Are you looking for the recap for tonight’s first Masters game? Find it here!
Are you looking for the recap for tonight’s second Masters game? Find it here!
Warning: This page contains spoilers for the May 17, 2023, game of Jeopardy! — please do not scroll down if you wish to avoid being spoiled. Please note that the game airs as early as noon Eastern in some U.S. television markets.
Here’s today’s Final Jeopardy (in the category U.S. National Memorials) for Wednesday, May 17, 2023 (Season 39, Game 178):
Efforts recently began to reintroduce 2 species of oyster to help restore the contaminated waters of this, a national memorial
(correct response beneath the contestants)
Today’s Jeopardy! contestants:
David Lu, a mail processing clerk from Los Angeles, California |
Brittani Seagren, a nurse practitioner from Bourbonnais, Illinois |
Ben Chan, a philosophy professor from Green Bay, Wisconsin (5-day total: $157,000) |
Andy’s Pregame Thoughts:
Yesterday, Ben Chan became the first player since 2001 to win his first five games in runaway fashion. Today, he takes on L.A.’s David Lu and Illinois’s Brittani Seagren.
Jeopardy! Masters continues tonight with the final night of the quarterfinals. It will definitely be Sam Buttrey’s last game of the tournament in the opener, while Amy Schneider needs to both win the last game and hope that Matt Amodio doesn’t win the first one. Again, it airs on ABC in the US and CTV2 in Canada, at 8:00 PM Eastern. The semifinals stage of the competition will begin next Monday.
PSA: The best way to keep COVID-19 at bay (and keep Jeopardy! producing new episodes) is for everybody to get their vaccinations as soon as they can, including any boosters as recommended. When wearing a mask, please ensure that your mask covers both your nose and your mouth.
Are you going on the show and looking for information about how to bet in Final Jeopardy? Check out my new Betting Strategy 101 page!
I recently updated my tournament wildcard models with as much tournament data as I’ve been able to find! If you’re playing in a tournament, you’ll want to check this out!
(Content continues below)
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Correct response: What is Pearl Harbor?
You can find game-by-game stats here at The Jeopardy! Fan of all 15 players, including Matt Amodio, Jonathan Fisher, Amy Schneider, Mattea Roach, Ryan Long, and Cris Pannullo, that have won 10 or more games on Jeopardy!
More information about Final Jeopardy:
(The following write-up is original content and is copyright 2023 The Jeopardy! Fan. It may not be copied without linked attribution back to this page.)
Beginning in 2019, the University of Hawaii at Hilo began working with the U.S. Navy and Oahu Waterkeeper to improve the water quality at Pearl Harbor. Oysters—in this case the Hawaiian oyster and black-lip pearl oyster—are able to filter between 20–45 gallons of water per day, removing pollutants from the water in the area. Pearl Harbor itself, originally a part of the World War II Valor in the Pacific National Monument, was made a separate national memorial in March 2019; the harbor was the site of the Japanese attack on Hawaii on December 7, 1941.
We have many new offerings at The Jeopardy! Fan Online Store! Proceeds from the sale of the “Doctor Oz’s Fast-Acting Snake Oil Elixir” T-shirt are being donated to The Trevor Project:
You can now listen to Alex Trebek-hosted Jeopardy! episodes from TuneIn Radio without leaving The Jeopardy! Fan — listen now!
Game Recap & Tonight’s Game Stats:
Looking to find out who won Jeopardy! today? Here’s the Wednesday, May 17, 2023 Jeopardy! by the numbers, along with a recap:
Jeopardy! Round:
(Categories: Great Brits; “X” In The City; Pantomime Horse; That’s Our Motto!; Y’Know, The Movie Where…; We’re Full Of Questions)
Even though Ben got an early Daily Double incorrect, he recovered to pick up 17 correct in the first round and led at both commercial breaks!
Statistics at the first break (15 clues):
Ben 8 correct 1 incorrect
Brittani 4 correct 0 incorrect
David 1 correct 2 incorrect
Today’s interviews:
David has been a fan of Jeopardy! since the Art Fleming cameo in “Airplane II”.
Brittani injured her wrist at a pain management conference.
Ben is looking forward to the Tournament of Champions.
Statistics after the Jeopardy round:
Ben 17 correct 1 incorrect
Brittani 5 correct 0 incorrect
David 5 correct 2 incorrect
Scores after the Jeopardy! Round:
Ben $8,400
Brittani $3,200
David $2,000
Double Jeopardy! Round:
(Categories: Podcasts; U.S. Presidential Elections; Scientific Devices & Instruments; Poe”M”s; Recent Pop Music; Jeopardy! After Dark)
Ben got to both Daily Doubles in this round, betting $5,000 on the first one and $5 on the second. He then romped to a runaway, while Brittani and David were forced to take chances to catch up. Unfortunately, it did not work, with both barely on the plus side.
Statistics after Double Jeopardy:
Ben 31 correct 3 incorrect
David 9 correct 8 incorrect
Brittani 7 correct 3 incorrect
Total number of unplayed clues this season: 26 (0 today).
Scores going into Final:
Ben $24,205
David $1,200
Brittani $400
Brittani and Ben got Final correct; Ben has 6 runaways in 6 wins—the first ever to do so—and goes for #7 tomorrow!
Tonight’s results:
Brittani $400 + $399 = $799 (What is Pearl Harbor?)
David $1,200 – $200 = $1,000 (What Three Mile Island?)
Ben $24,205 + $795 = $25,000 (What is Pearl Harbor??) (6-day total: $182,000)
Other Miscellaneous Game Statistics:
Daily Double locations:
1) THAT’S OUR MOTTO! $800 (clue #4)
Ben 1400 -1000 (Brittani 1000 David 0)
2) U.S. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS $1200 (clue #5)
Ben 13200 +5000 (Brittani 3200 David 0)
3) PODCASTS $1600 (clue #19, $8800 left on board)
Ben 20600 +5 (Brittani 2000 David 800)
Overall Daily Double Efficiency for this game: -34
Clue Selection by Row, Before Daily Doubles Found:
J! Round:
Ben 4 5 4*
Brittani 3
DJ! Round:
Ben 4 5 3* 5 4 3 2 5 4 5 4 5 3 4*
David 2 3 3 2 2†
† – selection in same category as Daily Double
Average Row of Clue Selection, Before Daily Doubles Found:
Ben 4.06
David 2.40
Brittani 3.00
Unplayed clues:
J! Round: None!
DJ! Round: None!
Total Left On Board: $0
Number of clues left unrevealed this season: 26 (0.15 per episode average), 0 Daily Doubles
Game Stats:
Ben $23,000 Coryat, 31 correct, 3 incorrect, 47.37% in first on buzzer (27/57), 3/4 on rebound attempts (on 9 rebound opportunities)
David $1,200 Coryat, 9 correct, 8 incorrect, 28.07% in first on buzzer (16/57), 0/1 on rebound attempts (on 3 rebound opportunities)
Brittani $400 Coryat, 7 correct, 3 incorrect, 15.79% in first on buzzer (9/57), 0/1 on rebound attempts (on 8 rebound opportunities)
Combined Coryat Score: $24,600
Lach Trash: $14,800 (on 12 Triple Stumpers)
Coryat lost to incorrect responses (less double-correct responses): $14,600
Player Statistics:
Ben Chan, career statistics:
170 correct, 14 incorrect
7/9 on rebound attempts (on 23 rebound opportunities)
45.03% in first on buzzer (154/342)
13/15 on Daily Doubles (Net Earned: $35,205)
5/6 in Final Jeopardy
Average Coryat: $23,067
Brittani Seagren, career statistics:
8 correct, 3 incorrect
0/1 on rebound attempts (on 8 rebound opportunities)
15.79% in first on buzzer (9/57)
0/0 on Daily Doubles
1/1 in Final Jeopardy
Average Coryat: $400
David Lu, career statistics:
9 correct, 9 incorrect
0/1 on rebound attempts (on 3 rebound opportunities)
28.07% in first on buzzer (16/57)
0/0 on Daily Doubles
0/1 in Final Jeopardy
Average Coryat: $1,200
Ben Chan, to win:
7 games: 80.136%
8: 64.218%
9: 51.462%
10: 41.239%
11: 33.048%
Avg. streak: 10.034 games.
Andy’s Thoughts:
- Today’s box score: May 17, 2023 Box Score.
Final Jeopardy! wagering suggestions:
(Scores: Ben $24,205 David $1,200 Brittani $400)
Ben: Limit your bet to $21,804. (Actual bet: $795)
Brittani: Bet whatever you like. (Actual bet: $399)
David: Limit your bet to $399. (Actual bet: $200)
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