participate.

Soyou're against me too? Great.

Itwas silent, of course.

Weflew for another three hours, finally finding an abandoned warehouseto crash in. Thankgod this is over, Ithought to myself before falling asleep for the night.

Suggestions arewelcome, reviews are love.

2. Sweet Revenge

Chapter2 - Sweet Revenge


Maxis dead. Beyond dead. I'm gonna kill her, then bring her back tolife, and kill her again. She just hadto make me play that stupid game, didn't she?

Iwillget revenge. But what should I do? May I could--Nah. Not good enough.No, wait! I got it! Yes! Maximum Ride is going down. Thank god thisbuilding still has running water.

Istiffened as I heard shuffling feet coming towards me--reflex. Irelaxed again seeing it was only Max.

Gradually,the rest of the Flock woke up. For our delicious and nutritiousbreakfast we downed some granola bars and warm co*kes.

"Okay,guys. Let's get cleaned up. There's running water, so we'll beable to have some kind of shower. Hop to it," Max said.

Angel,then Gazzy, Nudge, Iggy, and I had our showers. I got dressed againquickly, and rushed into the place Max was bathing.

Iwalked as quietly as I could, which is pretty quiet. Grabbing herclothes quickly, I made my way out of there. I stuffed her onlyoutfit into my backpack, underneath my things.

Afterfour minutes had passed, I heard Max's veryloud screech. "WHO TOOK MY CLOTHES?" I muffled my laughter.


Igot out of the shower, reaching for my clothes. My hands only grabbedair. I looked all around for them. Not finding them, I let out ashriek. "WHO TOOK MY CLOTHES?"

Ohmy god. This has to be Fang's revenge. Perfect. I didn't evendoanything to him!

Iwrapped the sheet we were using as a shower curtain around my body,making sure everything was covered. I stepped out, and startedlooking for Fang. He's dead meat.

Ifound demon child (Fang) in a room by himself. "Where the hell didyou put my clothes?"

"Whatare you talking about?" he replied in his normal 'I-don't-care'tone.

"Youtook my clothes as revenge. I want them back. Wait, you're stillwearing my bra. I need that back too."

"Yeah,can't figure out how to get it off." I rolled my eyes andinstructed him to take off his shirt. At least I could get that partof my outfit back.

"Sowhere are the rest of my clothes? I know you took them."

"SureI did. And hell froze over last week."

He'sso frustrating! I walked out in search of Nudge. After five minutes,I found her playing some weird hand game with Angel. "Nudge, I needyour help."

"Whatdo you need?"

"Ineed you to use you touch power thing so you can find where Fang putmy clothes."

"Hetook your clothes? That's terrible! You should get back at him! Youcould dye his clothes or steal hisstuff or something." We ended up where I had started, in the roomFang occupied earlier. Nudge got his backpack and dug my crumpledclothes out of the bottom. "Here you go, Max. Think about what Isaid before."


Weleft for a new place soon enough. I flew up to Fang and pushed him.

"Whatwas that for?" he asked innocently.

"Forstealing my clothes. You've just messed with the wrong bird girl.This. Means. War," I said coldly.

Heis so dead.

Suggestions arewelcome, reviews are love.

3. Let The Games Begin

Chapter3- Let the Games Begin

Now,to plan my retaliation. Hmm... What would really get on Fang'snerves?I drew a big blank.Oh my gosh! I'm a genius! All I have to do is to get the suppliesat the store today, wait till he's sleeping, then Bada Bing, BadaBoom--my revenge! This will be good.

Idecided it was about time we gave into temptation and pamperedourselves. When we reached a town, I signaled to land in an alleybehind some stores. We walked to the nearest hotel and got threerooms. Angel and Nudge grabbed the first key and Iggy and Gazzy tookthe second.

Lookslike I'm rooming with Fang. That'll make my plan easier.

Fangand I set our stuff down on the beds and he headed for the bathroom.Do I want to know what he's going to do? No. Am I sticking aroundto find out? Also no.

"I'mgoing to the store!" I called to Fang. Not waiting for a reply, Iwalked out of the hotel and down to the stores we landed by.

Tryingto act casual, I strolled (yes, strolled) over to the dyes. Grabbingsome bright pink, I headed to the register to pay.

Nowall that's left is to wait till Fang goes to sleep.

Weall gathered in my room and ate dinner; pizza, rolls, and salad.

Anhour later, we stacked and tapped and the others went to their ownrooms. I watched Fang as he got into his bed. Eventually, hisbreathing slowed and I knew he was asleep.

Iwalked over to my bag and got the pink dye out. As quietly as Icould, I headed toward Fang's bed. He had neglected the blankets,instead lying on top of them. Couldthis be an easier? Ithought to myself.

Iopened the container of dye and went to work. After ten minutes, Istepped back to admire my work. Absolutely brilliant! Fang'snormally black wings were dyed bright pink (his most loathed color).The bottle said it would stay in for at least six months. This has tobe my best idea yet.

Iclimbed into my bed and drifted into a slumber full of good dreams.

Iwas awoken by Fang's angered yell. "MAX! WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?"I guess he saw his wings.

"Whatever do you mean, Fang dear?"

"Youknow damn well what I mean!" His voice—you have to lovepuberty—squeaked on the last word and I struggled to keep astraight face.

"Payback.Don't mess with me. You just started a war and I'm going tofinish it." Yeah, a little cheesy, but it got the message across.


"Yes,very good Fang. That isthecolor pink." I guess he didn't appreciate my sarcasm--he shotdaggers at me. I'min big trouble now.

"Weshould get moving. I'll go round up the others."

Weall met back in my room, the smaller kids bursting with laughter whenthey saw what I did to Fang. Gazzy described it to Iggy betweenlaughs.

Fang,with a mix of embarrassment and anger on his face, ushered us out thehotel and into the sky.

"Howlong does this dye last?" he asked me.

"Thebottle said six months. Hey, don't you dare glare at me. Youdeserved it."

Iamintrouble now. But I'll just have to deal. This is too much fun toback out now. Watch out, Fang, I have tons of ideas. You'll besorry you ever stole my clothes.

A/N:Done. Sorry it's short, but get use to it. This story will probablyhave chapters about this size every day. Thanks for reading!

Suggestionsare welcome, reviews are love.

4. Recruiting Help

A/N:Again, if you have suggestions, I'll use them all. Eventually. JustPM me.

Chapter4 - Recruiting Help


Thismeans war! I could stand nearly anything but dyingmy wings PINK?How did she thinkof that? Is there a book or something called "Pranks for WingedKids?"

Okay.I have to think of something really good. I might need some helpthough... GAZZY! He's great at this stuff.

Whenwe landed, I found Gazzy and pulled him aside. "Hey, Gazzy? Couldyou help me with something?"

"Yeah,what is it?"

"Ineed you to help me get back at Max for dying my wings pink."

"Awesome!Now I have an excuse to put my plans into action! YES!" He punchedthe air with his fist.

Wespent the next hour going over different ideas, finally deciding onone after a huge debate. I went into town for the supplies—suppliesmeaning high heels.

WhileMax was telling Angel a story, I snuck over to her bag and switchedher beloved combat boots with the new high heels. I ran off into theforest, stashing the boots in a tree. If I threw them away, I'dreally be dead. This is more of a warm-up prank though, I still needtime for the big one.

-- - -

Wewere about to leave our little cave and Max was searching franticallyfor her boots. "Fang, have you seen my boots?"


"Areyou sure?"

"Positive.Maybe you should go look near your bag. You probably overlookedthem."

Shequickly walked to her stuff and dug everything out of her bag,finally finding the heels. "What the heck am I suppose to do withthese? WHERE ARE MY BOOTS?"

"Noclue. But we have to go now. Can't stay too long in the sameplace." Funny, she's usually the one saying that. "Just wearthose."

Shesighed heavily. "Fine, but I'm not happy."

"Wow,Max. You look so girly," Nudge said. "If you had those, how comeyou didn't wear them on your date with Sam? Or when you're tryingto make F-," Max slapped a hand over her mouth. What was she goingto say?


Ican't stand Fang sometimes. Forcing me to wear heels! Humph. Sodead.

That'swhen ithappened. I saw a hot guy and turned around to get a better look,proceeding to trip over my shoes. I did a face plant on the sidewalk. I know, how smooth of me.

Dang,Fang's getting better at this. I'm going to have to up my pranks.

I.Will. Win. This.

BewareFang. Mwahaha!

A/N:Good? Bad? Feedback people.

Suggestionare welcome, reviews are love.

5. Walking, Talking, Flying Rainbow

A/N:Mmkay guys. I finally got someone to ask me what Nudge was going tosay before Max slapped her hand over her mouth. So here's Nudge'suninterrupted speech.

"Wow,Max. You look so girly," Nudge said. "If you had those, how comeyou didn't wear them on your date with Sam? Or when you're tryingto make Fang jealous, or like you, or think you're hot or somethinglike that? I mean, not that he doesn't already. You guys shouldreally talk things out. You know what that reminds me of? GilmoreGirls. I love that show. I watched it when we were at Anne's house.Maybe I could watch it again sometime."

Lol.But I knew Max wouldn't let her get that far into the speech withFang standing right there. :D Enough stalling, here's the newchapter.

Wait,warning first. THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS UNDERAGE DRINKING ANDHILARIOUSITY. You may resume reading now. :)

Chapter5- Walking, Talking, Flying Rainbow


Daytwo without my boots. Lovely. It seems like every ten minutes I findmyself making out with the floor, thanks to these shoes. Fang willpay. Those stupid shoes he's making me wear give me more bruisesthan 10 Erasers ever could.

Wetook off, heading for Canada. It was more of a spur-of-the-momentidea rather than a plan. Maybethe whitecoats won't find us if we're in another country,I thought wistfully.

Afterfour consecutive hours of flight, Nudge said that she was hungry. Wefound a McDonald's and landed put back. While searching in thedumpster for "gourmet food", I found an unopened bottle thatsmelled a lot like rum. I grinned evilly. A perfect prank.

First,I'll spike his co*ke and claim it was an accident. This is perfect.

Max,you shouldn't do this. A drunk is never a good thing.

Sincewhen do you care? Isnapped at it. Besides,he deserves it.

Thevoice shut up. Good.

Wefound a park nearby and nestled under a tree to eat. Before Fangcould grab anything, I poured a large amount of liquor into hisbottle.

Hedowned it in less than three minutes, not noticing the extraingredient. Or maybe he did, but wanted to drink it anyway...

Fifteenminutes later, Fang was as loopy as a dodo bird. He walked up to meand took my hand.

"Max,there's something I've wanted to tell you," he said, his wordsslurred.

"Whatis it?"

"Ilove you. Always have, always will." Did I hear him correctly?Un-emotional Fang just said he loved me! The rum must have made himcrazy. Despite my nagging doubts, I believed what he said, if only atiny bit. I love him, he loves me. This is just so perfect. Nowwhat's the catch?

Hewas waiting for a reply. "I--I love you too, Fang." He lookedlike he would jump for joy if he had the coordination.

Hegrabbed me and kissed me, his lips moving quickly against my own,pulling away only to breathe. That would have been perfect if hedidn't smell like rum.

Hewalked, almost ran towards town. "FANG! Where are you going?"


Geez,Fang's a fun drunk.

ThirdPerson POV

Fang,swaying slightly, walked into the town hair salon. "Hair Care forthe Future, How may I help you?"

"Giveme g-gr-green h-hi-highlights," Fang said.

"Suresir." Little did our favorite drunk know that this was the worker'sfirst time highlighting hair.

"Ohshoot," the worker mumbled. Instead of highlighting Fang's hair,the young man turned it all lime green.

"Thereyou go sir. Thank you for your business." The worker took the moneyand shooed Fang before he could see the mistake.

Fangfinally made it back to the tree after three tries at finding thecorrect path. "Fang!" Max gasped. "Your hair!"

"Whatabout it?" he asked, beginning to come back to his senses.Apparently, mutant bird-kids don't stay drunk for long.



Maxgot the mirror out of Fang's backpack and brought it to him.

"Deargod, what have I done?"

"Youmight want to get some sleep, shake off the rum. We'll worry aboutyour hair tomorrow. I've got first watch."


Well,Fang's just a walking, talking, flying rainbow now. Maybe I shoulddye his clothes purple or something next to complete the look.

Ican't believe he did that to hid hair though. Drunk or sober, Ididn't think he'd be that stupid.

-- - -

Fangwoke up about twenty minutes after me. "Man, I've got such ahangover."

"Nowyou know what I feel like after a brain explosion," I said with awry smile.

"Haha. Funny."

"Doyou remember what happened last night?"

"Yes,I'm sorry. I was out of line," he said briskly.

"Bygetting your hair dyed?" I asked, confused.

"No,by you know, the whole love and kissing thing."

"Fang,I told you that I love you too. AndI didn't pull away because you smelled like rum. I don't thinkyou were out of line; I've just been too shy to make a move firstand I'm glad you did. And now I'm rambling, so I'm going toshut up." He looked a little embarrassed about his forwardness lastnight, I just had to make him see. "I'm seriously glad you saidthat, Fang. Now what should we do about your hair?"

Hegroaned. "I forgot about that. It will stay in for a while,probably months."

"IfI may say so, you deserved it. Stealing my clothes and making me wearheels!Humph."

"Well,it serves you right for making me play Truth or Dare!" he firedback.

"So,are we even now?" I asked, dreading the consequences of this prank.

"Ofcourse not. I have to get you back for making me drunk and letting meruin my hair." I groaned.

Tolighten my mood, I said, "Well, Fangy, you're just a walking,talking, flying rainbow aren't you?"

Heglared at me. "Don't make me bite you," he warned.

"Bringit," I said, not thinking he would follow through. But of course,being Fang, he just hadto walk over and bite me. HARD. On the arm. Hewas named Fang for a reason, Ithought to myself.

Wemay love each other, but there's no way he'll get away with that.

"Hmm...youdon't taste that good. Maybe with a little salt and butter...,"he teased.

"Youknow you're just digging your own grave, right?"


A/N:Good, bad, hilarious, immoral? Lol. Btw, the whole biting thing camefrom experience. I asked my friend if he wanted me to bite him, hesaid bring it, so I bit him as hard as I could on the arm. xD I toldhim he needed butter and salt. :D Mmkay, that wraps up this chapter.

Suggestionsare welcome, reviews are love.

6. Every Action Has A Consequence

A/N:This is going to have three pranks in one. I'm too lazy to split itup.

Chapter6- Every Action Has a Consequence


Ohmy god. This is Max's diary. I was just bee-boppin' along andfound it in a backpack. Hmm... to pick the lock or not to pick thelock, that is the question.

Ofcourse, I chose to pick the lock. Since I can't see to read, I tookit to Fang. There's bound to be something mushy about him in it.Oh, how fun torturing Max is!

"HeyFang, read this."

"Whatis it?" I could tell by his tone that he was confused.

"Max'sdiary." He didn't need to be told twice. We walked away from ourtree and sat away from the others. He quietly read everything to me.Now, I won't bore you with the details, but it pretty much wentlike this.

'Fangis sooo hot! I love him! He loves me too! This is great! I saw a hotguy today. Fang could kick his butt though. And he probably wouldtoo. I wouldn't be able to live without my Fang.'

Everythingwent back to hot guys and Fang. Gag. Me. Now.

Iheard Max come up behind me. Oh crap.

"WHATARE YOU DOING WITH THAT? No, better question, who picked the lock?"

Ibowed my head guiltily. "Iggy! You're dead!" she shrieked.

Igot up and ran away as quickly as I could. I hid out in a tree foraround two hours.

Iheard Fang coming, so I jumped down, knowing it would be safe.

"IGGY!"Crap. Spoke way too soon. I heard Max running towards me. I turned torun, but Fang grabbed me by the shoulders and held me in place.

"Fang?What are you doing?"

"HelpingMax." God, he is so whipped. Ka-chsch!

Maxcame up and dumped what tasted like chocolate pudding on me. But wasthat enough? Of course not. Then she kneed me in the crotch. I wentdown, holding myself.

"Ugg.I feel like pudding. Pudding with nerve endings. Pudding in greatpain," I managed to groan out.

Iheard Max and Fang laugh. "That's for stealing my diary andpicking the lock. Humph."

"Butwhat about Fang?" I said, not caring about the pain anymore. Whydidn't she do this to him?

"I'vetaken care of that." I bet she's smirking. I bet she made-outwith him. Gross.

Igot up after a few more minutes and got cleaned up. Pudding tastesgreat, but it's no fun when you're wearing it.

A/N:This was really short, so I'm writing another short prank.


Ican't believe him! He took my gameboy! Just because I morphed inpublic, Dad took my gameboy! Oh, he'll pay.

Igot the necessary materials and set up my prank.

Ihid under the table that's upstairs so I could get a good look ofwhat was happening.

Dadopened the door, making a bucket of water empty on him. Stumblingblindly, he stepped on the skate I planted and fell down the stairs.He went face first into the liquid glue.

Ihad trouble muffling my laughs. And it wasn't even over yet! Joy!


Ari.That boy. I can't believe he did that.

Iwent into the washroom to clean the glue off of myself. After twentyminutes of scrubbing I finally got it all off me.

Iwent downstairs to rest in my favorite chair. But when I sat down, anoise interrupted the silence. With a startled look, I realized itwas a whoopee cushion.

Damnthat kid, always doing this to me. I don't know whether to get thisto stop by giving him what he wants (his gameboy) or by punishinghim, which could be potentially dangerous to my health.

Ohwell. I'll figure it out tomorrow. Rest now.

Ariappeared from behind the couch looking very amused and pleased withhimself.


A/N:Well? Should I go back to having this only include Max and Fangpranking each other, or should I keep it open? Your call, I'm justtaking orders.

Suggestionsare welcome, reviews are love.

7. Gsmh'd Nph

A/N:Well. Here.

Chapter7 - Gsmh'd N;ph


Okay.So making out with Fang wasn't the best revenge, but I do have aplan.

Ilead the others to the town library--plenty of computers. I told Fangto look for any important info. The others went off by themselves.

Isat down at a computer away from Fang so he couldn't see what I wasdoing. I pulled up the Blogger homepage.

It'sa good thing he uses the same name and password for everything. Nudgetold me what it was when he first started the blog.

Ityped in sinistersilencefor the username and fang2d2for the password. Hmm I wonder where he got that from.

Aha!I started to write a blog entry.


Yo.I finally have time to update. Life's been pretty hectic lately.Now to tell you what's happened.

Maxdyed my wings pink. Won't come out for like six months. I got drunkand dyed my hair lime green. I know, smooth.

Okay,I think I like Max. A lot. Maybe even love her. She told me she lovedme too. Awesome, huh?

Ok,I'll admit it: I act tough to impress Max. I try to make myselflook hot and manly.

Butdang, she's good at seducing me. I know I've drooled over herbefore. I think she might have caught me once or twice too.

Well,that's pretty much it.



Prettygood huh? I think I managed to sound enough like Fang.

Ilogged out of his account and got into mine so I could comment. WhenI finished, I went over to Fang and said "I posted a comment onyour blog. Check it out."

Henodded and signed in. As he read "his" blog entry and my comment,his eyes widened.

"Whatthe heck? I didn't write this."

"Thenwho did? Don't be embarrassed that you drool over me. Oh and youdon't have to act tough to impress me." With that said, I walkedaway, looking for the others.

Weheaded out of the library to get some dinner. Another night ofdumpster-diving. Joy.

Icaught Fang glaring at me as we ate. He must think Iwrote that blog entry. Now where would he get an idea like that?

Atleast I made sure I got them out before he could delete the post.Heehee. That was so fun.

Irented a single room for us at a cheap motel. Hey, it had two bedsand a cot. That worked out perfectly for us. You won't hear mecomplaining.

Westacked and tapped and I sent the kids to bed.

Youmay have one the battle, but you haven't won the war, Maximum.

What?The voice was talking to me about this? Maybe someone should tell methis again, but slower.

Max,this is a distraction, but since I can't stop you, I suppose I'llhelp you.


Suggestionsare welcome, reviews are love.

8. A Pumpkin!

A/N:Here's more. You people scare me. A lot.

Chapter8 - A Pumpkin!


Maxis pure evil. I can't believe she hacked into my account onBlogger! How did she get the password anyway?

Ohcrap. I just realized I forgot to delete that post before we left thelibrary. Grreeaatt.

Ohdouble crap. I left Max's combat boots in that tree. I'm so deadwhen she finds out!

I'lljust deal with that later. Right now, I have to get the stuff for mynext prank.

Westopped at a store to stock up on the necessities. Using the littlecash I had saved, I bought some extra strength Nyquil and a pumpkinsuit.

Imanaged to get it out of the store before the others saw. We decidedto sleep in a motel again tonight. Max only got one room to give theMaxRide card a rest.

Igave Max a co*ke with Nyquil in it. In less than 5 minutes, she wasout like a light. The others soon followed her into dreams ofrainbows and ponies. Or something like that. I wouldn't know.

Islowly got the pumpkin costume out of my bag, trying not to make anynoise. I carefully slipped it on Max, making sure to tie it so shecouldn't get it off her.

Igrinned evilly. Waitone more thing.I grabbed the camera that Nudge had gotten a while back.

Itook several pictures, saving the last ten for tomorrow.

-- - - - -


Iwoke up feeling...odd. Almost poofy. That was it—poofy! I looked atmyself and saw that I was wearing a freakin' pumpkin suit! Fang isso dead. I tried to get it off, but I couldn't. Damn him, he fixedit so I couldn't even unzip it a little.

Isaw a flash and whirled around to see Fang holding a camera. He gotnine more pictures before I could do anything. That jerk.


"Yea?"he asked, emotionless as ever.

"Whatthe heck did you do?"

"Apparentlyyou're mistaken. I didn't do anything." So he's using my owninnocence act against me, huh?

"You'redead. I hope you know that."

Hegrinned. "I know."

"Areyou going to help me get this off?"

"Nope.Don't know how. Looks like you're stuck dressed as a pumpkin."He gave me a look that said, 'Because that's not a problem.'

HeyVoice? Got any prank ideas yet?

Ofcourse, Maximum. I'll tell you in a few minutes.

Whynot now?

BecauseAri is coming with Erasers in 3-2-1.

Assoon as the voice finished, Ari and about fifteen Erasers camethrough the door. Dang. I have to fight them in heels, dressed as apumpkin. Joy.

Suggestionsare welcome, reviews are love.

9. Mind Control

A/N:Hey guys. Sorry I didn't update yesterday. Uhh yeah, that'spretty much it. Please review.

Chapter9 - Mind Control


Okay.Not the best way to fight Erasers, but whatever. The heels had a niceplus, though. Just step on a dog boy really hard. It was almost likea game.

Isaw Fang whisper something to Angel. She nodded and got a seriouslook on her face. I assumed he told her to do something to an Eraser.

Thenext thing I knew, I was walking over to an Eraser and spinning himaround. I couldn't control my own body. Dammit!

Ikissed him. Right on the lips. Okay ew. Why was Angel making me dothis? This is so gross! The Eraser wrapped his arms around me andkissed me back. Oh god. Ew, ew, ew, ew!

Afterwhat seemed like an hour (which was really about a minute) he pulledback. "Wow Maximum. I didn't know you had a thing for Erasers,"he said with a suggestive wink.

Iwanted to say, 'Believe me, I don't.' But of course, I couldn'tcontrol myself. So I said "I do."

Hecalled off the other Erasers, saying he would be back for me later.

"Okay.Nasty." I ran into the bathroom to scrub my mouth clean. When I gotback, Fang was rolling on the floor with laughter. So that's whatthat little...thing told her to do. He's dead now that the voice ishelping me.

Iglared at Fang, making him shut up.

"Angel,sweetie. Come here." She walked over slowly, her head hung inshame.

"I'mnot going to yell, don't worry. Just...don't listen to Fang whenhe tells you stuff like that okay?"

"Okay,Max," she said brightly.

So,Voice? Any ideas?

Yes.You should find another place to stay since the head Eraser thinksyou like him. You should stay far away from him.

Okay...But you better give me some ideas soon.

Don'tworry. I have plenty of tricks up my sleeve so to speak.

Perfect.Fang will pay.

Sorryit's so short. Please review. They make me happy.

Suggestionsare welcome, reviews are love.

10. Beasty

A/ The Prank War is officially open. -Evil grin- Oh, Don'tthink I'm insulting band geeks. I'm one myself, so yeah. Don'thurt me over this.

Chapter10 - Beasty


Alright,Voice. We're about 500 miles away now. Can you tell me your ideas?

Ofcourse, Maximum.

I'mactually starting to like the Voice now. We walked along the sidewalkin a random town we landed in. I saw a pair of drumsticks lying onthe ground. Weird, huh? Oh well. I stuck them in my back pocket. Wow,now I look like those weird band geeks on TV.


Whydon't you sit down on that bench? I have quite a few ideas. Itcould take a while.

Ok...I thought warily. Thisbetter not be a trap.

"Yo.Let's sit here and rest for a little while." The little onesagreed whole-heartedly, while Iggy looked suspicious and Fang justlooked hot. Ah!I did not just think that. Oh god, I'm turning into a girly girl!

Max,focus. So what if you replace his clothes with a skirt and a low cutblouse?

Ohmy god. That would be hilarious! But, we don't exactly have enoughmoney to buy that stuff.

Icould've sworn I heard my voice sigh.

Okay.How about dying his clothes yellow?

Whyyellow? Besides, we don't have enough money to buy that much dye.

Ibegan absent mindedly drumming on Fang's head. He looked annoyed,so I continued with the action.

Ageeky looking guy with drumsticks in his pocket came walking by us.Deargod, there's more of 'em! How many band geeks can live in onetown?

Quitea few Max.

"Miss,you need to learn how to stay in time. You should practice more. Yourdrumming is horrible. Maybe you should get a teacher." Apparentlythis guy didn't know who he was insulting.

Istood up, glaring at him. I walked over to him and raised my foot up.Then, as hard as I could, I kicked him in the groin.

Hedoubled over, face scrunched up in pain. "Jerk," I said loudly.

Icaught Fang's eye and he smirked at me. I blushed. Gah!Whyam I acting so girly?

"Comeon, guys. Let's go find a nice big tree to sleep in." We walkedto the small park and found a decent enough tree. We stacked andtapped.

"Ihave first watch," I said before Fang could argue. I still have toplan with my voice.

Fangopened his mouth to object, but I cut him off. "No arguing. Sleep."

Heglared at me, but obliged.

SoVoice what- wait. Do you have a name or a nickname or something?Voice is just so normal.Okay, I'm officially crazy. I'm asking the little voice in myhead if it has a name.

Yes,I do.


Youcan call me Justin.

Hmm...thatseemed to fit. My voice is a know-it-all, and Justin just seems likea know-it-all show-off's name. That seemed perfect.

Okay,Justin. Any nicknames?

Apparently,Voice is one of my nicknames. But, if you must know, Beasty is myother nickname. If you dare repeat that, it won't be pretty.

Ofcourse I won't.

Iburst out laughing. Oh gosh. His nickname!

Apparently,I woke Fang. Oops?

"What'sso funny?" he asked.

"Myvoice. I asked if it had a name." He gave me a look that said,'She's officially crazy.'

"And?What made you laugh so much?"

"itsname is Justin. His nicknames are Voice and-and--," I stopped tolaugh more.

"What?"he asked, getting annoyed.

"Beasty!"Fang understood my laughter then. He joined me in making fun of thenickname. We almost fell out of the tree.

Apain in my brain silenced me instantly.

Itold you not to tell!Oh my god, the voice was whining!

Thepain intensified. I brought my hands to my head in a useless attemptto keep my skull in one piece.

Fangheld me as I whimpered and whispered words of comfort into my ear.

Eventually,the pain ebbed away, but my anger didn't. That evil voice!

Itried to sit up, but Fang's arms held me to him tightly. "Uh,Fang? It's over now."

"Iknow." Oh wow. He's holding me because he wants to! Aww!

"Ilooove you," I cooed out, obviously still loopy from the brainattack.

Helooked surprised that I would say that. "I love you too, Max."

Ipulled him to me and kissed him on the lips. We stayed like that forwhat seemed like forever. A voice calling our names made us jumpapart, blushing.

"Max?What were you two laughing at?" Nudge asked, sleepily.

Oops.Guess we were too loud. I learned my lesson about Beasty though; I'mnot telling any one else about it ever again.

"Nothing,sweetie. Go back to sleep."


Fangand I exchanged glances. "Go on to sleep, Max. I'll take the nextwatch."

"Alright.Night, Fang."


Fangneeds a nickname... I've got it! SKITTLES! It'll go perfectlywith his green hair and pink wings. I think I just thought of a goodprank without Justin's help. Yay! Beware Fang. You WILL beembarrassed.

Goodnight, Beasty.I thought before drifting to sleep.

Well?Was it good? And if anyone that know me in real life, I don't thinkJustin's beasty. Justin's a know it all name and Beasty isembarrassing. Just thought I'd clear that up.

Suggestionsare welcome, reviews are love.

11. The Finishing Touch

A/N:Hey guys. Glad you liked the last chapter. Not much happened, butmeh. Oh well, you'll live. I hope. If you can, will you go read myone-shot Lips of an Angel? Please? It only has six reviews. Okaythen. On with the story. And don't worry. It's far from over.

Chapter11 - The Finishing Touch


Iwoke up, fully rested for once. What a nice change. Yesterday cameback to me in a rush. I now have the ultimate plan to get Fang backfor—whatever it was that he did to me. I can't really rememberwhat started this…

Ineed some more dye.

Ithought you didn't have enough money for dye, Beastyaccused.

Uhh...shut up! I didn't ask you! Besides, your ideas sucked. I was tryingto let you down gently.

Humph.So that's the thanks I get!


Hestayed silent. Thank God!

"Comeon guys. We're going to the store. We're low on supplies."

"Nowe're not," Angel disagreed. Ange,it's for a prank. Don't say anything to the others. Okay,sweetie? Ithought to her.

"Okay,Max," she chirped.

Wepacked up camp and headed to the store. What I saw absolutelyhorrified me. There were tons of band geeks there! This must be likea band geek convention or something! The sooner we get out of thistown, the better.

Now,to find the dyes.

Aisle3, third shelf on the end.


Finally!A little gratitude!

Geez,Beasty is getting more annoying.

Canwe just forget about the Beasty thing?

Nope.I happen to like that name.

It'sso much fun to torture the voice in my head. And if you don't thinkthat was a weird sentence, you better reread it.

Aha!Beasty is really helpful. I found the dye.The name Beasty will never get old, Ithought to myself.

Ifound the tie-dye and paid. "Guys, we're ready to go now. Howabout that nice clearing we saw on the way here? It even had a riverthat we can wash in."

Igot some 'yeah's and 'ok's.

Wewalked to the edge of the town and took off. We flew for about twentyminutes before finding the clearing.

Afterwe landed, I assigned bath times. "Gazzy, you're the dirtiest, soyou get first bath. Then Iggy, Nudge, Angel, and Fang. Ok?"

"Sure,"they replied in freaky unison.

Forty-fiveminutes later, Fang headed down to the river to wash. I waited forabout three minutes before following him.

Isnuck over to the bush where he laid his clothes and grabbed them andran.

Idid my job quickly, but thoroughly. I died every inch of his clotheswith the tie-dye stuff I bought. (And yes, that did include hisformerly black boxers as well.) Ifhe thought he looked un-Fang-like now...

Iput his clothes back before he even noticed. Now all I had to do waswait.

Itdidn't take that long for him to find his little "surprise." Iheard him run up the path.

"MAX!What the crap did you do?"

"Isn'tit a little obvious? Should I say it really slow for you?"

"Haha. Why did you do this?I look like a rainbow freak!"

"Aww,I think you look adorable in a Rainbow Brite sorta way."


"Youknow, you're pretty much stuck like that for half a year," Isaid, grinning.

"Ohdon't worry. I have a plan for you," he murmured before walkingaway.

Ohcrap. That's not good.

"Umm,I love you? Will that make it better?"

"Nope!"he called over his shoulder.


Youknow, I think I have the worst deal here. I'm in a pumpkin suit andwearing heels. This sucks. I don't think Fang will ever give me myregular clothes back. At least he's only stuck like that for sixmonths!


AndI'm completely out of good ideas for pranks.

A/N:Well? Good, bad? What? Here's a little poll question: Who do youfeel sorrier for? Max or Fang?

Suggestionsare welcome, reviews are love.

12. A Flashback And A Name

A/N:This is going to have three pranks in one. I'm too lazy to split itup.

Chapter6- Every Action Has a Consequence


Ohmy god. This is Max's diary. I was just bee-boppin' along andfound it in a backpack. Hmm... to pick the lock or not to pick thelock, that is the question.

Ofcourse, I chose to pick the lock. Since I can't see to read, I tookit to Fang. There's bound to be something mushy about him in it.Oh, how fun torturing Max is!

"HeyFang, read this."

"Whatis it?" I could tell by his tone that he was confused.

"Max'sdiary." He didn't need to be told twice. We walked away from ourtree and sat away from the others. He quietly read everything to me.Now, I won't bore you with the details, but it pretty much wentlike this.

'Fangis sooo hot! I love him! He loves me too! This is great! I saw a hotguy today. Fang could kick his butt though. And he probably wouldtoo. I wouldn't be able to live without my Fang.'

Everythingwent back to hot guys and Fang. Gag. Me. Now.

Iheard Max come up behind me. Oh crap.

"WHATARE YOU DOING WITH THAT? No, better question, who picked the lock?"

Ibowed my head guiltily. "Iggy! You're dead!" she shrieked.

Igot up and ran away as quickly as I could. I hid out in a tree foraround two hours.

Iheard Fang coming, so I jumped down, knowing it would be safe.

"IGGY!"Crap. Spoke way too soon. I heard Max running towards me. I turned torun, but Fang grabbed me by the shoulders and held me in place.

"Fang?What are you doing?"

"HelpingMax." God, he is so whipped. Ka-chsch!

Maxcame up and dumped what tasted like chocolate pudding on me. But wasthat enough? Of course not. Then she kneed me in the crotch. I wentdown, holding myself.

"Ugg.I feel like pudding. Pudding with nerve endings. Pudding in greatpain," I managed to groan out.

Iheard Max and Fang laugh. "That's for stealing my diary andpicking the lock. Humph."

"Butwhat about Fang?" I said, not caring about the pain anymore. Whydidn't she do this to him?

"I'vetaken care of that." I bet she's smirking. I bet she made-outwith him. Gross.

Igot up after a few more minutes and got cleaned up. Pudding tastesgreat, but it's no fun when you're wearing it.

A/N:This was really short, so I'm writing another short prank.


Ican't believe him! He took my gameboy! Just because I morphed inpublic, Dad took my gameboy! Oh, he'll pay.

Igot the necessary materials and set up my prank.

Ihid under the table that's upstairs so I could get a good look ofwhat was happening.

Dadopened the door, making a bucket of water empty on him. Stumblingblindly, he stepped on the skate I planted and fell down the stairs.He went face first into the liquid glue.

Ihad trouble muffling my laughs. And it wasn't even over yet! Joy!


Ari.That boy. I can't believe he did that.

Iwent into the washroom to clean the glue off of myself. After twentyminutes of scrubbing I finally got it all off me.

Iwent downstairs to rest in my favorite chair. But when I sat down, anoise interrupted the silence. With a startled look, I realized itwas a whoopee cushion.

Damnthat kid, always doing this to me. I don't know whether to get thisto stop by giving him what he wants (his gameboy) or by punishinghim, which could be potentially dangerous to my health.

Ohwell. I'll figure it out tomorrow. Rest now.

Ariappeared from behind the couch looking very amused and pleased withhimself.


A/N:Well? Should I go back to having this only include Max and Fangpranking each other, or should I keep it open? Your call, I'm justtaking orders.

Suggestionsare welcome, reviews are love.

13. Beware The Band Geeks

A/N:Umm here. Once again, I'm being forced to write.'smore. Impatient little...people.

Chapter13 - Beware the Band Geeks


Wedecided to go back into town in case there was anything we forgot onour last visit. There was this weird band thing going on--there werearound a hundred band geeks marching through Main Street. Weird.

Listenup, Fang. Push Max in front of the parade.

Whothe hell are you?! Deargod, there's a voice in my head! Is this Max's voice? Beasty,is that you?

NO!I can't believe you would mistake me for that...imbecile! Whatnerve! I'm Lauren. Now, do what I said.


Do.It. Now.

No!As soon as I thought that, I lost control of my body. Oh crap.

Mybody started walking towards Max. Then I pushed her right in front ofthe band geeks. She looked a little lost. I expected the band to stopsince there was a girl there. But no, apparently, they were sofocused on their little instruments and their stupid music that theydidn't notice her. They just kept marching, stomping on Max.

Itried to move again, but I was stuck. Lauren!Are you doing this?


Oh,you are so dead. Look at her. She's all bloody.

Andyou wouldn't want your precious Max's pretty face to be messedup. I get it.

Shutup! Just let me move!


Ifell down. Hard. At least I can move again.

Iran to Max and picked her up.

"Fang!Why did you do that? You jerk!"

"Thevoice in my head made me!" I defended.

"What?Is it Beasty?"

"No.Someone named Lauren. She freaking controlled me! Let's get youcleaned up."

Isat her down on a nearby bench. I dug around in my backpack for theantiseptic and band-aids. Quickly, but thoroughly, I dressed herwounds.

Ipicked her up again. "Come on, guys. We're leaving this band geekinfested town. They're freaks." I know, the pot calling thekettle black.

"Okay,"they said in unison. Freaky. I hate when people say things at thesame time.

Wetook off in an alley behind a music store. Max wriggled in my arms.

"Fang,I can fly by myself."

"Noyou can't. You're probably dizzy from that trampling." I wasn'tabout to admit that I liked having her in my arms.

Shepouted, but didn't protest.

Duringthe entire flight I stared down at her. Max is so beautiful. I wonderif I impressed her when I was working out earlier.


Um,how do you know?

Ican access any mind I want. All she thinks about is how hot you are.And she thinks you have nice abs.

Hm,I like the sound of that.

Yeah,so anyway Fang, back on track here. Do you have any plans to get backat her for coloring you?


Good.I have the best plan ever. It'll get her and Justin good.

Wait.What? Why are you trying to get back at Beasty?

Noneof your business. But he is so going down! My crazy person can beathis crazy person any day.

Hey!I'm not crazy!

Keeptelling yourself that.

Iwill!God. Now I know what Max feels like. These voices are so annoying! IfI could, I'd strangle it or something.

Andthat would be why you're crazy. Trying to strangle a voice. Humph.

Ack!I'm going crazy already!

Wefound a cave to stay in for the night. I told Max I had first watch.


"No.You've been taking first watch a lot lately. Go to sleep."


Shewas asleep almost as soon as her head hit her make-shift pillow. Sheshivered a little so I put my windbreaker on her.

"Night,Max" I whispered softly.

So,Lauren. What kind of pranks do you have in mind?

Well,I was thinking you could...

A/N:Haha! You guys have to wait to find out. Review. Please?

Suggestionsare welcome, reviews are love.

14. The Golf Cult

A/N:Here. -grumbles- Stupid scary people making me write. Hmpf.

Chapter14 - The Golf Cult


Ialways knew Fang was crazy! He even has a voice now! Ha!

Becareful Max. Lauren is dangerous.

It'sjust a voice.

Iwarned you. It's your funeral.

Well,you can say I told you so at my funeral then.


Dangthat voice of mine.

Nowthat Fang has a voice, he'll come up with even better pranks. I amin so much trouble. What the heck will they come up with?

Theothers eventually woke up, rubbing the sleep from their eyes. Fangwore an evil smirk. Oh crap. Not good.

"Mornin'guys. How about some breakfast?" They nodded their heads eagerly. Igot some chocolate poptarts out of my backpack.

Okay,so chocolate is officially the worst thing to feed mutant bird kids.They were bouncing off the walls. Even Fang got hyper. Noteto self: Never buy chocolate again.

Aftergetting them somewhat calmed down, we flew on to the next town. Wewere playing tourist since none of us had ever been to Canada before.

Isaw Fang head over to a table. It looked kind of gothic-y. Hmm... Iwonder what that's about.

Afew minutes later, Fang came back, a small smile on his face. Uh-oh.Not good at all.

"Whatwere you doing over there?" I asked, trying to sound casual.

"Nothing."Could he be any more frustrating?

Isighed and went to look at the postcards. Not that I'd get them,but they had some pretty cool pictures.

Therewas a tap on my shoulder. I whirled around, expecting an Eraser.Instead, there was a guy wearing golf pants.

"Thankyou for joining the golf cult--club. I mean club."

"Uh,I didn't."

"Yourboyfriend said you always loved golf and would like to join ourcult—uh, club."


"Yes,that guy right there." He was pointing to Fang. Fang? My boyfriend?Wow. That's the third person that's thought that.

Youtwo do act like a couple.





Donot! Oh my god. I'm having a yes/no argument with the voice in myhead. Exactlyhow crazy do you have to be to be given a white jacket?

Don'tworry. You're nearly crazy enough,

"Maxis it? Well, anyway, welcome to the golf cult. Club, I totally meanclub. I'm the president., Barry. So we'll contact you when we'reabout to have our ceremonies--I mean games. Bye then."

"Wellthat was freaky," I said, mainly to myself.

Ifelt the hairs on the back of my neck prickle. I turned to see Fangbehind me, shaking with concealed laughter.



"Howcould you sign me up for a cult?!"

"Um,I didn't know?"

Iglared at him.

"Thevoice made me?"

"Nicetry. You did that on purpose!"

"Um,it was an illusion? I didn't mean to? I thought it was the HappyPony Rainbow Candy club?"


Hewalked away. That little... "Evil jerk."

Irounded up the rest of the flock, trying to get as far away from thecreepy cult as I could. We decided to sleep in an abandoned cottagein the forest.

Westacked and tapped.

Voice?I'm ready to listen to your ideas.

Good.So, you could always go with...

A/N:Another cliffy. The Golf Cult will pop up again. They're too muchfun to forget about.

Suggestionsare welcome, reviews are love.

15. I'm Not Hyper


Warning:Extreme hyperness and hilarity ensues.

Chapter15 - I'm Not Hyper


Morningagain. I'm a zombie. No, I'm just half dead. I really need to getmore sleep. Nah, I just need a pick-me-up.

Again,we headed into town. The bank card just seemed to have endless moneythese days. I strolled, yes strolled, over to the food. Hmmm,let's see. What will wake me up?

Ipicked some popsicles, chocolate poptarts, brownies, cookies,Mountain Dew, and Vault. Something was missing… For good measure, Igot a bag of sugar.

Ipaid, ignoring the look Fang was giving me. We sat down on a bench ina park to eat our breakfast.

Imanaged to eat all of my sugary good food in under five minutes.Well, except for the bag of sugar. I was saving that for later.

Noteto self: Never consume that much sugar at once.

Iwas talking like Nudge. My mouth was going 100 mph. I almost feltsorry for Fang, who was getting the worst of my ramblings.

"Soyou know what's a funny word? Saskatchewan. I mean, who names aplace Saskatchewan? Oh what about the word bubble? That's awesome.I saw part of this movie, and the girl kept going 'Oh snap!' Itwas hilarious. And then at the end of the movie, this guy, actually,he looks a lot like you, he said 'and a bag of chips'. That moviewas like so dorky that you just had to love it. You know what I want?I want a kiwi. They sound like they taste good. The word kiwi is justso funny. I mean who thinks of this stu-,"

"Max!"Fang said, snapping me back to reality.


"Stop.God, what did you have to make you get this hyper?"

"Onlya box of popsicles, fourteen cookies, twenty-three brownies, a coupleboxes of chocolate poptarts, a twelve pack of Mountain Dew, and abouteighteen Vaults. Why? I'm not hyper."

Hesimply stared at me, his eyes wide. "You had that much sugar?"

"Yeah,but I'm not hyper. I just needed that to wake me up. I didn'thave too much sleep."

"Yes,you arehyper."


"Yes,you are."

Iwas not hyper! But I could see this was going absolutely no where. Ididn't argue anymore.

Aftera while, I was able to sneak off behind a tree. I got the bag ofsugar out of my bag and started shoving handfuls of the substanceinto my mouth.

Iheard shuffling behind me. I turned around and saw Fang. He quicklysnatched my bag of sugar.

"Whatwas that for?"

"Max.You have to stop. You're too hyper."

"I'mnot hyper. Now give me back my sugar. It still has half a bag left init."

"Uh,no. That would be irresponsible of me."

"PleaseFangy? I love you. Can I pwease have the sugar back?" I asked,trying to use Bambi eyes.

Hehesitated for a moment, but still said no.

"Youevil little foot licker."

"Idon't have a foot fetish."

"You'restill evil."

"Whatever."With that, he walked away, taking my precious sugar with him.

Ihad the sudden urge to fly really fast.

"Guys,I'm going out for a little bit. I'll be back; it'll just be ashort flight."

Ifound a secluded spot and jumped into the air, going as fast as Icould. Wow.I've never gone this fast before.

Max.Slow down, you're going over 800 mph.


Ipushed myself to go faster. After about five minutes, I returned tothe Flock.

Fangwas looking a little hyper himself. What did he do?


Assoon as Max left, I got the bag of sugar out. I was hungry. Alittle taste won't hurt me.

Thenext thing I knew, all the sugar was gone and I was twitching. Istarted running around the trees.

Maxcame back a little while later. Uh,oh. She can't see me like this! I was the one telling her she wastoo hyper.

"Fang,where's my sugar?"

"Um,the sugar fairies stole it?" Ok, that has to be my worst excuseever.

"Uhhuh. Why did you eat Steve?" Ok. WTF?


"Mybag of sugar!" She named her bag of sugar?

"Er,okay. Want some chocolate?" That'll get her to shut up.

Ihad a few sugary sweets as well. Maybe I was a little hyper.

"Doesn'tthat tree look funny?" Max asked.

Itdid! I burst out laughing and couldn't stop. Soon, Max joined me inmy hysterical laughter.

Therest of the flock looked at us like we were high.

"Areyou guys high?" asked Iggy.

"We'rehigh. Per!" Ok, bad joke, but whatever.

"Nomore sugar for you guys. Ever."

"Butit tastes so good!" I argued.


Isighed. "Fine." I'll just sneak it.

Icurled up next to the already sleeping Max and drifted intodreamland. Get this; I had a dream with rainbows. And ponies. Pinkponies. The horror!

A/N:Well? Good, bad, or completely random?

Suggestionsare welcome, reviews are love.

16. Gorilla Glue

!A/N:Someone other than David finally gave me a suggestion. Yay!

!Chapter16 - Gorilla Glue!


Ugh.I'm never eating sugar ever again. It's like I have a freakinhangover. Actually, I probably do.

Ok.Now, to think of something to do to Fang. Uh... Ok. I'm drawing ablank.


Doyou have any gorilla glue?



Icontinued to plan with my voice.

"Okguys, let's move."

Butbefore any of us could get off the ground, that guy from the Golf"Club" showed up with about fifty other teenagers.

"Ah.We found you Max. We're about to have a ceremony. Uh- match,"Barry said.

"Can'tyou guys just leave me alone?"

"No,Max. Once your name is on the list, you are a part of the Golf Cultforever," he said in a creepy voice.

Ishot a look at Fang. He is so dead for that. He tried to actinnocent, but I wasn't buying it.

Ichanged tactics. "Where is it? I'll meet you there."

"Bythe stream about a mile from here."

"Ok.I'll be there in about twenty minutes."

Theyall nodded and walked off in the direction of the stream.

"Okguys. Let's go. Now. Those cult people are starting to freakme out."

Wetook off, flying away as quickly as possible.

Ifound an abandoned alley for us to sleep in. I called first watch.

Iwaited for Fang to fall asleep. Quietly as possible, I snuck over toour supplies bag and got the gorilla glue out.

Thestrongest glue ever invented. Perfect.

Ipoured nearly half of the bottle onto Fang's forehead. I lightlywiggled a flower on his head to tickle him. His arm shot up and stuckto the glue.

YAY!Thanks Beasty.

You'rewelcome, Max.

Iwoke Iggy for the next watch. I crawled over to my spot beside Fang.Justin was right. We do act like a couple. I'll have to ask Fangabout us sometime. Maybe. Meh, I'll get around to it eventually.

-- - - - - - !Morning!


Iwoke up at around 6:00 in the morning. I tried to stretch, but myright arm wouldn't move. I tried again. Nothing. Crap. Max.

Irolled over to find Max still asleep beside me. I gently shook herwith my free hand. She woke up quickly, already alert.



"Whatdid you do to my hand?"

"Nothing."I glared. She had to have done something. I can't move my freakinhand.

"Um...the glue bunnies snuck up on me during my watch and poured glue onyour head?" Ah, turning my own terrible excuses against me. Mightas well play along to find out what I want.

"Whatkind of glue bunnies?"

"Evilgorilla glue bunnies." Aha! That's why my hand won't move.Stupid Gorilla Glue.

Ohyay for me. I'm a multi colored freak with his hand glued to hishead. Just what I always wanted.

"Sure.Well, next time you see those evil gorilla glue bunnies, tell themthat I love rabbit jerky. And revenge."

Shegulped. Wow. Playing along is fun.

Mylittle Max is not going unpunished for this. My voice has plenty ofideas left.

A/N:So so so sorry I haven't updated. I got grounded. I'll updatetomorrow. I hope. Till then...

Suggestionsare welcome, reviews are love.

17. Letters Of False Love

A/N:Have fun. Jeb/Ari prank time. I'm cold, wet, and muddy, but I stilldid this for you. So you better be happy.

Warning:Unintentional drug use.

Chapter17- Letters Of False Love


Thatlittle scoundrel! He's done it again! Ari glued a dead rat to myearlobe. It. Won't. Come. Off. I'm not even going into detailsabout what I tried. Just trust me, it's stuck there.

Oh,I'll show him. Yes, yes, playing pranks is childish, but this is anemergency. It's the only way to teach him a lesson. I have such anevil little mind.

Iwalked to my desk and grabbed my pretty purple stationary with theponies on it. I found my pink glitter pen. I'd rather not discusswhy I own these particular items.

Iwrote in Max's script:


I'mso sorry I was mean to you. It's all a cover up. I don't thinkFang would like it if he knew.

Yousee, I really love you. You and only you. Come get me. Please. I needyou.

Sorryabout the Flock hurting you. I'll make them stop. Promise.

Can'twait to see you!



Iam absolutely brilliant. I trick Ari AND get Max back. Pure genius!

Istrolled casually over to Ari. Well, as casually as you can with arat swinging from your earlobe.

"Here.This came in the mail for you."

"Me!"he gasped.

Inodded curtly, trying to mask my amusem*nt.

Hegrabbed the letter and hurried off to his room. Absolute brilliance!


Iripped the envelope open. I really wanted to see who wrote to me. Itwas from Max!

Iread through it quickly. She really did love me. Yay!

Throughoutthe week, I got lots of letters from my little Max. My favorite waswhen she said that I was "so cute and hot". I love her so muchnow. I'm going to get her as soon as Dad lets me.

Iwas sitting on my bed, scratching behind my ear. I brought my dogfoot down and started licking it. All of a sudden, Max II walked in.

"Youlittle foot licker!"


"Well,look at you. Your foot's still in your mouth."

Ittasted so good though. This would be why I don't like Max IIanymore. She's so mean. She's nothing compared to the real Max.

Shewalked away, probably satisfied that I hadn't answered her.

Iwent into Dad's office. I was going to ask him if I could leaveyet. When I stepped in the room, I saw him writing on note on thesame paper and in the same pen Max wrote hers in. I knew it was toogood to be true! Dad was writing them all along.

Thatevil little jerk! He is so dead for this.

"Ari!"Apparently, he wasn't expecting me. Too bad. I'm here and I knowthe truth now.

Istomped out of his office. I took off into the sky.

Idecided I would get him back. It has to be the best prank ever. Ithought through my options. I could um put eggs in his shoes. Ormaybe I could draw all over his important papers. Whatever I do,it'll be good.

Wait!I got it!

Iran out to the store and got some supplies. I grinned and rubbed myhands together. He'll pay.

Iwent to my secret clubhouse and stashed my stuff there. I grabbedsome of that stuff that guy sold me. They looked like mushrooms. Ilike these. Hmm...I'll have to ask that guy where he got them.

Walkinginto my picture room, I noticed a weird shape out of the window. Ijumped out the window and flew towards it.

Itwas... my dad! With wings! What the heck?

Iturned around, grabbed my stuff and left. This is starting to get wayto freaky for me.

Whydid I have to be born into a family of mutant freaks?

Ohwell. And if Dad thinks that just because he has wings that he'soff the hook, then he has another thing coming.

A/N:Btw, Ari's hallucinating there. Review.

18. I'm A Dinosaur!

A/N:I forgot who suggested this, but thanks.

Chapter18 - I'm A Dinosaur!


Kso,my hand is still stuck to my head. Yay. Payback time. I grinned tomyself.


Yea.So, you know how I can control you?


Ican control anyone.



Ok.So, we might go play Frisbee in the park today. Every time she sees ahot guy, can you make her say "Rowr! I'm a dinosaur!" whilechasing him? Please? I can't believe I said please.

Well,since you said please...sure. As long as he keeps hisdistance.



Ohright. Ok... I'll send him a fax about it.

Hey,Fang and Max together makes Fax. Or Mang. But Fax sounds better. I'llpoint that out to her later. Now, it's time for fun.

Anyway,thanks for helping. Wow. I'm on a roll with the manners thing.

Iwalked over to Max. "Hey, do you think we could play Frisbee in thepark today?" Well, that came out wrong. It sounds like I want toplay a game.

"SureFang. Sounds fun. Go tell the others."


Wellthat's odd. Strong, silent, have-no-fun Fang wants to play Frisbee.Wait. Where did he even get a Frisbee? I'll have to ask him aboutthat later.

Wewalked to the small park nearby. Fang had a neon green Frisbee tuckedunder his arm.

"Well,here we are guys." I announced.

"Icall first toss!" Nudge shouted in my ear.

Wegot into an awkward formation. Just as Nudge threw the Frisbee, areally hot guy walked into my line of vision.

Allof a sudden, I started running -unwillingly- towards the teen. When Igot to him, he gave me a look that I couldn't place with the properemotion.

"Rowr!I'm a dinosaur!" I declared proudly. What the h? I can'tcontrol myself. Fang. He's behind this, I just know it!

Theguy slowly backed away. But that wasn't enough embarrassment forme, apparently. I started chasing him through the park, weavingthrough the trees and almost knocking kids down.

"Lookchick, just leave me alone! I didn't do anything!" Wow. I reallyfreaked that guy out. This is actually kinda fun.

Icontinued the chase for another five minutes. I was finally freed. Iwalked over to the Flock, hoping they didn't notice my littleescapade. Alas, Fate was not that merciful.

Theywere all rolling on the ground, laughing their little heads off. Iblushed. Well this is embarrassing I thought to myself.

I"humpf"ed and walked away. But before I could get out of there,another hot guy walked near me. I repeated the dinosaur bit, scaringthe poor guy in the process.

Hekept repeating "demon child" over and over again. I'm guessingthat qualifies as being scared.

Iran back to the Flock with my eyes closed so I wouldn't see anyguys.

"Ok.We're leaving now. Right now! Come one people!" I ushered themout of the park and into the sky.

Iflew next to Fang and hit him on the back. "What was that for?"he snapped.

"Youknow what."

Hiseyes moved nervously and he fidgeted. He flew ahead of me, trying toavoid the lecture he knew was coming. "I'll get you Fang!" Icalled after him.


Ohcrap. Shoot me now. She has a voice too. It could probably controlme. Oh crap. Please. Just kill me now. Death would be far better thanthis fate.

Ok.So I'm exaggerating a bit, but I really don't want to know whatshe has planned for me.

A/N:And there it is.

Suggestionsare welcome, reviews are love.

19. Rats!

A/N:Sorry for the wait. If you want to blame someone, blame my friend forhaving a pity party/mental breakdown.

Chapter19 - Rats


Iwanna play too! It's not fair. Everyone else is part of the "prankwar" as Iggy calls it. I want to prank someone too! But who?

Ithought for a minute. Nudge! That's it! Now, what to do...? Ithought.



Andthought. Then it hit me, like a really big bomb. She hates rat meat!Mwahaha! All I have to do is get her to eat some. Then, I can be partof the "prank war" too. Yay!

Iwaited until Max had her back turned. I ran out into the woods andlooked for some rats. After about five minutes of looking, I found anest of 'em. There were about 12 rats. I picked one up and carriedit back to camp.

Maxsaw me and gave me a weird look. "I just wanted to try somethingnew." She didn't look convinced, but left it alone anyway.

Wesat around our little fire, roasting various things on sticks. I gota bun out and put the rat meat on it. "Here Nudge. This tastesgreat." I handed it to her.

Sheimmediately gulped it down. "Wow Gazzy! That is good! What is? Iwant some more. Please? Mmm it's sooo good!"

Igave her more and more. She didn't even know it was rat. I grinned.

"SoGazzy. What is that stuff?"


Shegagged. She ran off to a tree. I guess she wanted to get the rat meatout of her system.

Whenshe came back, she was red in the face. She plopped down next to me."Ooh! I'll get you for that Gazzy!" she whispered in my ear.

Thenshe whacked me upside the head. "What was that for?" I cried out.

"Youknow what."

Ihumpfed and turned away, trying to hide my smirk.

MaybeI could wreak more havoc tonight.

InFang's voice, I said "Max. I love you. Kiss me now."

Eventhough she was confused about the randomness of it all, Max leanedover and kissed him. Fang was really surprised, but kissed back.Heehee. This is fun.

Then,in Iggy's voice, I said "Fang! How could you? I thought what wehad was special! How could you cheat on me with a girl?"

InNudge's voice I squealed. "IGGY! You told me I was the only onethat you loved!"

Utterchaos ensued. Heehee I love that phrase. Max looked extremelyuncomfortable, thinking Fang cheated on her with Iggy. Iggy thinkingNudge liked him. And of course Fang, thinking that Iggy thought hewas gay. That was fun.

Itended up taking them twenty minutes to figure out that I was the onewho said all that stuff. "GAZZY! Apologize right now!" Maxyelled.

"Sorryguys. I just wanted to be in the prank war too."

Max'seyes softened. I always know how to work the 8 year old charm. Ohyea.

"It'sok Gazzy. Just don't do it again. Ok?"

"Okay,Max." I will I added in my head. That was way too much funnot to do it again.

MaybeI could have more fun tonight.

Iwaited until everyone but Max and Fang were asleep. Fang leaned inand kissed Max on the lips. Gross!

"Max,I" I interrupted him. "Want you to lick my foot for me. I gotsomething right there in between those two toes." I said in hisvoice. I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing.

Maxlooked surprised. Boy, she's been doing that a lot tonight. Icontinued in her voice, "Of course Fangy dear. Anything for thelove of my life." She blushed.

"Fang"said "Max, I need to tell you something. I'm "involved" withIggy. We've had quite a few "escapades".

Shegasped. This is fun. "GAZZY!" They shouted in unison.

Maxgot up and pulled me out from my hiding place. Rats. I was havingfun. "Bed. Now."

Isighed and went over to my spot.


"Soo,Fang. You're not really gay are you?" I asked, trying to soundcasual.

Hestared at me. "You didn't believe that did you? Come on Max. Youof all people should know I'm the farthest thing from gay here.Iggy might be, but I'm not."

"Areyou sure?" I asked. I was really just trying to get him to kiss me.

"I'llprove it to you." He leaned in and gave me a um very heated kiss.Eventually it escalated into a make-out session. Not that I minded oranything.

Butin the little part of my mind that wasn't enjoying our make-out, Iwas plotting my revenge.

Ihad a lot of fun with that chapter.

Suggestionsare welcome, reviews are love.

20. Backfire

A/N:Please. Just don't hurt the Vault truck.

Warning:Brief half nudity.

Chapter20 -Backfire


Ifigured out the perfect revenge for Fang, without the help of Beasty.The kids would be ecstatic about it.

Wewere huddled together in a cave. It was storming outside. Do I sensedeja vu? Now was the perfect time to put my plan into action.

"Whowants to play Truth or Dare again?" Everyone but fang shouted 'me'."It's settled then. Who wants to go first?"

Angelraised her hand. "Ok Ange. Go ahead."

"UmMax. Truth or dare?"

Fromexperience, truth is always the best choice. "Truth."

"Ok.What's the first thing that comes to mind when I say Fang?"

Ianswered without thinking, "hot." By the time my brain caught upwith my mouth, it was already too late. I blushed a deep red.

Well,at least it's my turn now. "Ig. Truth or dare?"

Hebravely picked dare. "I dare you to eat some of that moss overthere." He made a disgusted face, but complied.

"Fang.Truth or dare?"

Fangbeing Fang, picked dare. Yay! My plan's working!

Iggyleaned over and whispered in Fang's ear. What's he saying? Gah! Iwant to know!

Fangblushed slightly. Yay! That means it's a good one.

Fanggot up and walked toward me. I backed away from him, hitting thewall. I had no where else to run.

Suddenly,Fang tripped on a rock. He hurtled towards me. His face -get this-landed right in my boobs. Right in the middle of 'em. How perfectcould his aim be?

Itried to push him off of me. He was fighting against me. That littleperv! I finally knocked him to the ground. He was sporting a niceshade of red, as was I.

"Goon, Fang. Do the dare." Crap. That wasn't the dare. Aw man!

Hewalked to me, bringing his arms around my torso. His lips camecrashing down on mine. He licked my lower lip, silently asking forentrance. I opened my mouth willingly enough. His tongue searched myentire mouth, massaged my tongue.

Then,I felt Fang's warm hands behind my back. He slipped that stupidpumpkin costume off of me. Finally! Then I felt his hands inside myshirt. I didn't really think too much about it until I heard a pop.My bra came off and I was "free". He stepped back, smirking.

Oh!That terrible little...bugger! How did my trick backfire? Oh man.It's his turn now! How did I get myself into this? I groaned.

"Max.Truth or dare?" he asked in a calm tone.

Mightas well try dare once. "Dare."

Hegrinned evilly. Uh-oh. "Ok. Max, I dare you to-" he lowered hisvoice to a whisper and leaned closer "flash us."

"Ohno. Oh hell no." I didn't really care that I was cursing in frontof the others.

"Yes.You have to."

Hewas right. Stupid dare. I mentally told Angel to look away. Igathered up my courage and pulled up my shirt. As soon as I did, Isaw a flash. Oh. My. God. Fang had a camera. And he got that on film.Darn him.

Ipulled my shirt back down quickly. Stupid Fang. He dangled the camerain front of me.

Icharged at him, trying to get the wretched thing. He sidestepped justas I was about to get it. Dang! I smashed into the cave wall.

Hechuckled at that. I was getting angrier by the second. I ran up tohim and slapped him. Hard. Right across the face.

Helooked stunned. Actually stunned. Not Fang stunned. "You deservedit," I mumbled. Well, he did.

Hejust shrugged. I tried to reach for the camera again, but he stuck itinside his boxers. "You can get it anytime you want to Max." Oh!The only way to get rid of it is to reach into his pants. There wasno way in h-e-double hockey sticks that that was gonna happen.

Isighed in defeat. The kids continued with the game, while I tried tothink of more ways to get back at Fang.


Heheh.That was both enjoyable for me and embarrassing for Max. We should dothis more often. I need to get that film developed soon...

Goodor bad?

21. Photos

A/N:Thanks for the suggestions. Keep 'em comin'. Ack. I'm sooosorry I haven't updated in so long. Stupid writer's block.

Chapter21 - Photos


Wepacked up camp early in the morning. While in the air, Iggy startedsinging a really weird song.

"Lis for the way you look tonight..." It went on and on and on. Itwas nearly as annoying as The Song That Never Ends. At least he'snot singing that I thought. But I thought too soon. He switchedsongs abruptly.

"Thisis the song that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friends..."Darn. Shoot me now.

Aftertwo hours of Iggy's lovely singing, Max finally told him toshut up. Thank God!

Welanded in a town about six hours away from Saskatoon. This is goingto sound a little like Nudge, but where the hell did the wordSaskatoon come from? Hmm? Seriously. Were these people high onshrooms when they named the places in Canada?

Didyou ever realize how repetitive our lives are? I mean really, wakeup, eat, fly, fight Erasers, prank each other, fly, sleep in acave/tree/abandoned building, wake up, etc. We need to add some -dareI say it?- spice to our lives. So let's add developing scandalouspictures and selling them to my list of daily activities.

That'sexactly where I'm headed. "Max, I'll be back in a bit. Gotta dosome stuff."

Iwalked through the town and found a Wallgreen's. I quickly walkedto the photo developing place. I put my two cameras on the counter.

"That'llbe 30 dollars," the clerk said. I handed over the money, not toohappy about the high price.

"They'llbe ready in an hour," the girl said, throwing a coy smile my way. Iswear, girls are so predictable. I bet she's thinking "Oh em gee!That guy is, like, soooo hot. I mean wow! I'm gonna have to call-insert girl's best friend's name here- tonight and tell her thenews! I'm going to give him my number."

TheCrazy Girl Clerk's POV

Ohem gee! That guy is, like, soooo hot. I mean wow! I'm gonna have tocall Jesica tonight and tell her the news! I'm going to give him mynumber.


Yea.Pretty much like that. SO. Back on track here.

Iwalked out the door. I had an hour to kill. What to do, what to do?Just then, I saw Ryan Cooley, my favorite Degrassi character. Yea, Iwatch Degrassi. It's a freakin awesome show. You diss it, you haveto deal with me.

Ifollowed him as quietly as I could. He turned around quickly,discovering me. "Um. Uh...hi. You're my favorite person onDegrassi. Uh. Can you sign my hand?"

Helooked a little freaked, but obliged. He even wrote his phone numberon my hand. Yes! He walked away, leaving me staring at my hand.

"Wow,"I muttered. That was awesome! Yea, emotionless Fang is obsessiveabout a TV show. What can I say, I'm a closet emo.

Iglanced at my watch. An hour had already passed. I ran back toWallgreen's and got my pictures. As I was looking through them, Inoticed a piece of paper.

'Hithere sexy.

Myname's Barbie. Call me some time, hot stuff.


Hugand kisses!


Wow.Two phone numbers in one day! Awesome!

Ifinished looking through the pictures. They were great. I really havea knack for taking pictures of Max shirtless.

Ihave the perfect plan for those. I put them in my backpack.

Iwalked back to our little camp. "Hey, Fang. Glad your back!" Maxsaid warmly. She caught sight of my hand.

"Umwhy is there a guy's phone number on your hand?"

Ohcrap. How do I explain this? She thinks I'm gay. Crap.

"Yousee, I saw Ryan Cooley, the guy from Degrassi. I asked him to sign myhand. He did, but he put his number there too."

"Fang,are you gay?"


"DoI need to find a closet for you to come out of?"

"No!I'm straight! I'll prove it to you!"

Igrabbed and kissed her on the lips. She opened her mouth, inviting mein. Who was I to turn down such a lovely invite?

Whenwe pulled apart, Max announced "ok. I believe that your straight."


I'mso smart. Every time I call him gay, I get a kiss. I like this.

ButI still want to know why he got Ryan Cooley's number.

A/N:There. Be happy.

22. Conducting Business

A/N:Violence is not the answer. So, don't be mean to me. Remember, Ihave the power to never update again. - Ok. Forgive me with theCanada mistakes. I don't live in Canada. Btw, no offense toCanadians. I like Canada. I just pick fun at everything. Ok. Movingon to the story.

Chapter22 - Conducting Business


Igot stuck with the last watch. It was lonely, but it had its perks. Isat still, watching the sunrise. When it was over, I kicked the flockawake. We dined on delicious power bars and soda.

"Let'smove. We're heading to Edmonton today," Max announced. Well thatwas random, but it'll work.

Angelwas already in the air when the Erasers entered our camp. Ari madehis way to us, pushing his companions roughly to the side.

"Hellothere little birdies. Hiding out in Canada, eh?" His laugh wasgravelly. "Hey Max, want another kiss?"

Inless than a second, I had thrown myself at Ari, knocking him to theground. "Alright, Ari. Come to the Holiday Inn in Edmonton at 8:00.I'll give you something you want. Bring money. Now," I whispered,my words laced with venom, "leave. Bring no one else tonight. Gotit? If so much as one Eraser lays a hand on any of the flock, I won'thesitate to kick your sorry ass." I got off him and walked back toMax. I really would've loved to beat him to a bloody pulp, but Ihave a plan for him.

Maxlooked stunned that I would just leave him alive and unharmed. I gaveher my 'I'll explain later' look. She nodded. Of course, Iwouldn't really have to explain when she finds out what I'm goingto do.

"Uand A guys," she called out in strong voice.

Weflew for about two hours, stopping at a truck stop for a bathroombreak. SOMEONE -cough-Nudge -cough-, forgot to go before we leftcamp.

Igot some change out of my pocket and walked to the phone booth. Idialed the number I found next to Sam's name in Max's oldnotebook.


"IsSam there?" Yes, I was calling Sam, the guy Max dated back when welived with Anne.


"Sam,this is Nick Walker, Max's brother."


"Yea.Is this your cell phone?"

"Yea..."I had to make sure he wasn't at home.

"Areyou any where near Edmonton? The one in Alberta, Canada."

"Actually,I'm at the Holiday Inn."

"Good.Meet me in the lobby at 8:00. I have something you might want."Wellthat sounded like I kidnaped a family member.


"Oh,why are you in Canada anyway?"

"Fallbreak at school. I'm visiting family."

"Oh.Well, bye." I hung up quickly. That was awkward, but it had to bedone. My plan was in motion. I resisted the urge to rub my handstogether like the bad guys in cartoons.

Wecontinued our flight, landing in a shady spot behind the Holiday Inn.Max walked up to the desk, the rest of us trailing behind her.

"Sorry,hun. We only have two rooms," the receptionist said, smacking herbubble gum loudly.

"That'sfine." She paid and led us to our rooms.

Oneroom had two beds, the other only had one. Iggy, Gazzy, Nudge, andAngel called the bigger room. Which left the single bed for Max and Ito share. I glanced at the clock. 7:55. Better get down to the lobby.I grabbed the pictures and put them in my pocket.

"Max,I'm going to the lobby. Be back soon."

Iwalked down, quickly spotting my new clients.

"What'sthis about, freak?" Ari snarled. Thank God he hadn't morphed.

"Chill.I have some picture I'm willing to give you. For a price."

"Whatkind of pictures?" Sam asked.

Ipulled out the pictures of Max. Her in the pumpkin suit and hershirtless. Their eyes widened.

"Howmuch?" they asked in unison.

"Hmm...I'mthinking thirty bucks. What say you?"

"Deal!"They said. They forked over the cash. I handed them their pictures,keeping some for myself.

"Yo,thanks, Nick."

Inodded and he walked away.

"HeyAri, you might want to go before Max sees you and freaks out." Hegrowled, but walked out the door.

Thisis awesome! I get revenge AND money! Yes! I started doing a happydance. I was really movin' too. I had my arms going around incircles, my feet shuffling. I had it going on. Then I heard a giggle.I froze. Max was standing there, a video camera in her hands. Crap.

Sheran back to our room, me chasing after her. She went into thebathroom. God knows what she was doing. She came out without thevideo camera.

Iglared at her. She simply smiled. I love her, but she's not excusedfrom her punishment. I will win this war!

A/N:And there's Fang's famous Happy Dance. - This was a tad bitlonger than usual. But not by much. Review.

23. Duh!

A/N:I suppose I should address certain issues. Fang spilt up thepictures. He had some of Max shirtless and some of her in the pumpkinsuit. Yes, I know Ari is Max's brother. And so does Fang in thisstory. That's why he gave Sam some shirtless pics and Ari only gotthe pumpkin suit pics. Yea. Just clearing that up. Ok. On with thestory.

Warning:Contains brief nudity and embarrassment

Chapter23 - Duh!


Wellthe whole voice thing was fun, but I wanna do something...bigger.Yea! Hmm...Max still has some leftover glue. I grinned. I got thebest plan ever!

I'llprobably need Iggy's help though. I walked over to him and tappedhis shoulder. "Yea, Gazz?"

"Iggy,I need your help."


Iexplained my entire plan. The glue, the shirts.

"Simple,but brilliant! I'll go get their shirts."

"ThanksIg."He walked off, leaving me to get the glue.

Afew minutes later, he came running back, Max and Fang's shirts inhis hands. He handed 'em to me. I quickly put the glue on thebacks.

"HereIg. Now, just get them to put them back on, and I'll take care ofthe rest."


Weird.Iggy said he needed my shirt for something. Looked like he had Fang'stoo. Hmm... I swear, if he blows them up, I'll kick his scrawnywhite ass from here to Colombia. (A/N: Colombia because of the drugs.Lol)

Hecame back about fifteen minutes later. Since he had my only shirt, Iwas wrapped up in an old blanket.

"Here,Max," he said as he handed me my shirt back. He left. I got up andslipped my shirt back on, adjusting it to fit more comfortably. I sawFang and walked over to him, planning on surprising him with a kiss.

Isaw Gazzy running towards us. He pushed my back to Fang's. I triedto move, but I was stuck.

"GAZZY!"Fang and I yelled.

Hejust giggled and ran back to Iggy. They were wearing matching smirks.Oh crap. How am I suppose to get out of this mess?


Ok.Hour seven of being stuck to Max. I really have to pee. I meanreally, really bad. Sure, I'm a super-mutant, but I don't haveTHAT strong of a bladder.

Ikinda start bouncing up and down. Crap. Max noticed.

"Fang?What are you doing?"

"Um...Ihave to go."

"Gowhere? Do you have a date? With someone other than me?"

"NO!I have to go."

"OH!Then how can we get out of this?"

Ibrain-stormed for a little while. They took our shirts, we put themon, we got pushed together, and now we're stuck. DUH! We just haveto take our shirts off!

"Max,we just need to take our shirts off."

"But,I um don't uh have my bra on," she mumbled.

Evenbetter, I thought to myself. "I won't look." Much Iadded mentally.

Itook my shirt off first, not bothering to mention the fact that shewas free now. Apparently, she didn't notice. She shed her shirt,taking off in the opposite direction before I could get a good lookin. Damn.

Shemust have gone to get a new shirt. Well, I guess I could punish Gazzywhile I had some down time. I found him and Iggy laughing over someprivate joke.

"Ig,Gaz. You're in trouble now."

Theyeach paled and ran. I gave chase, starting to enjoy myself. I hadthem cornered. Almost. Max came over.

"Fang!Quit scaring them!"

Shegrabbed them by the arms and hauled them away, most likely to givethem a stern talking to. She needs to get more violent with them.Violence is always the answer.

A/N:That's all for now. Sorry the squirrel thing wasn't in thischapter, Itchy. But it'll be in chapter 24. Don't worry.

24. Squirrel

A/N:Here's the squirrel thing. Ha. Funny story about the squirrelthing. If you ask, I'll tell you about it.

Warning:Adorableness and closet emo-ness. Fang's most likely OOC.

Chapter24 - Squirrel


Yes,I do know that Fang sold those pictures of me. I think he could'vegotten more though... I have my revenge. But you know, this wholepranking Fang thing is starting to get old. Plus, I'm running outpranks. I 'hmm'ed in thought.

Ihad hidden the video camera of Fang's happy dance in my bag of umgirly items. Earlier this morning, Fang searched through said bag,looking for the video. But pf course, I had already moved it. I heardhim groaning to himself about how terrible it was going through allthat girly stuff and not even finding his prize. Serves him right isall I have to say.

Isuddenly remembered that Fang never gave me my boots back. Heprobably left them in a forest somewhere. I'll show him. I creptover to his backpack in search of good blackmail material. I dugthrough it, finally finding something. A journal! Oh snap! Fang has adiary!

Toread it or not to read it?

Max.I know this is completely morally wrong, but I think you should readit.

Wow.I'm starting to like you more and more.

Ifit's even possible, I swear my voice smiled.

Iquickly opened it to the first entry. Nothing much. I scanned throughit and moved on to the next one. Finally, I found yesterday'sentry.


DearJournal (NOT Diary!),

Isold the pictures of Max yesterday. Course, I only gave Ari the onesof her in the pumpkin suit. That would be nasty since supposedlythey're siblings. I made sixty bucks! It freakin rocked!

Ok.On to the more serious stuff. I really like Max. But sometimes, it'slike she doesn't really notice me. I'm just there. The tough guythat doesn't talk. I only act that way to impress her. But on theinside, I'm confused. I know I love her, but I'm not sure if sheknows that. Gah! Why is life always so confusing? Anyway, thanks forlistening Dia- I mean Journal. You're like my best friend (exceptfor Max). You know, I want a taco right now..,


AKAThe Closet Emo

AKAMr. Tough Guy


AKAI need a name other than Nick


AWW!How adorable! Closet emo. Ha. I looked through his bag once more tosee if there was anything useful to me. I came upon what looked likea stuffed squirrel. Weird.

Ipulled it out of the bag. Then, I heard running behind me. I turnedto see Fang, coming towards me. I stuck the squirrel in my hoodiepocket.

"Max!"Fang whined. Whoa. Back up. Fang whined?

"What?"I asked innocently.

"GiveMr. Bushytail back!"


"Mysquirrel," he answered simply.

"Whyshould I?" It was too cute for Fang to have.

"GIVEME MY DAMN SQUIRREL!" he said with a sudden flare of anger.

Myeyes went wide and I hurriedly tossed him the stuffed squirrel. Hecaught it and hugged it to him. Whoa. He's breaking tons of Fangrules here.

"Umyea, so Fang. I was just going to get some fruit bars. Want any?"

"Sure.Strawberry." I backed away slowly from this surreal sight. When Icouldn't see him anymore, I turned and ran to my stuff. This wastoo weird.

Maximum...You can't really believe that Fang has no emotions. He's a persontoo.

Iguess you're right. It's just a little weird.

Iwent up to Fang.

"SorryI stole your squirrel. It was just so cute and cuddly. What did yousay it's name was?"

Heseemed to have regained his cool by then. "Um. Nothing. This is umAngel's. Not mine. I have no clue what it's name is."

"Youdon't have to act tough for me, Fang. I love you just the way youare. You make a cute closet emo." I winked and walked away.Completely weird for me to do that, but hey, love makes you do crazythings.

A/N:There it is. It completely OOC and random, but it's here. Hope youliked it.

25. Truce?

A/N:Now, leave me alone, Itchy!

Chapter25 - Truce?


Ican't believe Max saw Mr. Bushytail. And she called me a closetemo. What was that about?

So,I have two options. One, I could try harder to hide my feelings. Ortwo, I could tell Max what I think and feel. Choice one looks prettygood, but I know I should open up to Max. Damn my morals.

Youtwo should call a truce.

Longtime no hear.

Shutup and listen.


Youshould call a truce. I know you're running out of prank ideas. Sois Max. Team up and prank the rest of the flock. It'll be more fun.

Why?Are you out of ideas too? Why did your motives suddenly change?

That'snone of your business, my voice snapped.

Ok,ok. Back off. I'll go ask.

Igot up from my spot on the ground and walked over to Max. I gentlyshook her shoulder to get her attention.

"Max?We need to talk."


"Max?We need to talk."

OhGod. Not good. Those are the last four words any girl wants to hear.Maybe he's going to leave me. Or tell me I'm ugly and that hedoesn't want me anymore. I started to hyperventilate.

"Max?It's ok. Nothing bad. I just think we should call a truce. I -wellmy voice- has a plan. It'll be fun.


"Ok.Deal. What the plan."

"Let'sshake on it first." Did he really think I would break this truce?As if. I don't want to face his wrath. Again.

"Fine..."I sighed. He took my small hand in his rough, warm one. He let goafter a prolonged moment.

"Sowhat's this brilliant plan of Lauren's?"

"Weteam up and prank the other members of the flock. What do you say?"

"Ithas potential... What do you have in mind?"

"Isay we start with Iggy." He leaned in to whisper the rest of theprank.

"Ilike it. I like it a lot. We should go get the supplies tomorrow."




"Whatdid you ever do with my boots? I'm still walking around in heelsyou know."

Hiseyes darted back and forth suspiciously. What did he do?

"Fang..."I said in a serious voice.. "Tell that truth."

"MaybeI might have accidently left them in a tree back rural Wisconsinsomewhere. Maybe," he said nervously.

"Fang!You dork! You better buy me new boots!"

"Whyshould I?"

"BecauseI have a tape of you doing a happy dance in the lobby. AND I haveyour diary hostage."

"What?Dammit Max! Why did you steal my di- journal?!"

"Aww,Fangy. It's hot when a guy keeps a 'journal'. Don't worry. Ionly read one entry. Now, you better get me those boots. I haveconnections. And I happen to know some random girls who would LOVE toget their hands on that stuff and post it on the internet."

"Damn.Fine. But I'm not happy about this. Let's just get some sleep. Weneed to be well rested for tomorrow's activities."


"NightMax." He leaned over and placed a tender kiss on my temple. "Loveyou."

"Loveyou too, Fang."

Withthat, I fell into a happy dream. The first one in months.

A/N:And there it is. Comment, review. Whatever you wanna call it. Hopeyou liked it.


Suggestionsare welcome, reviews are love.

26. Silly Putty Mishap

A/N:I have nothing to say except that I was bribed with a picture towrite this.

Warning:Semi not so nice language.

SecondWarning(Cause I'm A Dork Like That) : CATFIGHT!!!!!


Disclaimer:I don't own MaxRide. James Patterson does.

Chapter26 - Silly Putty Mishap


Iwoke up, slightly dazed. Was the truce and mushiness a dream? Iwalked over to Max and kissed her cheek.

"Can'twait for the plan. It's gonna rock!" Guess that answers myquestion.

"Yea.We can drop the kids off at a hotel then go buy the Silly Putty." Isaw Iggy get up and lowered my voice. "We'll sure get him."

Afterbreakfast, we headed to the next town and got a cheap motel room. Itwas decent enough. I grabbed Max and we went to the Wal-Mart in town.(A/N: I'm assuming you Canadians have Wal-Marts)

Wesearched throughout the store, finally finding what we needed. Maxpayed and we left. On the way to the motel, I saw some skan*y lookinggirls about my age. There was a short bleach blonde, a tall brunette,and a, for lack of a better word, slu*tty looking red head. The redhead walked up to me and handed me a slip of paper. Max noticed andglared at the girl. Red head simply pulled me to her and groundherself into me.

"Callme any time. You'll have much more fun with me than that ugly bitchyou let stalk you." Max pounced on the girl, ripping out some ofher hair.

"Whothe hell are you calling a bitch?! I'm not the one dressed like aslu*t and practically doing it with my clothes on with another girl'sboyfriend!" Oh! Burn! Sizzle! Yea, dorky. But still pretty cool.

Redhead slapped Max. Max kicked her.

"CATFIGHT!"I called out. I had always wanted to say that.

Ilooked around. This was pretty cool. My gorgeous Max practicallywrestling with a slu*tty, yet hot read head. This was awesome.

Redbit Max's arm. Hard. She nearly broke the skin. Max back-handed herand finished her off with a roundhouse kick. That had to hurt.

Ihelped Max up and we left. That was fun! We'll have to do that moreoften!

"Gimmethat paper," Max demanded.

Iquickly obeyed, know that a mad Max wasn't something I wanted todeal with.

Hereyes burned with fury as she read the note. "573-987-0023 Call fora good time. I COME CHEAP! What a who-"

Icut her off. "Max! Don't worry. I would never call her. She'snot my type." She visibly relaxed. I grabbed her hand and rubbedsoothing circles in it, trying to calm her down. "Hey, at least youwon. Now let's get back and prank Ig."

Shehalf smiled. "You're right." I love to hear her say those twolittle words.

Wegot back to the motel after a short five minute walk. I pulled Maxinto the bathroom so we could prepare. I pulled out the Silly Putty.She poured the gorilla glue into the open container. We mixed it upand put the lid back on.

Wecame out, ignoring the stares the flock gave us. Dear god. Theythought we were making out or what was the phrase? That's it. Ormaking cookies. (A/N: For those that don't understand this phrase,it means um doing it. Yea.)

"Hey,Ig. We picked up some Silly Putty for ya while we were out. I knowhow much you like it."

"Thanks."He eagerly opened it, not suspecting a thing. He began rolling itaround in his hands. He tried to move his hands to do something else,but they were stuck that way.

"What'swrong? What happened?!" he shouted. "Max! Fang! Why?! What did Iever do to you two?!"

"We'rejust having a little fun," Max replied.

"Funmy a-"

"Language!"Max scolded.

"I'llget you two back for this. I hope you know that."

"Sure,Iggy. Riight," I said, with as much sarcasm as I could.


Boy,Iggy's really mad over that. Oh well, he'll get over it.Eventually. Maybe. I hope.

Idon't know what I'm going to do with Fang. He's still semimulti colored. Other girls STILL think he's hot. Geez, what'swrong with the Canadians? The girls are all crazy!

Ohwell. I should probably think of another plan for our next trick.

A/N:Done. No offense to ANY Canadians. At all. Canadia is cool. And yes,I know it's called Canada. But Canadia is just too cool of a wordnot to use. Ha.

Suggestionsare welcome, reviews are love.

27. Webcam

A/N:Hope you know I'm writing during my day off. I'm not very happyabout it, but a promise is a promise. Thanks to the person thatsuggested this. I just changed it a bit.

Warning:I guess this counts as a warning. There's a reference toIluvCaptainTerror's story Prisoner. It's not exactly whathappened in Fang's dream, but it's similar.

SecondWarning (Cause I'm A Dork Like That) : MUSHY FAXNESS! AWW!

Disclaimer:This goes along with the warning. I don't own Prisoner. ILCT does.

Chapter27 - Webcam


Ihad second watch tonight. I practically had to pry Fang from hisposition. Eventually, he fell asleep a few feet away from me.Suddenly, I heard a little whisper. I looked around for the speaker.It was coming from Fang.

"Iknow. I don't know who'll win. Maybe Max, maybe her clone.Mmm...they sure look sexy wrestling in the mud. Max just won! Yes!Wow. I love you to Max. Of course I'll help you untie your bathingsuit."

Islowly backed away. So, Fang's having a dream of me mud wrestlingmy clone. God that's weird.

Butyou know that you're flattered.

Welcomeback, Beasty. So glad to hear you.

Max,you know you like the fact that your boyfriend is dreaming of you.

He'snot my boyfriend.


Whatdo you mean?


Howeverunwise it was, I spent the rest of the night lost in my thoughts.What could he have possibly meant by yet? Was Fang going to ask meout?

Slowly,the rest of the flock began to wake up. Fang was, surprisingly, thelast to leave dreamland. Well, I guess it's not so surprising sincehe was having such a nice dream. When he finally got up, he walkedover to me and kissed my cheek.

"Max,I have something to ask you." I got up and followed him into thebathroom.

"Max.Well, this kinda isn't necessary, because of all that's happened, you want to be my girlfriend?"

Itried to hide my squeal of delight, but I didn't succeed. "Ofcourse," I said, trying to act casual about it all.

Fangpulled me to him and kissed me lips. Can we say aww?!

Wewalked out of the bathroom with Fang's arm wrapped around my waist.Angel walked over to us and said in a small voice, "is it true youtwo are dating?"

Wenodded our heads, while Angel screamed "I KNEW IT!"


Maxand Fang just went into the bathroom. Perfect time to set up mywebcam. Don't ask how I got it. You see, I saw this guy with oneand he left so I kinda just took it and ran. Oops. I wasn't supposeto tell you that. Oh well.

Anyway,I set up the webcam and turned it so it'll only show Fang's frontwhen he flexes in the mirror. Can't have people seeing the wingsand all that stuff.

Iheard the bathroom door open and Angel scream 'I knew it' reallyloud. Um ow. That hurt.

Ihurried in there to congratulate them. After a few minutes, we allwent our separate ways. Fang headed to the mirror to flex, just likeI had planned.

Afterabout thirty minutes of admiring himself, he headed out to find Max.I crept in there and got the webcam. The whole time, it was playingeverything on this one website.

Igot the footage and put it on about twelve other websites and put alink to it in the blog. I think I grinned evilly. I wasn't reallypaying attention though.

Yousee, there are tons of Fang obsessed girls that comment on the blog.So I found their emails and sent them the link to Fang's flexing.They quickly emailed me back and said thanks. One even said "TellFangy I say hi. And that he's hot. And that I love him. And that hecan call me anytime. And that maybe we can make some cookiessometime. My favorite's chocolate chip. Mmm...Fang is an apron.Sexy. Whoops! I drooled on my keyboard. Oh well. Thanks again,Nudge!"

Whata weirdo. Why are they so obsessed with him? He's not hot oranything. Now Orlando Bloom, that's hot. But Fang my not hotbrother. Can we say ew? It'd be like Gazzy making out with Angel.EW!

Anyways,in a day or so, Fang will get on his blog, find the post and well,probably get mad, but it'll be fun to watch! I love to annoy him.It's almost better than annoying Iggy. And that's pretty fun. Ican't wait till Fang finds out what I did!

A/N:Hope you liked it.

Suggestionsare welcome, reviews are love.

28. Cookie Mania

A/N:I know. It's been a while. Sorry. I've been busy. I have a lifetoo. So. Here it is I guess. Not really a prank this time. But thereis hilariousness. -

Warning:Ari being a little obsessive.

Referenceto a Twilight oneshot of mine. When Scrabble Goes Wrong. I own it.Yay!

Chapter28 - Cookie Mania


Iwas so mad at Dad. I mean, he faked love letters from Max and then hestole those yummy mushrooms I got. I planned not to talk to him everagain until he apologizes.

Iheard a knock on my door. I grunted in response.

"Ari?I found out something about Max." It was Dad. Trying to win me backwith news of Max. He continued. "She has an obsession with cookies.Right now she's on a quest to find the perfect cookie. Maybe she'llnotice you if you can help her with that."

Hewalked out, leaving me to think. I perked up considerably. He thinksI have a crush on her. Ok ew. She's my sister. I love her, but notthat way. Those letters did make me feel good though. But it was onlycause someone was being nice. At the time, I didn't care that theywere supposedly from my sister.

Yea.I've said some...odd things to her. I was just trying to get Fangmad. He's all Max thinks about. If I can provoke him and kill him,maybe Max would come back to me...

Dadprobably hates me because he thinks I love her love her. He'sprobably ashamed of me for it. I only want her attention. Maybe wecould be like those brothers and sisters that play board gamestogether...

Ihave to find the perfect cookie for her! Maxy wants cookies! I ranout of my room and to the kitchen.

"Quickguys! I need cookies! My sister wants cookies!" The cooks gave meweird looks and went back to whatever they were doing before. Finethen.

Ipractically flew out of the house and headed towards town. I got theaddress and headed over to the cookie factory.

"Ineed cookies! And fast!" I grabbed an armful of cookies and headedfor the door. A tall, buff man stepped in front of me.

"Sir,you'll have to pay for those."

"Screwyou!" I pushed him over and ran out. I went to my secret clubhouseand hid the cookies there. I kept one out to taste. I bit into it.Ick. Too hard. Guess I gotta try again.

Iwent to a fancy dessert place. I was in and out without being noticedin two minutes. I ate one of my cookies. Too gooey.


Iwalked around looking for other cookie places. Then I saw a weirderthing than Dad flying (which apparently didn't happen).

Thisguy with bronze hair was chasing this really big buy with dark curlyhair. "EMMETT! SCHMARF IS NOT A WORD!"

"ISTOO!" The big guy, Emmett, yelled back.

"GAH!"From out of no where, the small guy pulled out a torch and apitchfork. "EMMETT! JUST ADMIT IT! SCHMARF DOESN'T EXIST!"


Sothe crazy one's name is Edward. Where the heck do these crazypeople come from? Am not "high" again am I?

So.Back to the cookie quest.

Isearched high and low for the best cookies. Finally, after two weeksof searching, I found it. It has the perfect crunchiness with thegooey insides. Yay! Now I just have to find Max and give it to her.


Wow.I haven't seen Ari in two weeks. Wonder why not. All of a sudden, Iheard the bushes rustling. Ari stepped out with a tray in his hands.What?

Igot into a fighting stance. Wait. He hasn't even morphed yet. Whynot? What's going on here? He stepped forward and handed my thetray. It had chocolate chip cookies on it!

Ilooked at them skeptically.

"Goneon, Max. I heard you were on a quest to find the perfect cookie. Ifind them for you. I want us to be friends. I don't want my sisterto hate me..."

Istared at him dumbfounded. So I really am his sister?

Beasty,do you think I should try 'em?

Yes,Max. It's safe. He really does just want you to treat him like thelittle brother he is.

Ok.But if I die, I'm gonna come back to life and kill you.

Islowly reached for a cookie and bit off a piece. Wow! It really isgood!

"Iguess we can try. But no more trying to kill me!"

"Deal!"He looks really happy.

"So,I guess I'll see ya around?"


Heleft. Well. That was pretty weird. I walked over to Fang.

"Whatwas that about, Max?"

"Ihave absolutely no clue..." I snuggled up to Fang and fell asleep.

A/N:Not my best, but meh. I liked the suggestion. I tried. Please review.And don't kill me for the not-so-goodness.

Suggestionsare welcome, reviews are love.

29. A Promise Broken

A/N: Sorry forthe delay. I procrastinated, then I got grounded. Here it is.

DISCLAIMER: I DON'T OWN MAXIMUM RIDE. JP DOES. Nor do I ownthe Disclaimer, Claimer thing. I stole that from Myrah. FPRIVATE"TYPEPICT;ALTWink"


Chapter 29 - A Promise Broken


I walked back to camp dripping wet. Stupid Fang pushed meinto a stupid lake. So now, I was wet and smelled like lake water.Ew. He's dead. Yea, we have a truce, but every promise is meant tobe broken. Or is that rules?

I got out my girly bag and dugall the way to the bottom. I found my moderate sized make up bag.Now, what do I have? Mascara, white foundation, green eyeshadow, blueeyeliner, and red lipstick. What the hell was I on when I boughtthis?!

Well, it'll do.

Max, youshouldn't break a truce.

Beasty, we promised not toplay pranks on each other. And this isn't a prank, it's revenge.

Very well...

Darn right very well.

Beastywas silent.

I'll have to wait till he's asleep to do thisthough...

Now that I have my revenge (not prank!) Planned,guess I better change into dry clothes. Then it hit me. This is myonly outfit. Iggy used my other set of clothes for a bomb. Well crap.

"Hey, Fang?" He nodded to show he was listening. Back tohis old strong and silent type. "Do you have an extra set ofclothes?"

He nodded again and dug in his backpack, tossingthem to me once they were found. I said a quick thanks and headedbehind a tree to change. His black shirt came down to my knees andhis pants were falling off my butt. Thankfully, I had a belt. Hmm, mybelt's white. It'll ruin the perfect blackness of my ensemble.

I came out from behind the tree, thinking about howcomfortable Fang's clothes were. "Hey, Fang? Wanna come to townwith me? We need some supplies."


Wetold the kids we'd be back in a little bit and said that Ig was incharge. I hope they don't give him too much trouble...

Whilewe were walking on the sidewalk, a guy and a girl ran by us shoutingat each other.





"OOH! How about the oneswith letters? They're fun to knock down!"





"NEVER!" The boy erupted into fits of maniacallaughter. I think we can all proudly say 'Wtf?'

The twoslowed to a walk and started talking about gay flutes and straightsaxes. Fang went over to the guy. "You two okay there?"

"INSANITY SQUAD FOREVER!" they yelled in unison,sprinting away from us.

Fang and I exchanged similar looks ofconfusion then burst out laughing. Why do we always run into freaks?I mean people that are freaky, not mutant freaks. Well, you get thepoint.

We finally managed to get the groceries withoutanymore interruptions. When we got back to camp, I passed out foodbars and we wolfed 'em down. Soon, everyone was asleep, includingmy victim. I mean Fang.

I got out the crazy make-up andtiptoed to Fang's sleeping form. I did my work quickly andthoroughly.

I put away my tools and stood on watch duty,waiting for Fang to wake.

At about five in the morning, theflock woke up, laughing upon the sighting of Fang. He looked around,anger clear in his eyes. "Who the hell did this?"

Everyoneshook their heads. His gaze shifted to me. "We had a truce!"

"Yes. I didn't break it. We promised not to prank eachother. That, m'dear, was revenge for pushing me in the lake."

Fang got a mysterious glint in his eye.

"Thischanges everything, you know."

Oh crap. I think I juststarted another Prank War.

A/N: Sorry to the reviewer thatsaid "this is the fic that never ends", but I'm still going tochapter 50 on this. If you don't like it, then you might wanna stopreading. My plans won't change.
To the person that reviewedchapter 5 and said they quit cause it was too OOC (even though you'reprobably not reading this), I did say in the first chapter that itwould be OOC.

Suggestions are welcome, reviews arelove.

30. In A Truce No More

A/N: Sorrythis took so long. I had computer troubles.

Disclaimer: Idon't own Maximum Ride. JP does. I also do not own the Disclaimer,Claimer thing. I stole that one from Myrah. (I ADMIT IT! DON'T HURTME! I GAVE YOU CREDIT: )

Claimer: I own this story, thisplot, Beasty's name and backstory, Lauren, and the Golf Cult. ALLMINE!

Chapter 30 - In A Truce No More


As soon as I could, I took some soap down to the streamand cleaned my face. I scrubbed and scrubbed, trying to rid myself ofthe girliness.

When I was pretty positive I no longer lookedlike a clown gone wrong, I dried my face and headed back to camp.Angel run up to me. "Fang, are you okay?"

"Whywouldn't I be?" I asked, puzzled.

"Well, you looklike a mix between Jake Richardson and a raccoon," Nudge said.

"Who's Jake Richardson?" I questioned, once againfeeling out of the loop.

"He plays a goth in the movieHangman's Curse. He wears lots of eyeliner." Ok. That's weird. Iguess that means I didn't get all the make-up off. Well, crap. I WILLget Max back for this! I was just playin' around when I dumped her inthe lake. But then she does this! Screw the truce. She just started awhole new prank war. I hope she's happy.


Lauren? What do you mean by finally?

Justwhat I said. It took ya long enough to call off the truce!

Well, now that that's over, do you have any ideas? Mysuggestion box is empty.

Now that you mention it...Ido.


You know her Liam Rooney CD?


This is what you do...


Whoa, that's harsh. But in allfairness, she deserves it.

Exactly, Fang. This willsure show Justin who's crazy person is the best...

One,I'm not crazy. Two, I thought this was about me and Max, not yourex-boyfriend.

Yea, sure it is. Whatever you say, ohgreat master.

I think I'm starting to really dislike thevoice in my head.

Max's POV

Oh crap. Fang's reallymad. I mean REALLY mad. Not good. This is not good. Whoa there, self.It's ok. The dazed look on his face doesn't mean he's plottingagainst me with the voice in his head. Maybe he's planning to get mea Valentine's Day present. I hope. Maybe. Oh, who am I kidding?! Hehas a really good revenge plan, I just know it! I'm dead. Dead, dead,dead!

Maybe, if I'm really nice to him, he won't gothrough with his plan. It's worth a shot.

I dug in mypocket for the change that had accumulated there. I pulled out ashiny nickel and walked over to Fang, tapping his shoulder to get hisattention.He whirled around, startled out of his thoughts.

"Hey,Fang? Do you want this nickel? It's shiiiinnnyyy!" I said thelast part in a childish sing-song voice.


"What about," - I fished around in my pocket -"this shiny dime?"

He shook his head.

"Ashiny quarter?" Another no. "Come on! I'm trying to benice! Just take the stupid shiny money!"

Fang just gaveme a confused glare. That sounds a bit hard to do, but he managed topull it off. As he constantly reminds me, he can do anything. Thethought made me roll my eyes.

"Hmpf. Fine then. Be thatway, I don't care."


Anunbearable silence washed over us. I sat, fidgeting with the hem ofmy shirt, waiting for Fang to say something. After ten minutes, I letout an agravated sigh and stomped off. If he wanted to be that way,that's his problem. I don't care. Nope, not me.

In the end, Iwould have rather stayed there with Fang. I got roped into playinghopscotch with Angel and Nudge. Darn the Bambi eyes...

Aftera very long thirty minutes of the childish game, I went back to mystuff to get out my Liam Rooney CD-- the one good thing that came outof staying with Anne. Or should I say the Spawn of Satan? Yes, she'sonly the Spawn of Satan. Jeb has the title of Satan covered.

WhenI opened the CD case, I shrieked in horror. My favorite CD --my onlyCD actually-- was completely ruined. It was scratched and broken downthe middle.

"FANG!" I screamed at the top of mylungs. Everyone came running to see what the commotion was.


He looked down at theground. I think he was ashamed. He must not have known how much Iloved that CD.

"Everyone. Go back to what you weredoing," he said in a calm voice. He walked over to me, his guiltwritten all over his face. "Max, I'll get you a new one. Ididn't know you liked it that much. I was just trying to get you backfor the make-up thing." He seemed to mean it.

"Fang,you've restarted this war. I hope you know what you've done. By theway," I said before walking off, "I still expect you to getme new boots AND a new Liam Rooney CD. You know, while you're beggingfor forgiveness, you should bow down and kiss my feet." Did Ireally think he would do it? No. Did he? Of course.

Fang bentdown, grabbed my foot and practically made out with it. I don't knowwho was more embarrased, me or him. We were both red in the face.

Ileft in search of something to occupy my time.

Fang's POV

"...You know, while you're begging for forgiveness, youshould bow down and kiss my feet."

No way in hellwould I do that.

Oh yes you will.

Iunwillingly bent down and nearly frenched Max's foot. Nasty. Oh GOD!The horror! I think I was blushing, too. Even worse. I groaned as Maxwalked off. Now, I REALLY hate the voice in my head.

A/N:Ok. How was it? Not too funny if you ask me, but at least it's anupdate. Seriously, PLEASE give me ideas. My suggestion box is empty.The only suggestion that's left is incest. No way in h-e doubletoothpicks will I have GAngel (I guess you would call it that) inthis fic. shudders Not happening. Hmn..I guess that means I gottathrow it out of the suggestion box. Which means, I got nothing. HELP!GIVE ME IDEAS!

Suggestions are welcome, reviews arelove.

31. In A Truce No More Alternate Ending

A/N:I'm sorry it's been so long. My computer got a virus. Idownloaded some free music and yea. It just got fixed. I decided towrite an alternate ending to Chapter 30. I just thought the endingwas too harsh and serious. So here it is. Sorry for the extremelylong wait.

Disclaimer:Don't own Maximum Ride. I also deny the ownership of the ClaimerDisclaimer thing. That's Myrah's.

Claimer:I own this.

Chapter30 - In A Truce No More (Alternate Ending)


Assoon as I could, I took some soap down to the stream and cleaned myface. I scrubbed and scrubbed, trying to rid myself of the girliness.

WhenI was pretty positive I no longer looked like a clown gone wrong, Idried my face and headed back to camp. Angel ran up to me. "Fang,are you okay?"

"Whywouldn't I be?" I asked puzzled.

"Well,you look like a mix between Jake Richardson and a raccoon," Nudgesaid.

"Who'sJake Richardson?" I questioned, once again feeling out of the loop.

"Heplays a goth in the movie Hangman's Curse. He wears lots ofeyeliner." Ok. That's weird. I guess that means I didn't getall the make-up off. Well, crap. I WILL get Max back for this! I wasjust playin' around when I dumped her in the lake. But then shedoes this! Screw the truce. She just started a whole new prank war. Ihope she's happy.


Lauren?What do you mean by finally?

Justwhat I said . It took ya long enough to call off the truce!

Well,now that that's over, do you have any ideas? My suggestion box isempty.

Nowthat you mention it...I do.


Youknow her Liam Rooney CD?


Thisis what you do...

-- - - - - -

Whoa,that's harsh. But in all fairness, she deserves it.

Exactly,Fang. This will sure show Justin who's crazy person is best...

One,I'm not crazy. Two, I thought this was about me and Max, not yourex-boyfriend.

Yea,sure it is. Whatever you say, oh great master.

Ithink I'm really starting to dislike the voice in my head.


Ohcrap. Fang's really mad. I mean REALLY mad. Not good. This is NOTgood. Whoa there, self. It's ok. The dazed look on his face doesn'tmean he's plotting against me with the voice in his head. Maybehe's planning to get me a Valentine's Day present. I hope. Maybe.Oh, who am I kidding?! He has a really good revenge plan, I just knowit! I'm dead. Dead, dead, dead!

Maybe,if I'm really nice to him, he won't go through with his plan.It's worth a shot.

Idug in my pocket for the change that had accumulated there. I pulledout a shiny nickel and walked over to Fang, tapping his shoulder toget his attention. He whirled around, startled out of his thoughts.

"Hey,Fang? Do you want this nickel? It's shiiiinnnyyy!" I said thelast part in a childish sing-song voice.


"Whatabout," -I fished around in my pocket- "this shiny dime?"

Heshook his head.

"Ashiny quarter?" Another no. "Come on! I'm trying to be nice!Just take the stupid shiny money!"

Fangjust gave me a confused glare. That sounds a bit hard to do, but hemanaged to pull it off. As he constantly reminds me, he can doanything. The thought made me roll my eyes.

"Hmpf.Fine then, be that way. I don't care."


Anunbearable silence washed over us. I sat, fidgeting with the hem ofmy shirt, waiting for Fang to say something. After ten minutes, I letout an aggravated sigh and stomped off. If he wanted to be that way,that's his problem. I don't care. Nope, not me.

Inthe end, I would have rather stayed there with Fang. I got roped intoplaying hopscotch with Angel and Nudge. Darn the Bambi eyes...

Aftera very long thirty minutes of the childish game, I went back to mystuff to get out my Liam Rooney CD - the one good thing that came outof staying with Anne. Or should I say the spawn of Satan? Yes, she'sonly the spawn of Satan. Jeb has the title of Satan covered.

WhenI opened the Cd case, I shrieked in horror. My favorite CD - my onlyCD actually - had Sharpie marks all over it. 'Liam Rooney sucks'was written on the disc.

"FANG!"I screamed at the top of my lungs. Everyone came running to see whatthe commotion was.


Fanglooked down at the ground. I think he was sorry. Either that or he'sa really good actor.

"Everyone,go back to what you were doing," he said in a calm tone. He walkedover to me, regret plastered on his face. "Max, I'll fix it. Ididn't know you'd be that mad. I was just trying to get you backfor that make-up thing. I'm sorry."


"I'llnever do it again."


"I'mreally sorry."


"I'llreally never do it again?"


"Ilove you?"

Ibroke into a smile. A small one, but a smile nonetheless. But asquickly as it came, it was over. I put on a stern look.

"Fang,you've restarted this war. I hope you know what you've done. Bythe way," I said before walking off, "I still expect you to getme new boots AND a new Liam Rooney CD. Ya know, while you'rebegging for forgiveness, you should bow down and kiss my feet." DidI really think he would do it? No. Did he? Of course.

Fangbent down, grabbed my foot and practically made out with it. I don'tknow who was more embarrassed, me or him. We were both red in theface. I left in search of something to occupy my time.

MaybeI should wash my foot. It's kinda slimey.


"...Yaknow, while you're begging for forgiveness, you should bow down andkiss my feet."

Noway in hell would I do that.

Ohyes you will.

Iunwillingly bent down and nearly frenched Max's foot. Oh GOD! Thehorror! I think I was blushing, too. Even worse. I groaned as Maxwalked off. Now I REALLY hate the voice in my head.

Ugh.I need to wash my mouth out. Max's feet taste like vinegar andcornchips. Blech.

A/N:Well? Good? Bad? Pretty darn gangster? Vote now and you will receivea magic muffin. It will grant you 3 whole wishes. Oooh! Look at thefun. Review!

Youknow, I think this is one of my longest chapter ever. Woo!

Chapter31's on it's way.

Suggestionsare welcome, reviews are love.

32. Sharpie Fight!

A/N:Real life experience here. Yes, I am that awesome. - Enjoy.

Disclaimer:Don't own MR.

Claimer:Do own Prank Wars.

Chapter31 - Sharpie Fight!


Iadmit it. I have a secret obsession with Sharpie markers. I have oneof every color. It's one of those rainbow packs you can buy atWal-Mart. What do I do with those Sharpies you may ask?

Itook another sniff of the yellow marker in my hand. Giggling, Ireached for the red one. Yes, Fang giggling. You read it correctly, Iwas giggling.

Well,I kinda maybe hypothetically sniff my Sharpies. What? They smellgreat! They make all your troubles go away. And you laugh all thetime, even when nothing's funny.

Ahand appeared in front of my face and pushed the Sharpie tip onto mynose. Great, now I have a red dot on my nose. Wonderful. Iturned around and saw Max standing there smirking.

"SniffingSharpies again?"

"Nope.I'm trying to find the gateway to Happy Pony Candy Land."

"Haha,very funny," Max said. Before I could register what was happening,Max stole my red Sharpie.

"Hey!Give it back! It's mine!" Whoa, I was almost whining.

Maxshook her head. She took the cap off the marker and drew a long linefrom my elbow to my wrist. Oh no she didn't!

Igrabbed the black Sharpie out of my back pocket and made a big blackslash on her forehead. "Sharpie fight!" I called to no one inparticular.

Maxtook about seven markers from my bag while I got the rest from mypocket.Quickly, I took the caps off all of them, preparing myself forthe duel.

Icould nearly hear Max thinking. Something along the lines of "Oh,he's goin' down! He'll pay for writing Liam Rooney sucks. Grr."


Oh,he's goin' down! He'll pay for writing Liam Rooney sucks. Grr.


Herewe go...

Maxjabbed the green Sharpie at me. I dodged it just in time. I ran ather, markers held high. I made a blue streak on her collar bone.

Beforeshe could get me, I tackled Max to the ground, straddling her hips tohold her there. (A/N: That's not the only reason. ;-). Sorry. I hadto put that there. I'll stop now.) I took the purple Sharpie andstarted streaking her hair with it. Once I made sure that you couldtell her hair was purple, I got up and put the caps on my markers. Iquickly snatched hers and did the same.

"Fang!"Max whined.

Ico*cked my head to the side.

"That'snot nice, Fang!"


Maxpouted. And -dare I say it?- it was the cutest thing I've seen.


StupidFang. I guess that means he won the fight...

Hehelped me up and we headed back to camp. When we came within eyeshotof the Flock, they gasped and came running to us.

"Whathappened, Max? Why's you're forehead black? Why's your neckblue? Why's Fang red? Wh-"

"Nudge!It's fine. We got into a Sharpie fight. I guess I lost."

"Youcan say that again," Fang said, smirking. Darn him. He only wonbecause he held me down. Does he even know how heavy he is? Do youeven know? No, because he wasn't straddling you, he was straddlingme. Why does that sound so...dirty?

Well,think about it, Max. He was straddling you. You don't seem all thatupset about it either.

Ohbe quiet, you. It's not my fault that a guy that just so happens tobe my hot boyfriend was on top of me.

Again,just think about what you just thought. And you wonder why it'sdirty.

Iswear my voice was rolling it's eyes. If it even has eyes...

I'mgoing to ignore that very incorrect assumption.

Finewith me.

Ipulled Fang away from the others. "You know, Fangy, I have quite afew tricks up my sleeve." I gave him a small kiss and walked off,trying to think of something to get the purple out of my hair.

A/N:Well? Sharpie fights are very fun. Everyone should try it sometime.Btw, I'm completely out of suggestions now. HELP!

Suggestionsare welcome, reviews are love.

33. Toast

A/N:Sorry for the wait guys. I've been busy. I do have a lifeoutside of Fanfic. It's called MSN. Lol. This chapter is dedicatedto the fabulous Patch for letting me use him and his insane-ness inthis chapter. It helped with my writer's block.

Warning:Extreme OOCness on Iggy's part.

Disclaimer:I don't own MaxRide.

Claimer:I own Prank Wars.

Chapter32 - I'll Steal Your Pets And Kidnap Your Toast!


Dearlord! Does Nudge ever shut up?! Man, I have to do somethingto get her to stop. I depend on my hearing; I don't need her randomchatter clogging it up!

"SoIggy, do you ever wonder about the meaning of life? I want a newnickname. What about...princess? Or something else really cool. Oh mygosh! I wanna go to New Zealand! I met this guy named Bradly and hethinks New Zealand is really cool. You know, this other guy namedPatch - that's a weird name isn't it? And this other dude keepssaying Fang's emo. What's emo anyways?

"Didyou ever notice how Jake Richardson kinda looks like Fang? Oh well, Iguess you wouldn't but he does. And he's really hot too. Jake,not Fang. But Fang isn't hot. That's just ew.

"Ohmy gosh! What if Max and Fang get "jiggy with it"? You know, Iheard that line on -well, I don't remember where, but it was funny!So anyway, what if they have a baby? Eep! I'd be an aunt! Orsomething like that. I wish-"

Iclamped my hand over her mouth in a pathetic attempt to stop the wordflow. But like I said, it was a pathetic attempt. She bit my hand. Ipulled it back and she began her rant again. That's it. When we goout to the store next, I'll fix this problem.

Iheard Max and Fang walk over to us. "Come on guys. We're headingout to town for supplies. Who wants to come?" Max asked us.

"Iwill," I said. The others, excluding that mutt Total, said thatthey would rather stay here and play. Fang ended up staying behind towatch the younger kids.

Maxand I were strolling along in the dense foliage, Total at my heels. Iheard rustling in the bushes on my left. I turned my head in thatdirection and signaled for Max to be quiet.

Max'POV (Sorry for the POV switch. Iggy can't see to describe)

Aboy around our age stepped out of the bushes. He had dirty blondehair and gray eyes. He would be kind of cute if he wasn't apotential threat. Just as I shifted in a fighting stance, the boycackled maniacally. Iggy and I shot him similar looks of freakedout-ed-ness.

Hestepped up, hands out in a friendly manner. Pfft. As if.

"Whoare you and what do you want?"

"Giveme Vault or I'll steal your pet and kidnap your toast!"

"Whattoast?" Iggy asked nervously. I saw him tuck what looked like apiece of toast into his backpack. Where did that toast come from?

"Thattoast!" Freaky Boy replied.

"Ok,"I said, stepping towards him. "Who the heck are you and why do youwant his toast?"

"I'mPatch. And I want his toast because toast rocks. Duh!" Erm... Patchscares me.

"Well,too bad then. I don't have Vault. Now go away." As soon as thewords left my mouth, Patch leapt into action. He grabbed Total andstuffed him into a bag at his side. He maneuvered around Iggy,snatching the not-so-well-guarded toast.

Asquickly as he came, he left. There was nothing but the missing Totalto prove that Patch was real. Oh God. How will I explain this toAngel?!

Iwalked forward, hoping to find the mutt somewhere. The ground made acrunching sound, like paper. I looked down, seeing a note. Patch musthave left it!


Ihave your pet(s). You will never see it(them) again. They have beenstolen.

Asfor your toast, I have kidnaped it. If you ever wish to see it again,you must bring me a twelve pack of Vault. Pronto. Or the toast getsit!



HaveI mentioned that this boy scares me? Why are the cute guys crazy?

Iggylooked like he was about to cry from the loss of his toast. "Iggy!"I snapped. "Pull it together man! You can get more toast!"

"But,Frank was special... We had so many memories."

"Forgoodness sakes, Ig! It was a piece of toast! We have more importantissues. Like telling Angel about Total."

Heimmediately sobered up. Apparently he remembered how big of a fitAngel could throw.

Wewalked back slowly, trying to stall. Neither of us wanted to be thebarer of bad news. One thing's for sure, Patch is scary. And ifI ever see him again, I'll sick Fang on him.

A/N:And, done. I'm so so so SO sorry for the extremely long wait. I gota case of laziness. I plan on updating Strike Up The Band tonight.

Ihope this made you feel better IAKIW.

34. Hostages

A/N:Sorry for the delay. But here's a SuperBowl present for you. -And yes, Patch is insane.

Disclaimer:I don't own MaxRide.

Claimer:I own this.

Chapter33 - Hostage


Thatwas terrible. Angel threw the biggest fit on Earth over Total. I meanthe worst, ugliest tantrum ever recorded. She screamed, she kicked,she cried, she made Iggy wear a blue dress, she bit Fang. I have noclue about that last one though. He probably thought something weird.

Soof course, we had to go off to find Patch and get the stupid dogback. And Frank. Fang and I went to the store to get the Vault.Maybe, if we bring that and replacement toast, he'll give us thestupid mutt back.

Wefollowed the trail of crumbs to a good sized clearing. A figure wassitting cross-legged on the other side, talking to something. Weapproached carefully, trying not to scare the poor mentally unstableboy.

Hestiffened, putting his nose in the air to smell who was coming.

"Soyou have returned, children of the feather. Have you brought thedrugs?" Is it just me or did Patch get even crazier?

Westepped lightly around the random bits of toast scattered everywhere."If you mean the Vault, then yes, we did," Fang answered, ascalmly as ever.

"Yay!You can stay for the tea party now!" We reached him as he turnedaround. Behind him, strapped to chairs, were Total and Frank. I gapedopenly at them.

Patchgrabbed the Vault and our wrists, dragging us to some seats. As soonas our butts connected with the chair, straps held my wrists, ankles,and wings. Oh Lord.


Yay!I finally have some new friends! I love them so much I could hugglethem. I cracked open some of the Vault and gave them some.

Afterthey finished their drinks, I gave Frank the Toast some cookies.Don't tell Total, but Frank is my favorite.

Imade some more cookies and brownies for my hostages. I mean guests.Yes, they're my lovely guests.

Iheaded to my bag and got out Twister, Scrabble, and Battleship. We'llneed some entertainment for later. A tea party can only last for alittle bit.

"Alrightyguys, I have a game for you."

"Isit called 'Let Us Go And Check Yourself Into The Looney Bin'?"Max asked.

"No,silly. It's called 'Help Me Get More Toast By Flying Me Places.'"I needed help getting from place to place. My resources are confinedto Canada.

"Likehell. How do you even know about our wings?" Fang said.

"Ihave my resources. They don't call me Super Stalker for nothing."I grinned. Actually, I got that name because I know everything abouteverybody. And because I was caught going through The Fray'strash...

"Noway," the two said in unison.

"Yesway. You have no choice. You see, I know how much Angel wants herlittle doggy back. I'll give him back if you two do my bidding fortwo weeks. That's all, only two."

Theylooked at each other, silently communicating. Max spoke up. "Fine,but we're not happy."

"Excellent,"I said, imitating Mr. Burns perfectly.

A/N:Sorry it's so short. That's all I have the patience to do.

Suggestionsare welcome, reviews are love.

35. A Fun Rant

Sorry,not an update. It will get replaced with a chapter when I get thenext one typed up. Proceed with caution. Major rant. Major vile cusswords. Not suitable for children under the age of 13. You know what,read it anyway. It could entertain you.

Fernstorm77reviewed: "Sorry, This SUCKS"

Youare a damned coward. I am sick of people saying this story sucks.What the HELL are we sucking? Hmm? If you're going to flame me, atleast have the f*cking courage to leave me a way of contacting youand telling me why it f*cking sucks.

Aw,were you scared I was going to cuss you out? I'm so sorry. But ifyou want to say this sucks, get a f*cking spine.

Youcan take your damned sorry and shove it up your f*cking ass. You justpissed me off. I don't want your f*cking apology.

Youknow, you are the true bastard of Earth. You punch, then run away asf*cking fast as you can. You're a coward. A no good, dirty, rotten,low-down coward.

Youcan get the f*ck away. I don't need your f*cking limitedvocabulary. If you truly hated this, don't you think you could comeup with something better than "This sucks"? You could have said"This sucks dick. Your story made my skin crawl. It made my eyesbleed. It made me never want to read fanfic ever again." You see?At least I have an extensive vocabulary. I can say something'sterrible with more than two words.

Ican also piss someone off with one only sentence:

Goburn in the third level of hell, you bastard.

Havea swell day. :)

Now,if you any of you know who the hell Fernstorm77 is, please send themthe link to this. It would mean a lot. Please and thank you.

Now,that goes as a warning, I suppose. I have a quick temper. I do notlike getting a flame if you don't leave a valid emailaddress. Valid meaning it's not fake and I can email you using it.Like I've said before, give me a f*cking reason why my story sucks.Otherwise, you'll get your own rant devoted just to you.

36. Iggy, The Birdkid Hunter

A/N:I apologize for the lateness of the chapter. I thought Patrick wouldbe writing it. His computer crashed so he had to start over when hisschedule was already busy. We decided I could go ahead and write thischapter but leave out his part. So here it is. Enjoy.

Now.I don't want to bring up feelings of sorrow for Steve Irwin,because I know some of you were deeply hurt with his death. This isto relive the good days, not to make fun of him.

Disclaimer:I don't own MR.

Claimer:I own PW.

Chapter34 - Iggy,The Bird-kid Hunter

Dayfifteen without our leader and second in command. Day fifteen with meas leader. It's a lonely life at the top. Crikey! Is that Max?!

"No,Iggy. I know that look. It's just a crow. I think you've gonecrazy. I heard that happens when people are under stress. It's notlike we're stressful though. I mean, we only glued some feather onyour face, held you down while Gazzy farted on you, and tied yourshoes laces together. Plus we only tried to kill you six times..."

"Nudge!"he said sharply. "Do. You. EVER. Stop. Talking?!" Each word wassaid through gritted teeth.

Sheshook her head, her dark hair flying in all directions. "Nope. AllNudge, all the time. Talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk,tal-"

"STOP!LORD, STOP IT NOW! THIS IS WHY I'M INSANE!" he cried, his handsshooting up in the air. Right then, if Ari came, Iggy would gladlyforce himself to play games with him straight for eight hours.Anything to stop the chatter!

"Ihate to break it to you," Gazzy chimed in, "but you were alreadyinsane. On the inside. We just surfaced your immense feelings ofcraziness."

"Sincewhen do you know those big words?" Iggy inquired.

"SinceI read them on the projector over there." He pointed to thecameramen and they waved sheepishly back.

Iggywas, needless to say, shocked. Why were people filming his antics ashe tracked down the missing members? Why did he smell donuts in themiddle of a forest? that a theme song he hears?

"Whatin hell is going on here? AND WHY DON'T I GET A DONUT!" Iggyshouted, fuming not so silently.

"This,babe, is Iggy, The Bird-kid Hunter. It's a big hit in the US andCanada. Even Australia! And...erm, we...ran out of donuts." Iggywore a mask of disbelief. "I mean, pixies stole them? And put themin a worm hole. That ended in Kentucky. So you're never gettingthem back now! Mwaha!"

"No!Not Kentucky!!!" Iggy dropped to the ground with his head in hishands.

Hisears pricked up as the bushes rustled. He jumped to his feet and doveinto the underbrush, hoping to catch Max or Fang.

"Crikey!We got a big one here! He's a strong little bugger! I think it'sFang!" But alas, 'twas only a bear. A very angry bear...

Thebear shook itself off and charged at the bird-boy. He ran blindly (inthe literal sense of the word), right into a net Nudge had rigged up.He was suspended in the air, hanging from a tree branch.

"Crikey!"he cried.

Nudgegroaned. "We're doing this for your own good Iggy." Shepromptly put up a sign beside the tree reading "Do not feed thecrazy boy. He bites."

Aboy, Edward something if my memory is still trustworthy, came by,picking up a stick and poking him with it.

"Hey!Stop that! Who's doing that? Stop!"

Edwardsimply snickered and walked away. What he was doing in Canada, I haveno clue. Iggy continued his thrashing. Being smarter than youraverage bear, he pulled out his knife and cut himself free. He landedwith a heavy thud. Hey, I said he was smarter than a bear, notEinstein.

Thecamera crew was laughing behind their hands, all the while thinkingabout the hit this episode would be.

Agirlish screech sounded in the air and what looked like a shoe camefalling down. "Maax! That was my favorite shoe!" Fang whined fromabove. The squabbling voices got closer until the owners landed,surprised at what they saw.

Fanggrabbed his shoe, keeping his head down, though they could all seethe blush painting his cheeks.

"Fang,was that you screaming?" Nudge asked.

Maxstarted laughing, confirming the action between giggles. Fang pulledhis hood up and tried to be invisible.


Fangwas trying to tell me where to go. And I really can't stand whenpeople order me around. We got into a little fight that ended with methrowing his shoe down to the ground and him screeching like a littlegirl.

Wemet up with the Flock in the clearing we landed in. I told Fang weshould stop here. A smug smile slid across my face.

Thencame the dreaded question. "Fang, was that you screaming?"I erupted into uncontrollable laughter as Fang hid from us.

"Wherewere you guys?!" Iggy exclaimed. "I nearly went crazy without youguys! They tried to kill me!"

"Nearly?"Nudge snickered. Iggy faked hurt and pretended to cry. His terribleacting was ignored.

"Sowhere were you, Max?" Angel asked, concern and curiosity in hereyes. I could have some fun with this.

"Ohnowhere special. Fang and I just eloped." Everyone stopped whatthey were doing and stared.

"You...andFang...what?!" That was the shortest thing Nudge ever uttered.Hallelujah!

Igiggled again and quickly said, "Just kidding, guys. That Patch guycaptured us. It was terrible!" I shuddered, remembering theexperience.

"Tellus about it, Max!"

"Well,it happened like this..." And thus began my tale.

A/N:Mwaha! You have to wait till next time to find out what happened!Hope you like it. -

37. Beyond Extremes


Yes, yes another rant.

Before I start, the reason I haven't posted is because there's a lot going on in my life right now and I can't find the words. Sorry.


It has come to my attention that another person has copied my story. Word for word in some places. And the list goes on about what other similarities there are. I am so SICK of people stealing my ideas.

What now? I've already posted Claimers on my chapters. Do I need to write DON'T EFFING STEAL THIS every five lines, too?

Can you guys please be freaking original AND NOT STEAL MY IDEAS?!

Do you realize what that is? It's called plagiarism. It's a crime.

Now dammit. Stop this. Okay? I'm not playing Little Miss Nice Girl anymore. Because this has happened about 4 times now.

They haven't been as bad as this though. This is down right maddening.

So AddictedToEdward, come out, come out wherever you are and use your own DAMNED ideas. Mkay?

Did anyone else notice that her penname is paraphrasing mine (EdwardAddict)? I just randomly noticed that.

Okay. So. ATE, if you do not delete that story, I will report you.

And yes, I seem very bitchy. But you know what? You would be too if four, count 'em FOUR, people have copied your idea. So. Excuse me.

And yes, I will update soon. I have the next chapter partly written.

Now. Have a wonderful day, everyone.



Okay. I PMed that person last night. Apparently they decided not to be reported. They changed their penname and deleted the story. And of course PMed me telling me how stupid I was and how much of a bitch I am because I got pissed they stole my story. -rolls eyes-

But really. I'm sick and tired of this. Some of you have said imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and that it's such a good idea, others want to use it.

Personally, I think it's just lame. Now. To those of you who think I overreacted, put yourself in my shoes. I come home from a stress-filled day at school to find someone plagerising my work. Now. Do you still think I overreacted? I thought not.

Hopefully, the update will be coming soon. So just hang tight a little longer.

38. Patchapalooza

A/N: Again, sorry for the delay. Things have been hectic at home. And I mean that in so many senses. I've been trying so hard to get this chapter up, since I have the next one basically written out in my head. But with everything going on... Either way. I hope you enjoy this.

This is Patch's perspective on what happened during the two weeks of enslavement.

Disclaimer: I don't own MR, nor do I own How To Save A Life.


Chapter 35 - Patchapalooza

Patch's POV

At last, I had the bird children under my command! With their superpowers, I could get all the toast in Canada! Maybe even the world! It's just a nice plus that Max is a cutie.

I had left Max and Fang alone for about ten minutes so they could get used to the fact that they basically sold me their souls for the next two weeks.

The first few days we just caught up, filled each other in on our lives. Our main conversation went like this:

Max: "Do you like Canada?"

Fang: "Well, um, I like freedom, as in not being your slave."


And that we did. Of course, the plan didn't go over so well. Right when we were about to ride the kangaroos outta there, the zoo police caught us. We (meaning Max and Fang) helped find and return all the animals before they did too much damage.

After that fiasco, I had Fang and Max take turns carrying me off to various drop off points. I did my act, appearing and stealing pets and kidnaping toast, leaving ransom notes in their wake.

Hmm... It's a good thing I got two of those flying people. They come in handy when it comes to carrying all my new possessions.

I lifted my head from my pile of pillows and rang a small, tinkling bell. Just the sound seemed to laugh at my thoughts.

"Oh yeah?! Well take this, you stupid bell!" I chucked it at the wall, successfully clobbering Fang over the head with. Oopsie?

My slave merely sighed and adjusted his maid costume, complete with black and white lacey frills. "You rang, master?"

"Yes! I desire cookies! And cake! Oh! While you're at it, go ahead and tell my other slaves I desire amusem*nt."

"Yes, master," he said as he clip-clopped away in his mandatory heels. Quickly (just like I liked it) The Fray appeared in my doorway, already setting up their equipment.

They began my favorite song of theirs, How To Save A Life.

Step one you say we need to talk
He walks you say sit down it's just a talk
He smiles politely back at you
You stare politely right on through
Some sort of window to your right
As he goes left and you stay right
Between the lines of fear and blame
And you begin to wonder why you came


Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life


A crowd suddenly appeared, cheering to the band. Yes, sometimes I do let others enjoy the wondrous work of them, but usually they're all mine!

Let him know that you know best
Cause after all you do know best
Try to slip past his defense
Without granting innocence
Lay down a list of what is wrong
The things you've told him all along
And pray to God he hears you
And pray to God he hears you


Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life


As he begins to raise his voice
You lower yours and grant him one last choice
Drive until you lose the road
Or break with the ones you've followed
He will do one of two things
He will admit to everything
Or he'll say he's just not the same
And you'll begin to wonder why you came


Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life


Why yes, I was quite aware of the few altered lyrics, but it did have a catchy beat to it, so I decided to let them live.

Max's POV

While The Fray was distracting Patch with their cries for help, Fang and I quickly slipped away from the prison-like house. Yes, we were scheduled to be released in a few days, but all the other slaves were supposed to have been freed too! We left, no looking back. It was every man, er, bird kid, for themself! Though we did have to find Total before we could leave for good. Stupid mutt.

We finally managed to find the Flock and relate to them our tale. And return Total to Angel's waiting arms. I repeat, stupid mutt.

"And so ends the tale of Patch," Fang finished for me. Yes. Let's put that whole episode out of our minds.

I snuggled up into Fang's comforting embrace. Something that felt like a stick was thrown at my head.

"Who threw that?!"

Iggy glared in my direction. "Just where is my Frank? You didn't forget him, did you?"


Max, forget the toast! The time for fun and games is ending. Your real destiny awaits you.

Perfect. Beasty's back to his "save the world" mumbo jumbo. Joy.

A/N: Ah! One more chapter left. So excited. It should be up soon. I really hope you guys liked it.

Suggestions are welcome, reviews are love.

39. As The Color Fades

A/N: Sad to say this is my last chapter for The Prank Wars. I've loved bringing you entertainment! I really wish I could have made it to my 50 chapter goal :P

Disclaimer: I don't own MR.

Claimer: I own The Prank Wars and anything you don't recognize as being owned by James Patterson or other labels/people that I have mentioned.

Chapter 36 - As The Color Fades

Max's POV

Beasty said it was time to move out. It was time to save the world, Maximum Ride style.

I looked up to the sky, letting rain pour on me. It washed away our childish squabbles, our meaningless pranks. We'll always keep the memories in our hearts, for that's all that's left. The colors from the dyes are fading, the glue is coming unstuck, and all my things were returned.

Our prank war was a pleasant distraction at the time, but it's time to move on. As Beasty says, we've aged, and so should the way we act.

The whole six month ordeal taught me a great deal. I learned who to trust, who to turn to, who truly loves me, and who truly does NOT look good multi-colored.


"Yeah, Fang?" Fang and I had gotten much closer during our short stay with Patch. It was just us against the world, trying not to go crazy in a place where "sane" was making a teenage boy wear a frilly maid costume.

"What are we going to do? I mean, we don't know where we need to go and we don't even know what we're saving the world from."

"I guess we'll just have to wing it." He smiled at the pun.

I allowed myself to drift back to the beginning of all this. Erasers kidnaping Angel, Ella and Dr. Martinez, Jeb, Ari, Anne, going to a real school. The tank. I shuddered, switching my gears to the fun-filled recent past. Truth or Dare, make-up, revenge, sugar highs, The Golf Cult, even. The thought brought a smile to my face.

Max, would you like to know why Lauren and I helped you out with this foolishness?

You mean you didn't just want me to have fun? And Lauren was actually on your side?

Well, yes and no. I did want you to enjoy your life for a while, but it was all key to your destiny. And Lauren was assigned to help out by the agency. She wouldn't share a head with me, so she entered Fang's head.

So all this time, we were just the School's pawns?!

Again, yes and no. The School doesn't really play as big of a role as you think. Max, this goes beyond a few scientists. You have to save the world from themselves.

And that is?

Silence. The first time in ages Beasty hasn't responded to me. Fang's hand waved in front of my face, trying to claim my attention.

"Sorry. Voice," I replied with a sheepish smile.

"What was he saying?" Fang wrapped his arms around me, sensing that it was serious.

"I have to save the world from everyone, basically. This whole time, all these pranks, Beasty, Lauren, they were all just teaching us lessons so I could save the world. All this time I thought we were just having a little time to be normal kids."

A few tears slipped from my eyes, despite my efforts to stop the flow.

"Hey there," he cooed. "It'll be okay. And if you ever need to be a kid, I'll beat up that voice of yours so we can frolic through the flowers, singing happy songs."

I laughed, just picturing Fang skipping around, a circle of pansies adorning his head like a crown.

"And just what's so funny there, Chuckles?" I couldn't answer. Fang had pushed me to the ground, tickling me mercilessly.

His thumb poked me in my side. "Thumb Of Doom!" he cried out. We rolled around, knocking over Nudge in the process.

Soon the others joined in on our big huddle of laughter. Lucky me, they all dogpiled on top of me.

A twig snapped in the distance. I looked up to see The Golf Cult approaching. I leapt to my feet, wondering what could happen.

"How did you find us?" Fang inquired.

"A prophet, our messiah, Ari, came to our leader in a vision, telling him we must help you in your conquest."

Whaa? Voice, The Golf Cult has to help save the world?!

Of course. They're the most important part.

Maximum Ride. Two percent avian, ninety-eight percent human. Lived in a dog crate most of her life. On the run for the rest. Now, a voice in her head is telling her she must save the world with the help of golf-obsessed teens who believe her little brother is their messiah.

Yep. That's me, alright. My life just gets better and better.

I shrugged, turning to the Flock. "Let's do this!" We each put our right wing in a circle formation before leaping into the sky, watching as The Cult unfolded their own wings.

This has been one wild ride, and it's not even over yet!

A/N: Well. What do you guys think? Personally, it's my favorite chapter. Yes, there will be a sequel. I'll be posting a thank you chapter to all my readers soon after this.

Thank you all for everything!

Suggestions are welcome, reviews are love.

40. Thank You!

Guys. The Prank Wars is officially over. Some of you have been with me since day one, pushing me to write more. Some joined later. More power to you, because I barely have the attention span to read my own story in one sitting.

You guys were there when I had my breakdowns, when I spazzed, and when I ranted. You guys rock, and I look forward to reading your reviews for the sequel (which should be up within a week if all goes well.)

So here's to you! I've tracked down everyone that has reviewed thus far. Kudos for making it through my abnormally long, and disturbing story!

Mind you, I've most likely miscounted. So if you find any errors, don't tell me. :)


Katroti Opesi





Man I'm like bored and stuff




angelz on edge



resident vampire


















Eye Witness


Child of Art and Darkness













Black Rain


Fang's penpal

Dark Wings in the night Sky






I luv FANG








Luna the Moon Fairy











You shalt not know my name!



This account is not used

Sylvia Riddle

St. Fang of Boredom

leaves at autumn




Don't live in Fear





Fernstorm77 - Fernstorm77. Boy. I chewed your ass out. :) Guess you're not reading this. But either way. I guess we all learned a little something that day. :D


lizzie 105












Texas Gal 23


evil meg




kenko the spellcaster

twilight xx3


filmmakersdream - I love your stories! - And yours, too:D



Da Jitter Bug - GASP! AND YOURS!






jdeppAddict - Well, well. What to say? We were friends. We got in a huge fight. I apologized. You followed suit. We're on thin ice right now. We still have issues. Well, if you don't, I know I sure as hell do. Don't know why I included you on here, seeing as you read a total of three chapters that I forced you to read. Well whatever. Here's to drama!



Wait For The Stars





Callie Noelle

x X Electrify X x


Shadow the Bird Kid - JACK! Babe, you rock so hard!





God's servent

magicmehome - Guess what. I LOVE YOUR STORY TOO:O

Erik's Muse





EdwardIsTheHottestVampire - That he is. Edward is the hottest.



The Queen of Everything - I bet you're not the queen of Fragdoodle Land! HAHA!





da archer







Uzumaki Nekkyo

Captain Kangaroo






Myrah - AND I ADORE YOUR STORIES! Thank you for all your support :D






XIrishXDreamerX - What do you know? I love your fic too. Small world, eh?


cloud64 - Oh my god. Patch, where do I even start? We've been talking for nearly a year now and your parents still think I'm a stalker! -sighs- Well. You're what kept me updating after my computer crashed. You helped me out with my problems, and you put David in his place. We've had some interesting talks (coughcough-Emilyaskingyoursize-coughcough). Some converations were short, some lasted for hours. Nevertheless, you never failed to make me feel better. You introduced me to awesome music (Out Of My League, The Fray, GIRLFRIEND! Damn you for that one . ) Anyway. Just thanks. Wow. What a cruddy word to use. I need to make a new one to describe what I feel...

I GOT IT! No wait. Never mind. I'll work on it. Don't be surprised if it takes longer than your nickname did. But for now, I guess thank you will work well enough. Love you!


Casey Jewels




Supergirrl - AH! You rock! You've given me loads of advice and story bits. Thank you so much!


SamanthaFantasyFan - Whoa. Thirty reviews! We have no life. Lol So basically, you rock so hard, it makes me jealous. :D Thank you for reading my story and always having something to say about it!


iluvzuzu - Congrats, zuzu! You get the grand prize for most reviews! -gives you three wishes- Spend them wisely. Thank you for reading and reviewing! Rock on!

Ah! Guys! You guys just... Thank you for all the support. It's meant so much to me. I mean, we hit the 600 review mark!

More thanks now.

The following added my story to their favorites.

Amethyst Prongs



Bloody Joy



California Marshmallow

Callie Noelle

Captain Kangaroo

Casey Jewels

Child of Art and Darkness

CocoaMoo Vamp.



Don't live in Fear




Elizabeth Tudor

Eye Witness

Fang's penpal






God's servent



I luv FANG







Luna the Moon Fairy








Shadow the Bird Kid

Silver Wind Kitsue


St. Fang of Boredom



Uzumaki Nekkyo

Wait For The Stars

X Orangey x Love X











kenko the spellcaster







resident vampire


sasuke's wife



the Lunchbox





x Teardrops Of Sunshine x

x X Electrify X x





Okay, okay. Enough rambling now. Just. Thanks to everyone!

-EdwardAddict (Hillary)

And before I forget again, here's a note from Patch:


Haha! I win. No you can't steal my stuff, Patchy. -sticks tongue out-

Now, I'm done. :D

41. Sequel!

Heyguys! I just posted the first chapter of the sequel.

Title:The Golf Cult R Us

Gocheck it out. I hope you like it! I have a lot up my sleeves for it.:D


42. NewsNewsNews

Hey guys! Long time,not talk, huh?

Don't kill me,but…

I'm redoing ThePrank Wars.

Well, not reallyredoing. I'm just going back and fixing the mistakes I was to lazyto patch when I wrote it.

I have so manymistakes because I'm a lazy authoress who doesn't like to rereadher work before she posts it. xD

So. I hope you alllike the changes I'll be making.

Thank you again toeveryone that has read this story, and especially those who havereviewed and who have favorited me and the story.

Peace, Love, andBird-Kids.


The Prank Wars by EdwardAddict (2024)


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Author: Delena Feil

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Author information

Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.