Writing dissertation acknowledgments: What you need to know [with examples] - Paperpile (2025)

Writing dissertation acknowledgments: What you need to know [with examples] - Paperpile (1)


  • What are dissertation acknowledgements?
  • What to consider when writing your dissertation acknowledgments
  • Who to thank in your dissertation acknowledgments
  • What (and what not) to write in your dissertation acknowledgments
  • Good examples of dissertation acknowledgments
  • A final word on writing dissertation acknowledgments: Have fun!
  • Frequently Asked Questions about dissertation acknowledgments
  • Related Articles

What are dissertation acknowledgements?

While you may be the sole author of your dissertation, there are lots of people who help you through the process—from your formal dissertation advisors to the friends who may have cooked meals so that you could finish your last chapter. Dissertation acknowledgments are a chance to thank everyone who had a hand in the completion of your project.


Dissertation acknowledgments are a brief statement of your gratitude to advisors, professors, peers, family, and friends for their help and expertise.

In this guide, we’ll cover:

  • the most important things to consider when you’re writing your dissertation acknowledgments
  • who to thank in your dissertation acknowledgments
  • what (and what not) to write in your dissertation acknowledgments
  • short examples of dissertation acknowledgments

What to consider when writing your dissertation acknowledgments

Once you’re at the stage where you’re writing your dissertation acknowledgments, you may be tempted to kick back and relax. After all, the hard part of writing the dissertation itself is over and a list of thanks should be simple to churn out.

However, the acknowledgments are an important part of your overall work and are something that most people who read your dissertation, including prospective employers, will look at.

Tip: The best dissertation acknowledgements are concise, sincere, and memorable.

Approach this part of the process, brief as it may be compared to the long haul of writing the dissertation, with the same high level of care and attention to detail. It’s an explicit and permanent statement of who made a real impact on your work and contributed to your academic success.

Plus, the people you thank are often deeply moved by being included—some even go so far as to frame the acknowledgments. Aim to make yours sincere, memorable and something that people will be touched by.

Who to thank in your dissertation acknowledgments

First things first: who should you include in your dissertation acknowledgments? If you’re not sure who to thank, try the brainstorming technique to generate some ideas. Consider these two approaches:

  1. Make a list of everyone, both professional and personal, who was involved at any point during your work on your dissertation, and then thin down the list from there.
  2. Make a list of the pivotal aspects of your process and think about who was involved and how they helped.

As you select the people and groups to include in your dissertation acknowledgments, keep in mind that it’s essential to acknowledge your supervisor and anyone else with a visible connection to your work.

It’s an unfortunate reality that not every supervisor goes above and beyond to provide feedback and guidance to the students they are supposed to supervise. However, leaving them out, even if you personally felt disappointed by their involvement or lack thereof, could be seen as a snub.

You should end up with a fairly short list of people to thank. While being mindful of professional etiquette and personal feelings, be choosy about who makes the final cut since your acknowledgments should be limited to no more than a page.

What (and what not) to write in your dissertation acknowledgments

Now that you have your list of people and groups to thank, it’s time to start writing. Before your first pen or keystroke, however, check your university’s guidelines as your institution may have specific rules around what can and cannot be included.

The standard practice is to begin with the formal and then progress to the informal, so the first people to mention would be:

  • supervisors
  • mentors
  • committee members
  • other professional contacts

Use their full names and titles and go into brief detail about how they contributed to your work.

Once those are done, you can move on to the personal thanks, which can include friends, family, even pets. If you are so inclined, it is also considered appropriate to thank God or make mention of spiritual support.

You may also choose to inject a little humor at this point, but don’t get carried away and definitely don’t include sarcasm or critical comments of any kind, including self-critical ones. Remember that the acknowledgments precede your dissertation, so you want to be taken seriously.

A couple more basics that are essential when creating your acknowledgments:

  • Position: Acknowledgments should be placed after the title page and before the abstract.
  • Perspective: Write from the first-person perspective and speak in your own voice.

Good examples of dissertation acknowledgments

A really good way to get a sense of how to write your own dissertation acknowledgments is to read ones written by others. Notice which ones you respond particularly well to and use them as a model upon which to base your own.

Here are some good examples to help you get started:

Example 1

I couldn’t have reached this goal without the help of many people in my life. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank them for their support.

First, my sincere thanks to my dissertation committee. The value of their guidance cannot be overstated. Dr. Elaine Gooding and Dr. Matthew Hunter provided much wisdom that helped me chart my course. I couldn’t have asked for a better supervisor than Dr. Fiona Moore, whose knowledge and experience guided me every step of the way.

Next, I’d like to thank my partner, Elliott. Your votes of confidence kept me going when my spirits dipped. I couldn’t have done this without you.

Last but not least, I’d like to acknowledge the emotional support provided by my family and friends. We made it to the top of the mountain! I look forward to celebrating with all of you.

This example is shorter, but still contains the key components:

Example 2

Several people played a decisive role in my success and I would like to take this opportunity to thank them.

My chair, Dr. Ronald Saulk, provided invaluable support and infinite patience and I am truly grateful for all of his wisdom and guidance. I also owe the entire staff of the Wilhelm Library a debt of gratitude. From tracking down books and arranging for interlibrary loans to keeping the coffee maker in the lobby well-stocked and in good working order, they offered the practical help and kind gestures that made all the difference.

I’d also like to thank my family and God, for always being there for me.

A final word on writing dissertation acknowledgments: Have fun!

One final piece of advice: enjoy this process. Writing a dissertation doesn’t happen every day, and the opportunity to acknowledge the important people in your life in a published format is as rare as it is wonderful.

What’s more, this part of your dissertation is unlike any other. It’s unbounded by the conventions that apply to the formal work. It’s a chance to really flex some creative muscle and let your personality shine through. So make the most of it and have fun!

Frequently Asked Questions about dissertation acknowledgments

💅🏾 What do you write in dissertation acknowledgments?

In your dissertation acknowledgments, you thank everyone who has contributed to your work or supported you along the way. Who you want to thank is a very personal choice, but you should include your supervisors and anyone else with a visible connection to your work. You may also thank friends, family, and partners.

😧 How do you write an acknowledgment for a PhD thesis?

First, you need to come up with a list of people you want to thank in your dissertation acknowledgments. As a next step, begin with the formal and then progress to the informal, so the first people to mention would be supervisors, mentors, committees, and other professional contacts. Then, you can move on to the personal thanks, which can include friends, family, even pets.

⚽ Who do you acknowledge in a dissertation?

Who you acknowledge in your dissertation is ultimately up to you. You should, however, thank your supervisor and anyone else with a visible connection to your work. Leaving them out, even if you personally felt disappointed by their involvement or lack thereof, could be seen as a snub. In addition, you can thank friends, partners or family.

😕 How do you acknowledge a dissertation supervisor?

There are many ways so you can acknowledge your dissertation supervisor. Some examples can be found in this article above. If you need more examples, you can find them here.

📋 Where do you put acknowledgements in a research paper?

While acknowledgments are usually more present in academic theses, they can also be a part of research papers. In academic theses, acknowledgments are usually found at the beginning, somewhere between abstract and introduction. In research papers, acknowledgments are usually found at the end of the paper.

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Writing dissertation acknowledgments: What you need to know [with examples] - Paperpile (2025)


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Good examples of dissertation acknowledgments

I couldn't have reached this goal without the help of many people in my life. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank them for their support. First, my sincere thanks to my dissertation committee. The value of their guidance cannot be overstated.

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I would like to extend my gratitude to the research team including [names] for their collaborative efforts in collection and analysis of data. Their expertise has greatly benefited the study. I would like to thank all those people who have supported me intellectually and emotionally as I worked on my project.

How to write a perfect acknowledgement? ›

I would like to express my profound gratitude to Mr./Mrs. ____ (name of the HOD), of ____ (designation and department name) department, and Mr./Mrs. _____ (Dean) of _____ university for their contributions to the completion of my project titled _____.

How long should acknowledgments be in a dissertation? ›

In a thesis or dissertation, the acknowledgements should usually be no longer than one page. There is no minimum length.

What is a good example of acknowledgement? ›

I'm extremely grateful to (Something—my success, the completion of my dissertation) would not have been possible without the support and nurturing of (person). I cannot begin to express my thanks to …., who …. Less strong, but very appreciative: I would like to extend my sincere thanks to …/ I must also thank …

Should acknowledgements be in a table of contents? ›

Inclusion of an acknowledgements page or dedication page (or both) is optional. If included, these pages are placed after the abstract and before the Table of Contents. They will have Roman numeral page numbers and will not be listed in the Table of Contents.

What is the basic acknowledgement statement? ›

An acknowledgment statement is used to acknowledge a customer's concerns, feelings, or issues. It typically involves expressing empathy, understanding, or gratitude and serves to validate the customer's experience. When a customer has an issue with a company, they want the company to be aware of it.

What is the difference between dedication and acknowledgement? ›

Most dedications are short statements of tribute beginning with “To…” such as “To my family”. Acknowledgements are the author's statement of gratitude to and recognition of the people and institutions that helped the author's research and writing.

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The Acknowledgements appear after the main text (Discussion, or Conclusions) and before the Reference List.

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Examples of acknowledgment in a Sentence

He paid the fine without acknowledgment of his guilt. Special acknowledgments will be made at the end of the meeting. He has finally received the acknowledgment he deserves for his charitable work.

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Get Personal, But Not Overly So

To make the most out of your acknowledgments page, write from the heart and get personal. A simple thank-you is nice, but it's not nearly as nice as telling the person why you're thanking them.

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How to phrase your acknowledgements
  • I am deeply indebted to.
  • I would like to express my deepest appreciation to.
  • I would like to express my deepest gratitude to.
  • I'm extremely grateful to.
  • This endeavor would not have been possible without.
  • I could not have undertaken this journey without.
  • Words cannot express my gratitude to.
May 3, 2022

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Dissertation Acknowledgements Examples

I extend my deepest appreciation to my dissertation supervisor, Dr. Smith, for their invaluable guidance, unwavering support, and constructive feedback throughout every stage of this research journey.

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Keep in mind that it usually takes at least a year to write your dissertation; in fact, one year is considered a short amount of time. Allot enough time to submit drafts to your advisor and other readers, get feedback from them, and incorporate their feedback.

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The Degree level of your Dissertation

Bachelors: A Bachelors level dissertation contains words from 10,000 to 12,000. For this type of word count, 45 to 50 references will most likely be needed at least and the maximum, 100 reference will also be a respectable benchmark to add references.

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Acknowledgements — A professional tribute to a person or people who helped you with the thesis. Example: "I wish to thank my thesis advisor for the hours of help in the lab making sure the experiments were set up properly and guiding me through the thesis process."

What are the acknowledgements of dissertation dedication? ›

Most dedications are short statements of tribute beginning with “To…” such as “To my family”. Acknowledgements are the author's statement of gratitude to and recognition of the people and institutions that helped the author's research and writing.

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I dedicate my dissertation work to my family and many friends. A special feeling of gratitude to my loving parents, William and Louise Johnson whose words of encouragement and push for tenacity ring in my ears. My sisters Katie, Linda and Rhonda have never left my side and are very special.

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How to Write Acknowledgement for Assignment?
  1. Start with a Thank You. Begin by thanking the people who contributed to your assignment. ...
  2. Acknowledge Specific Contributions. Mention what each person did to help you. ...
  3. Include Institutional Support. ...
  4. Express General Gratitude. ...
  5. Keep It Concise.


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